Unicorn Overlord Walkthrough Comments

Unicorn Overlord Best Characters Tier ListComment

Showing 1-11 of 11 entries


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    11 Anonymous13 daysReport

    Clive should be SS Tier. Bro is durable and deal high damage. Not to mention he also fast

    10 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Selfie and Berengaria go stupid.

    9 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    the game was launched for quite long, any updates for the review? or just waiting for another fresh game and reviewing the basic chara?

    8 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    my best team which took on the entire part 1 arena at around lvl 26 was Bruno, Ochlys, Travis, Sharon and Berengaria Bruno does the damage, Beregaria stun locks the front row, Travis blinds the attackers, Sharon with Lyrical wand active heal (priority highest HP or PHys ATT to always target Bruno) and Ochlys is just a insanely busted unit

    7 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    My personally evaluation scale is to evaluate a unit and judge how good they are and multiply that by how long they are good for. Jagen's get fairly evaluated and units that you get ch. 1 and are good beginning to end are like S+ tier that being said Gilbert is the best character in the game outside of the S+ Alain. You get him in the mid game which can be a little late, but he instantly makes whatever unit he's in so much more effective. If his class were hireable it'd be THE hired class.

    6 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Also this tier list need huge changes and re-evaluate, Josef as Jeigan-archtype had worse stats lmao compared to its female counterpart job class(Sainted Knight), his skill also sucks requiring him to kill enemy to generate PP while Sainted Knights just need landing a hit to do the job done. Also his attacks also lack luster, his base phys att fell 10 points compared Sainted Knight like Monica & Miriam with same level.

    5 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    No continueing?

    4 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    (2/2) is still designed to be replaced quickly. As soon as you have more units then you can fit in your squad, he should be replaced so as to not suck up EXP. And just like your average Jeigan, he is a powerful unit at the start, but absolutely eclipsed by any unit actually leveled to 20. Outside of perhaps some extremely niche use, he shouldn't ever see the battlefield past Cornia. His early utility would earn him a C tier at best. I feel bad for anyone who saw this list and used him

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Glad to see others echoing the state of this "tier list". Not only does it show a lack of understanding of Unicorn Overlord specifically, but of tactical RPGs in general. I think Josef in the S tier is really the cherry on top. As a Jeigan-archtype unit, he is specifically designed to be replaced as soon as possible, acting as an easy buffer unit to ease into game mechanics. He has slightly longer longevity then the average Jeigan due to the squad-based nature of the game, but- (1/2)

    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Should have def finished the game before you made this tier list. For exapmple: Alain is one of the best units after his promotion and due to the fact he gets specific equipment for him. Pair him up with Scarlett and a hammer unit and you can fill in the blanks. Also mans gets a horse so if you use a feather or hastened call you can travel across the map in seconds.

    1 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Never seen a worst tier list xD You should play the game before making that kind of stuff...

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