Super Mario RPG

Coins Farming Guide

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There are certain locations in Super Mario RPG Remake that are good for infinite coin farming. Read our coin farming guide to learn how to farm coins in the different stages of the game, the location of the infinite coin boxes, and how to use coins.

Early Game Coin Farming Guide

In the early game, you won't have a lot of ways to farm coins yet. You'll gain most of your money normally from battling enemies, although there is one exploitable method to farm coins if you really need to.

Repeatedly Collect at the Coin Boxes in Rose Way

Super Mario RPG  - Coin Box Farm
In Rose Way, there is an area with a bunch of chests with Shy Guys on top of them. All these chests give out multiple coins, and respawn when you leave the area and return. They will never run out, making these an infinite source of coins, although not as good as the infinite coin box that you encounter in the lategame.
Rose Way Map and Walkthrough

Defeat Enemies

Super Mario RPG - Defeat Enemies RemakeIt's the most basic way to earn coins, and it's not efficient, but you get coins every time you defeat an enemy. You'll also gain experience and level up, so battle as much as possible if you want to earn a lot of coins.

As soon as you get the Coin Trick item, equip it to one of your party members to double the coins you get from battles.
List of All Enemies

Midgame to Late Game Coin Farming Guide

As you progress through the game, you'll encounter a lot of exploitable ways to make money easily. As you approach the end of the story, getting coins should be easy.

Defeat Sackits in Star Hill

Super Mario RPG Remake - Farm Sackit for Coins

Players can farm Sackits, the tiny blue guys carrying a sack, once they reach Star Hill. Each battle can give you around 30 to 50 coins, and they are fairly easy to beat since they have low HP and weak attacks.

Be mindful though because they can escape from battle. Make sure to still use strong moves to take them down fast before they flee.

Sackit Weaknesses and Drops

Jump on a Shogun to get 10 Coins

Super Mario RPG - Jump on Shogun
Shoguns are the ant-like enemies in the whirling sand in the desert region of Land's End. Whenever you jump on one, you'll gain 10 coins. You can repeatedly do this on one; when you jump on one three times in a row, you'll get a Frog Coin. If you're looking to farm coins and Frog Coins at the same time, this is the best method to do it!

Shogun Weakness and Where to Find

Hit the Belome Temple Fortune Statues in the Right → Middle → Left Order

Super Mario RPG - Belome Temple Statues Remake
In Belome Temple, you can have your fortune told for 50 Coins; hitting the statues in certain orders will yield specific rewards. If you hit the statues in the Right → Middle → Left order, you'll gain 100 Coins as a reward, netting you a gain of 50 Coins. You can do this as much as you want!
Belome Temple Fortune and Best Order

Buy Croaka Cola in Marrymore Hotel Suite, then Sell Elsewere

In the Marrymore Hotel Suite, you can buy Croaka Colas for 150 coins only, which is less than its sell price of 200 coins!

Don't attempt to do this when you don't have a lot of coins; remember, you still need to pay for the Suite for 200 coins, and you'll still need a lot of money to buy the Croaka Colas. For example, bringing less than 800 coins means you'll lose money from your attempt. We recommend attempting this for when you have more than 3000 coins to be worth it.

  1. Stay at the Marrymore Hotel Suite
  2. Buy Croaka Colas from Bellhop Until You Run Out of Money
  3. Sell All Croaka Colas

Marrymore Hotel

1. Stay at the Marrymore Hotel Suite

Super Mario RPG Remake - Stay at the Suite
To begin, go to Marrymore Hotel and stay at the Suite for 200 coins.

2. Buy Croaka Colas from Bellhop Until You Run Out of Money

Super Mario RPG Remake - Buy Croaka Cola
Next, you'll have to buy the Croaka Colas. Call for the bellhop by ringing the bell on the desk. Tell him you're thirsty, then choose to buy the Croaka Cola for 150 coins.

Then, talk to bellhop again to send him out. You'll be prompted to give him a tip, but you shouldn't give any.

After he leaves, ring the bell again, then repeat these steps until you run out of money. Since you can only have three Croaka Colas, some of them will be sent to your Storage Box.
How to Get Croaka Cola

3. Sell All Croaka Colas

Super Mario RPG Remake - Sell Croaka Cola
After you run out of money, leave the suite. Sell all the Croaka Colas that you have to a shop for 200 coins each. Remember that some of them was sent to your Storage Box, so go to Mario's House to take and sell them all.
Storage Box

Defeat Enemies in the Weapon World

Super Mario RPG - Speardovich (Machine Made)
In Weapon World near the end of the story, you'll find the Hippopos and the Speardovich (Machine Made) enemies, which when defeated will give 50 coins.

If you have the Coin Trick equipped, the reward becomes 100 coins, making this the fastest way to earn coins once you have access to the area.

Coin Trick - Effects and How to Get

Jump on the Infinite Coin Box in Bowser's Keep

Super Mario RPG Remake - Jump on the Infinite Coin Box in Bowser

When you revisit Bowser's Castle at the end of the story, Kamek will prepare a coin box that you can hit infinitely. It takes a bit of time because you only get 1 coin per jump, but it is one of the options you have for farming coins easily.

Bowser's Keep Walkthrough and Map

How to Use Coins

Coins that you earned can be used to buy items and equipment from vendors. There are also a couple of other ways to spend your coins from services other than typical vendors inside the stores.

  1. Purchase Items and Equipment from Vendors
  2. Buy Drinks at the Juice Bar in Tadpole Pond
  3. Stay in the Marrymore Hotel Suite for 200 Coins

Purchase Items and Equipment from Vendors

Super Mario RPG - Seaside Town Shops
Increase your fighting power by purchasing armor, weapons, and accessories from vendors and shops using coins.

As the story progresses, you'll find shops with stronger items, so make sure to check the equipment shops when you visit a new town.

Best Equipment for Each Character

Buy Drinks at the Juice Bar in Tadpole Pond

Super Mario RPG - Tadpole Pond Juice Bar
In the Tadpole Pond, you can buy drinks that heal your whole party. If you progress through the Toadofsky sidequest, you'll be able to buy the healing items for cheaper, as well as unlock better ones.

The best healing item you can buy is from this shop, the Croaka Cola; this item heals all your allies fully. You can buy it for 200 Coins once you have the Soprano Card.

All Toadofsky Songs

Stay in the Marrymore Hotel Suite for 200 Coins

Super Mario RPG Remake - Marrymore Hotel Stay

To stay in the Marrymore Hotel Suite, you need 200 coins. In the suite, you'll be able to receive various items depending on the number of times you stay, so you'll need to have a lot of coins to get the better rewards.

What's the Max Amount of Coins?

9999 Coins is the Maximum Amount

The maximum amount of coins you can hold in your inventory is 9999. After that, you won't get any more coins no matter what.

Can You Increase Max Coins?

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2 Anonymous4 months

you can buy tadpole cola from weapon world for 4 coins and sell it for 8 coins

1 WAF90007 months

In early game, you can go to Kero Sewers and fight the Rats. They'll usually (90%?) spawn with a Hobgoblin or Shadow, which sometimes (50%?) drop a Pure Water, which you can later sell for 75 coins.


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