Unicorn Overlord

How to Recruit Aubin and Best Build

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Unicorn Overlord - Aubin Banner

Aubin in Unicorn Overlord can be recruited by finishing the Call to Action quest. See how to recruit Aubin, their class promotion, voice actor, learned skills, stats and profile, and a build for Aubin in this guide.

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Aubin Call to Action

How to Recruit Aubin

Complete the Call to Action Quest

Map Location Overworld Location
Coming soon! Coming soon!
Region: Cornia

Unicorn Overlord - Aubin Joins After Call to Action

Aubin officially joins your army after completing the quest, Call to Action and liberating Fort Soligie. He is a Housecarl at the time of recruitment and is a great Physickal attacker early on.

Call to Action Walkthrough

Aubin Stats and Profile

Aubin Basic Information

Aubin, Size: 75x75 Aubin Voice Actor EN: Bill Butts
JP: Ryuichi Kijima
Base Class Housecarl
Boasts Excellent Physickal Attack. Can lower enemy Physickal Defense.
Type ・-
Leader Effect Barrier Breaker
Can break gates and barricades more easily.
Growth Type Precise / Offensive

Aubin Base Stats

Unicorn Overlord AP AP Unicorn Overlord PP PP Unicorn Overlord HP HP Unicorn Overlord Phys. ATK Phys. ATK
1 1 D A
Unicorn Overlord Phys. DEF Phys. DEF Unicorn Overlord Mag. ATK Mag. ATK Unicorn Overlord Mag DEF Mag. DEF Unicorn Overlord Accuracy Accuracy
Unicorn Overlord Evasion Evasion Unicorn Overlord Crit Rate Crit Rate Unicorn Overlord Guard Rate Guard Rate Unicorn Overlord Initiative Initiative

Aubin Class Promotion

Base Promoted
Unicorn Overlord Housecarl Housecarl 25 Honor
Unicorn Overlord Viking Viking

Aubin Tier Rating

Mobility Combat Utility
A Rank Icon B Rank Icon A Rank Icon

Aubin Best Gifts

The table below shows all the gifts you can give to Aubin to maximize Rapport Gain.

Loved Gifts To be Confirmed!
Hated Gifts To be Confirmed!

Can You Romance Aubin?

Yes, Romance is Available for Aubin

Aubin is one the many unique characters that Alain can enter the Rite of the Covenant with. Make sure to assign him to a fort or town and give him gifts to increase rapport. You may also initiate Aubin's Rapport Conversations to increase his affection towards Alain.

Romance Guide and All Marriage Options

Aubin Best Build

Aubin Best Skills and Tactics Loadout

Priority Action and Recommended Conditions Explanation
Unicorn Overlord - AP Smash
Prioritize Armored
Setting Smash to Prioritize Armored will allow Aubin to focus on decreasing an enemy Armored class' defense by -20%.
Unicorn Overlord - PP Parting Blow
Lowest HP
Set Parting Blow to Lowest HP to finish off any low HP enemies before the battle ends.

Our recommended Skills and Tactics loadout is intended for general use. When battling against an enemy unit with specific conditions, we recommend making an additional Tactic Template that fits best for a certain scenario.

How to Create Tactics Templates

Aubin Best Equipment

Important Note! This section is under construction. Check back later!

Aubin Best Team Formations

Paladin, Housecarl, and Sellsword Unit

Aubin's Unit
Unicorn Overlord Aubin Aubin
- Unicorn Overlord Berenice Berenice
- Unicorn Overlord Josef Josef

Aubin can amplify Berenice's high potency attacks by lowering enemy Physickal Defense. Meanwhile, Josef serves as both healer and tank, allowing Berenice to perform follow-up attacks when he gets attacked by enemies.

Best Unit Formation and Party Composition

Aubin Learned Skills

All Aubin Learned Skills

The table below lists all of the Skills Aubin can learn, along with its Skill Category, Type, and Level Learned.

Skill and Type Description Type Level
(Valor Skill)
Restore 2 stamina to an allied unit. Healing -
(Active Skill)
Attack a single enemy. Inflicts Phys. Defense -20%. Attack 1
Parting Blow
(Passive Skill)
Attack a single enemy. Attack 1
Rolling Axe
(Active Skill)
Attack a row of enemies with multiple hits. Inflicts Phys. Defense -15% Attack 10
Frenzied Strike
(Passive Skill)
Counteracttack a single enemy. Inflicts Phys. Defense -15%. Attack 15

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