Saints Row (2022)

List of Head Tattoos and Where to Get

Head Tattoos are wearable customization items that can change your look and can be found in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5). Read on to see a full list of all Head Tattoo variations and where to get them!

All Head Tattoos and Where to Get

List of Face Tattoos

Item Where to Get Price
Art Gallery Art Gallery Lemoneedle in Monte Vista $ 2000
Bullet (Left) Bullet (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Bullet (Right) Bullet (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Cross (Left) Cross (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 2,000
Cross (Right) Cross (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 2,000
First Strike First Strike Lemoneedle in Monte Vista $ 2000
Frankenstitches (Left) Frankenstitches (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Frankenstitches (Right) Frankenstitches (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Heart (Left) Heart (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Heart (Right) Heart (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Lizard Head (Left) Lizard Head (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 2,000
Lizard Head (Right) Lizard Head (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 2,000
Lobe Rider (Left) Lobe Rider (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Lobe Rider (Right) Lobe Rider (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Mustache Mustache Lemoneedle in Monte Vista $ 330
Panther (Left) Panther (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 2,000
Panther (Right) Panther (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 2,000
Pentagram Skull Pentagram Skull Lemoneedle in Monte Vista $ 2000
Star (Left) Star (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Star (Right) Star (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Stiletto (Left) Stiletto (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 2,000
Stiletto (Right) Stiletto (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 2,000
Tear, Cheek (Left) Tear, Cheek (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Tear, Cheek (Right) Tear, Cheek (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Tear, Eye (Left) Tear, Eye (Left) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330
Tear, Eye (Right) Tear, Eye (Right) Rusty's Needle in El Dorado $ 330

List of Neck Tattoos

Item Where to Get Price
Alien Pyramid Band Alien Pyramid Band Rusty's Needle in El Dorado and Smelterville East $ 2,000
Neck Zipper Neck Zipper Rusty's Needle in El Dorado and Smelterville East $ 2,000
Pentagram Skull Pentagram Skull Rusty's Needle in El Dorado and Smelterville East $ 2,000
Serpent Skull Serpent Skull Rusty's Needle in El Dorado and Smelterville East $ 2,000
Skull & Swords Skull & Swords Rusty's Needle in El Dorado and Smelterville East $ 2,000
Tribal Band Tribal Band Rusty's Needle in El Dorado and Smelterville East $ 2,000
Tribal Band, Scroll Tribal Band, Scroll Rusty's Needle in El Dorado and Smelterville East $ 2,000
Vampire Vampire's Kiss Rusty's Needle in El Dorado and Smelterville East $ 2,000

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