Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (SSBU)

Pokemon Trainer Guide: Matchup Chart and Combos

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pokemon Trainer Guide

This is a guide to Pokemon Trainer in the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Everything about Pokemon Trainer, including how to unlock them, bread and butter combos, frame data, alt costumes and skins, as well as Pokemon Trainer matchups and counters, can be found here.

Pokemon Trainer Tier and Overview

Stats and General Info

Pokemon Trainer Image
Game Series Pokémon
Smash Bros. Debut Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Fighter Number 33~35
Unlock Order 26
Number of Jumps 2 (Squirtle/Ivysaur)
3 (Charizard)
Weight Squirtle: 75 Units (86/87)
Ivysaur: 96 Units (40/87)
Charizard: 116 Units (6/87)
Dash Speed Squirtle: 1.76 (37/87)
Ivysaur: 1.595 (60/87)
Charizard: 2.2 (10/87)
Air Speed Squirtle: 1.01 (55/87)
Ivysaur: 0.998 (60/87)
Charizard: 1.103 (34/87)
Fast Fall Speed Squirtle: 2.16 (71/87)
Ivysaur: 2.208 (68/87)
Charizard: 2.432 (55/87)
Special Attributes Squirtle: Crouch Walk, Wall Jump, Wall Cling
Ivysaur: Crouch Walk, Tether

Tier List Placement

SSBU Pokemon Trainer Icon A+ Tier Tier

3 unique characters which can be switched out with Down B

Pokemon Trainer has returned from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, granting control of three unique Pokemon, resulting in an overall balanced character. Changing Pokemon with Down B now grants temporary invinsibility. This is also extremely fast, and very useful for escaping combos from an opponent, so Pokemon Trainer mains should keep in mind that Down B is not only for changing characters, but that it has added utility.

As for the playable Pokemon themselves, each Pokemon has specific strengths and weaknesses, and thus, each one has a primarily role they play in battle. Squirtle is fast, and excellent at comboing opponents to rack up damage, primarily at low percents. Ivysaur is a zoner, who is good at spacing and taking stocks. Charizard, the heavyweight of the bunch, is slow, but good for finishing out stocks, and can also be used to extend PT's recovery.

See Our Tier List Here!

Pokemon Trainer's Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths ・3 playable characters that all work well in certain situations
・Changing Pokemon grants invinsibility and allows you to escape combos
・Huge variation in moves and playstyles
・All Pokemon have kill throws
・When combined, PT's Pokemon are very useful for both edgeguarding and recovering to the stage
Weaknesses ・Learning all 3 characters and associated matchups has a high skill curve
・Squirtle struggles to kill
・Ivysuar and Charizard have poor disadvantage
・Cooldown on down B sometimes makes it hard to switch when needed

Pokemon Trainer Matchup Chart

Matchup Chart

Pokemon Trainer Image
Diddy KongLinkMega ManOlimarPikachuR.O.B.Samus/Dark SamusShulkYoung Link
Banjo & KazooieChromCloudDuck HuntFoxGreninjaIce ClimbersInklingJokerKenLucinaMarioMeta KnightMii GunnerMin MinMr. Game & WatchPac-ManPeach/DaisyPichuRoyRyuSephirothSnakeSonicTerryToon LinkVillagerWolf
BayonettaBowserBylethCaptain FalconCorrinDonkey KongDr. MarioFalcoHeroIkeIsabelleJigglypuffKing DededeKing K. RoolLittle MacLucarioLucasLuigiMarthMewtwoMii BrawlerMii SwordfighterNessPalutenaPiranha PlantPit/Dark PitRidleyRobinRosalina & LumaSimon/RichterSteveWarioWii Fit TrainerYoshiZeldaZero Suit Samus
Bowser Jr.GanondorfIncineroarKirbySheik

Notes About Matchup Chart

1. -2 = Disadvantage. -1 = Slight Disadvantage or Even. 0 = Even. +1 = Slight Advantage or Even. +2 = Advantage.
2. The matchup chart was based around both the opinions of professional players of each character, as well as our own experience through playing Pokemon Trainer.
3. Characters within each tier are unordered
4. Pokemon Trainer's individual Pokemon (Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard) as well as Echo fighters with no significant difference than their regular counterpart are not shown.
5. For other characters who are not shown here, we are still investigating the matchup.

Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle) Combos

Bread and Butter Combos
Dash Attack→Up Tilt×2→Bair→Bair
(Low % only)
Down Throw→Up Special
Up Throw→Up Air→Jump→Up Air→Up Special
(Low % only)
Up Tilt×3→Up Air→Jump→Up Air→Up Special
(Low % only)
Down Throw→Dair→Up Air→Up Air→Up Air→Up Special
(Large characters only)

Squirtle Bread and Butter Combos Explanation

Dash Attack→Up Tilt×2→Bair→Bair

This combo can be used on opponents with lower percents. An easy combo that can rack up around 48% in damage.

Down Throw→Up Special

This combo can be used on opponents with middle percents. When unsure what to use after grabbing your opponent, go with this combo.

Up Throw→Up Air→Jump→Up Air→Up Special

This combo can be used on opponents with lower percents. An easy combo that gives around 40% damage.

Up Tilt×3→Up Air→Jump→Up Air→Up Special

This combo can be used on opponents with lower percents. This combo can accumulate up to 48% in damage. For larger characters, you can do up to 4 up tilts in the beginning.

Down Throw→Dair→Up Air→Up Air→Up Air→Up Special

This combo can be used on large opponents with lower percents. The trick to this combo is flicking the stick slightly torwards the opponent when inputting the up air.

Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle) Frame Data and Moveset

Best Out of Shield Options

Move Frames
Neutral Air 7 Frames
Foward Air 8 Frames
Back Air 8 Frames
Back Air 8 Frames
Up B 9 Frames
Down Air 9 Frames
Shield Grab 10 Frames

Squirtle's quick frame data gives it access to pretty good out of shield options, with neutral air being the quickest one, coming out in just 7 frames. It has a long lasting hitbox, and is a great combo starter. All of Squirtle's aerials can be used out of shield in 9 frames or less, allowing it to use the correct one depending on where the opponent is. For laggier moves used up close, grab can also be used to start a combo, but beware its short range.

Jab (Neutral Attack)

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Jab 1
2.4 2
Jab 2 1.8 4
Jab 3 4.8 5


Squirtle's jab is very quick but has poor range. Use it right when you land as a get-off-me attack for an opponent looking to punish your landing.

Dash Attack / Tilts

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Dash Attack
(Dash + A)
9.6 8
Dash Attack (Weak Hit) 8.4 12
Forward Tilt
(← or → + A)
6 5
Up Tilt
(↑ + A)
6 5
Down Tilt
(↓ + A)
10.8 8

Dash Attack

Dash attack has good range and should be used to catch opponents trying to land. It can also cross through shields, so it is a good approach tool as well, and it can also combo.

Forward Tilt

Forward tilt comes out fast and has little ending lag. It has some of the best range out of any of Squirtle's attacks, making it a good tool for pressuring grounded opponents, since it is very safe on shield.

Up Tilt

While up tilt comes out quicky, it has limited range. It is great for combos and can be followed up with an aerial or another tilt. It can also combo into up special for a KO on opponents with high percents.

Down Tilt

Down tilt will knock your opponent slightly into the air, but it does not lead into any follow up attacks. It should primarily be used to hit opponents off of the stage. Generally, forward tilt is a much better poking tool. At high percents, the move is capable of KOing.

Smash Attacks

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Forward Smash
(Smash ← or → + A)
18 20
Up Smash 1
(Smash ↑ + A)
3.6 19
Up Smash (1st hitbox) 15.6 21
Up Smash (2nd hitbox) 14.4 22
Up Smash (3rd hitbox) 12 23
Up Smash (4th hitbox) 10.8 24
Up Smash (5th hitbox) 10.8 24
Down Smash
(Smash ↓ + A)
15.6 18
Down Smash 2 15.6 24

Forward Smash

Forward smash has great knockback, but also the slowest start up frames of all of Squirtle's attacks. Be careful when throwing out this attack, as you can get punished if you miss, since it also has somewhat long endlag.

Up Smash

Up smash has good range somewhat quick startup, as well as a hitbox on both sides of Squirtle, which makes it a good anti-air option to catch aerial oppoents trying to land.

Down Smash

Down smash will send your opponent into the air slightly. This smash attack has the smallest startup and end lag of Squirtle's smash attacks, and it is great for catching rolling opponents. It can also KO opponents at about 100% when near the ledge.


1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Neutral Air
(A + no direction while airborne)
12 4
Neutral Air
(Weak Hit)
8.4 7
Forward Air
(Hold ← or → in the direction you are facing + A while airborne)
8.4 5
Forward Air (Weak Hit) 7.2 7
Back Air
(tick damage)
1.2 5
Back Air
(last hit)
7.2 15
Up Air 1
(↑ + A While Airborne)
8.4 5
Down Air
(↓ + A While Airborne)
1.8 6
Down Air (Last Hit) 6 22

Neutral Air

Squirtle's neutral air has fast start up, and covers all around Squirtle's body. It is a great get-off-me attack to use at close range, thanks to its 4 frame startup. neutral air is safe to use on shields when properly spaced, and landing it can lead into combos.

Forward Air

Squirtle's forward air has almost no landing lag and comes out fast, making it very safe on shield (-3/-3), and a great poking tool. It can also be used as a combo tool.

Back Air

Squirtle's back air also comes out fast, but has much more landing lag than forward air. When using it to pressure opponents, it is better to use it while rising with a shorthop as opposed to when coming down. This attack has multiple hitboxes, making it a good tool to for edgeguarding as well.

Up Air

Squirtle's up air will allow you to juggle opponents at low percents, so it's primarily used as a combo extender.

Down Air

Squirtle's down air has a lingering hitbox, which can sometimes be used to catch your opponent dropping shield. Be careful of this move's high landing lag.


1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Neutral Special
0 24
Side Special
(← or → + B)
15-16 22
Side Special
14-15 22
Up Special
(↑ + B)
1.68 9
Up Special (last hit) 3.6 43

Neutral Special (Water Gun)

Water gun will shoot a stream of water, pushing enemies away in a manner similar to Mario's F.L.U.D.D. attack. This attack causes no damage, but the more it is charged up, the further it can push opponents, away which makes it great for edgeguarding opponents who try to recover high. While it is not always the most effective tool, it can also be used to gain stage control, so take the time to charge the move up whenever you have a free chance, such as after KOing an opponent.

Side Special (Withdraw)

Squirtle tucks into its shell and charges with this attack. This attack has decent knockback power and completely protects Squirtle while in its shell. However, if Squirtle is footstooled while performing this attack, it will be unable to move for a few seconds, leaving it completely open to attack. If you flick your control stick in the opposite direction, you can shorten this attack's length.

Up Special (Waterfall)

Up special has Squirtle ride up a waterfall while attacking. Waterfall is not only good for recovery but also makes for a good combo finisher due to its large hitbox and quick startup. However, Squirtle will go into helplessness after using it, so be careful not to miss.

Down Special (Pokemon Change)

Down special will change from Squirtle to Ivysaur. During the change, all pokemon are briefly invulnerable from frame 1. This can be used to dodge attacks or break out of a combo, but it cannot be used repeatedly, and the pokemon that emerges will not have invulnerability.

Grabs and Throws

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Pummel 1.2 -1
Grab (Normal) - 6
Dash Grab - 8
Pivot Grab - 9
Forward Throw (Hitbox)
(← or → While Grabbing)
2.4 11
Forward Throw (Throw) 7.2 12
Back Throw (Throw) 9.6 27
Up Throw (Hitbox)
(↑ While Grabbing)
2.4 16
Up Throw (Throw) 6 17
Down Throw (Hitbox)
(↓ While Grabbing)
2.4 22
Down Throw (Throw) 6 29

Forward Throw

Forward throw will create too much space to combo into anything, but it can be an effective tool to throw your opponent off stage.

Back Throw

Back throw cannot connect into any combos, but it does has high knockback, and it can even KO at high enough percents when used at the ledge.

Up Throw

Up throw can connect into up air and neutral air until middle percents, making it a great throw to rack up damage.

Down Throw

Down throw can lead into several combos, including up air and forward air, so it is a great combo starter for Squirtle. For large opponents, down throw can lead into more damaging combos than up throw can.

Final Smash

Attack How to Use Effect
Triple Finish Press B after obtaining the Smash Ball All three Pokemon come out at the same time and deal their most powerful attack straight ahead, dealing heavy damage and knockback. The same Final Smash is used regardless of which pokemon is out.

Pokemon Trainer (Ivysaur) Combos

Bread and Butter Combos
Fair→Up Tilt
(Low % only)
Up Throw→Up Tilt
(Low % only)
Side Special→Fair
Down Throw→Jump→Up Special
Side Special→Up Air

Ivysaur Bread and Butter Combos Explanation

Fair→Up Tilt

This combo can be used on opponents with lower percents. An easy combo that deals around 20% damage.

Up Throw→Up Tilt

This combo can be used on opponents with lower percents. If you are not sure which move to make after grabbing an opponent, use this combo.

Side Special→Fair

A combo that begins with side special. It can connect at various percents, but you need to be at close range for side special to hit.

Down Throw→Jump→Up Special

This combo can be used to kill opponents with higher percents. If you can remember to use the up special whip at close range, you will be able to effectively use this combo.

Side Special→Up Air

Like forward air, you need close distance for this combo to land.

Pokemon Trainer (Ivysaur) Frame Data and Moveset

Best Out of Shield Options

Move Frames
Neutral Air 10 Frames
Back Air 10 Frames
Jump > Neutral B 10 Frames
Down Air 14 Frames
Shield Drop > Down Tilt 15 Frames
Up B 15 Frames
Up Air 15 Frames

Ivysaur has the worst out of shield options of all three of Pokemon Trainer's pokemon, with its quickest ones not coming out until frame 10. Generally neutral air will be Ivysaur's best out of shield option, since it has a long lasting hitbox, and is disjointed so that it can beat out many non-disjoints. For opponents that attack from above, jumping and immediately following up with a neutral special will be Ivysaur's quickest punish. For grounded opponents far away, dropping shield and using down tilt may be able to catch them, thanks to its range.

Jab (Neutral Attack)

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Jab 1
2.4 7
Jab 2 2.4 5
Rapid Jab (Multi-Hit) 0.6 4/7/10/13/16/19/22
Rapid Jab (Finisher) 2.4 4


Ivysaur's jab is one of its fastest attacks, though at 7 frames of startup, it's still pretty slow for a jab. Landing the first two jabs followed by the multi-hit jab by mashing A is a great get-off-me attack at close range.

Dash Attack / Tilts

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Dash Attack
(Dash + A)
14.4 4
Dash Attack (Weak Hit) 12 12
Forward Tilt
(Weak Hits)
1.8 10/12/14/16/18/20
Forward Tilt
(← or → + A)
2.4 22
Up Tilt
(↑ + A)
8.4 7
Down Tilt
(↓ + A)
6.6 4

Dash Attack

Ivysaur's dash attack has the quickest startup of all its moves, making it a great approach tool, and useful for catching landings on opponents you couldn't reach with up air.

Forward Tilt

Ivysaur's forward tilt has good range as well as a lingering hitbox. It will mainly be used for catching rolls at close range or to pressure opponents after dashing in.

Up Tilt

Ivysaur's up tilt has good vertical range. However, it has short range on the sides of Ivysaur, so it is best used as an anti-air against opponents directly above Ivysaur.

Down Tilt

Ivysaur's down tilt comes out very fast at frame 4, tying it with dash attack. It is a great move to approach or whiff punish your opponent's laggy moves, thanks to its quick startup and decent horizontal range.

Smash Attacks

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Forward Smash
(Smash ← or → + A)
19.2 15
Up Smash 1
(Smash ↑ + A)
20.4 26
Down Smash
(Smash ↓ + A)
14.4/12/9.6 13

Forward Smash

Ivysaur's forward smash has good range and deals solid knockback. It can also be angled up or down, although damage will not change. Use an up-tilted version on an opponent who have a habit of jumping a lot to get close for a potential early KO.

Up Smash

Ivysaur's up smash has slow start up and strong knockback. Aside from a strong knockback, this attack also has great range which makes it easy to catch opponents above Ivysaur. Try using up smash as an anti-air on an opponent who landing from a full hop, or as a call out for an opponent's ledge jump.

Down Smash

Ivysaur's down smash has good range on the sides of Ivysaur. Down smash has three hitboxes, with the strongest being at the tip of the move. It is quicker than Ivysaur's other smash attacks, although it deals less damage and knockback, although it can hit opponents hanging on the ledge after their invulnerability has run up.


1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Neutral Air
(Tick Damage)
1.2 7
Neutral Air
(Last Hit)
2.4 28
Forward Air
(Hold ← or → in the direction you are facing + A while airborne)
14.4 14
Back Air
(1st Hit)
3.6 7
Back Air
(2nd Hit)
7.2 13
Up Air 1
(↑ + A While Airborne)
Down Air
(↓ + A While Airborne)
12 11

Neutral Air

Ivysaur's neutral air has good range, decently fast startup, and it covers most of Ivysaur's body. It works well as a get-off-me attack for up close opponents.

Forward Air

Ivysaur's forward air also has good range and can extend forward quite far in front of Ivysaur, so it works well as a poking tool.

Back Air

Ivysaur's back air deals less damage and knockback than forward air, but it has faster startup. This makes it one of Ivysaur's main poking tools.

Up Air

Ivysaur's up air has strong knockback and a good range. While it is not as strong as up smash in terms of knockback, it makes up for it by being faster. Use up air to KO opponents off the top at high percents.

Down Air

Ivysaur'sown air has a large powerful meteor hitbox. Its hitbox will go through the stage, making it an excellent option to spike opponents trying to grab the ledge. This move is one of Ivysaur's best KO options.


1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Neutral Special
(B, Body Hit)
3.6 7
Neutral Special
(B, Seed Launch Hit)
3.6 13
Neutral Special
(B, Seeds, Early Hit)
1.8 13/19/25/31
Neutral Special
(B, Seeds, Held)
1.56 16/22/28/35
Neutral Special
(B, Seeds, Last Hit)
3.6 39
Side Special
(Early Hit)
9.6 22
Side Special
(iMid Flight Hit)
7.2 34
Side Special
(Late Hit)
4.8 53
Up Special
(↑ + B)
15.6/13.2 15

Neutral Special (Bullet Seed)

Ivysaur shoots projectile seeds directly above it for a set amount of time. It has very poor range on the side of Ivysaur which make this move difficult to land, but it can land up to 19% in damage on a full hit.

Side Special (Razor Leaf)

Razor leaf is a projectile and one of Ivysaur's main neutral attacks for zoning out an opponent and poking from a safe distance. The trajectory of the leaves thrown is determined at random. The attack has little end lag and can be used repeatedly as long as it is spaced correctly. Razor leaf can also connect into combos at close range.

Up Special (Vine Whip)

Vine whip will automatically tether to the ledge when off stage. However, if Ivysaur is not facing the ledge, it will miss, so be careful. When used in the air, it will propel Ivysaur slightly upwards. Using the move doesn't put Ivysaur into helplessness, so it can be used repeatedly.

Vine whip has decent knockback when used as an attack, but if the sweetspot on the tip of the vine connects, it deals very strong knockback. This sweetspot hit can be connected from some of Ivysaur's aerials and throws.

Down Special (Pokemon Change)

Down special will change from Ivysaur to Charizard. During the change, all pokemon are briefly invulnerable from frame 1. This can be used to dodge attacks or break out of a combo, but it cannot be used repeatedly, and the pokemon that emerges will not have invulnerability.

Grabs and Throws

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Pummel 1.56 1
Grab (Normal) - 13
Dash Grab - 13
Pivot Grab - 13
Forward Throw (Hitbox)
(← or → While Grabbing)
6 16
Forward Throw (Throw) 6 17
Back Throw (Throw) 14.4 20
Up Throw (Hitbox)
(↑ While Grabbing)
4.8 20
Up Throw (Throw) 6 21
Down Throw (Throw) 8.4 19

Forward Throw

Ivysaur's forward throw will create too much space to combo into anything, but it can be an effective tool to throw your opponent off stage and try to set up for a spike.

Back Throw

Ivysaur's back throw cannot connect into any combos, but it does has good knockback, making it ideal to use by the ledge. It can even KO at high enough percents.

Up Throw

Ivysaur's up throw can combo into up air at low percents.

Down Throw

Ivysaur's down throw can connect into several moves such as up special or neutral air, making it a useful combo starter.

Final Smash

Attack How to Use Effect
Triple Finish Press B after obtaining the Smash Ball All three Pokemon come out at the same time and deal their most powerful attack straight ahead, dealing heavy damage and knockback. The same Final Smash is used regardless of which pokemon is out.

Pokemon Trainer (Charizard) Combos

Bread and Butter Combos
Down Throw→Fair
Nair→3-Hit Jab
Up Tilt→Fair

Charizard Bread and Butter Combos Explanation

Down Throw→Fair

A combo that can connect at various percents. Use this combo if you are unsure what move to make after grabbing an opponent.

Nair→3-Hit Jab

A combo that can connect at various percents. The trick to this combo is using neutral air while falling.

Up Tilt→Fair

A combo that connects with opponents at middle percents. This can land around 21% in damage, so use this combo when your opponent is close.

Pokemon Trainer (Charizard) Frame Data and Moveset

Best Out of Shield Options

Move Frames
Up Smash 6 Frames
Up B 9 Frames
Neutral Air 11 Frames
Foward Air 11 Frames
Shield Grab 12 Frames

Despite its mostly slow frame data, Charizard does have a few quick out of shield options, namely up smash and up special, which come out in 6 frames and 9 frames respectively. Up smash is a great quick option for hitting opponents that are near or above Charizard. Up special will also work for opponents above or nearby Charizard, and while the hitbox doesn't come out until frame 9, Charizard gains super armor from frame 4, allowing it to tank attacks and beat out the opponent's approach.

Jab (Neutral Attack)

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Jab 1
3 4
Jab 2 3 5
Jab 3 6 7


Jab is one of Charizard's fastest attacks at close range. Use it for an opponent trying to close in.

Dash Attack / Tilts

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Dash Attack
(Dash + A)
13.2 10
Dash Attack (Weak Hit) 9.6 13
Forward Tilt
(← or → + A)
13.2/8.4 12
Up Tilt
(↑ + A)
9.6 9
Down Tilt
(↓ + A)
12 9

Dash Attack

Charizard's dash attack has good range and power, and can send an opponent flying even at low percents. Use this attack to send your opponent off stage early. It does not cross up shields, but its decent startup is good for whiff punishing.

Forward Tilt

Charizard's forward tilt has excellent range. The tip of Charizard's tail has strong knockback and can be used to KO opponents. It is not safe on shield, but can be hard to counter if properly spaced.

Up Tilt

Charizard throws both of its wings upward. This attack has a high hitbox, making it difficult to hit grounded and squatting opponents. Charizard's wings are invulnerable during the attack, but it has low priority and will often lose out to stronger attacks.

Down Tilt

Down tilt is has the fastest start up of Charizard's grounded moves and should be used to pressure your opponent with its long range. When properly spaced, it is difficult for most characters to punish out of shield.

Smash Attacks

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Forward Smash
(Smash ← or → + A)
20.4 22
Forward Smash
(Late Hit)
20.4/16.8 23
Up Smash 1
(Launch Hit)
6 6
Up Smash (1st Wing Hit)
6 7
Up Smash 2 (2nd Wing Hit) 13.2 14
Down Smash
(Smash ↓ + A)
19.2 14

Forward Smash

Forward smash comes out slow and has high knockback. Charizard has other KO options besides smash attacks, so you normally want need to look to land a forward smash. However, a well-timed read can KO opponents from around 70%.

Up Smash

Up smash comes out very fast and has relatively decent knockback. Use up smash as an anti-air or as an out of shield KO option, but beware of its somewhat short horizontal range.

Down Smash

Down smash has good range and knockback. Unlike similar moves, down smash has the same hitbox throughout, making the knockback the same regardless of whether or not the tipper hits.


1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Neutral Air
(A + no direction while airborne)
14.4/10.8 8
Forward Air
( Sour Spot )
14.4 8
Forward Air (Sweet Spot/Late Hit) 15.6 10
Back Air
(Early Hit/ Sour Spot)
13.2/16.8 14
Back Air
(Late Hit)
13.2/16.8/19.2 16
Up Air 1
(↑ + A While Airborne)
15.6 12
Down Air
(↓ + A While Airborne)
16.8 18
Down Air
(Late Hit)
9.6 22

Neutral Air

Charizard's neutral air has great range, covering a large area around Charizard. It makes for a decent get-off-me attack, but it has slow start up frames which make changing to Squirtle a better option. Nair, just like forward tilt, has stronger knockback when you hit opponents with the burning end of Charizard's tail. It's a good landing option, and is fairly safe on shield (-6/-5)

Forward Air

Charizard forward air has good range, damage, start up, and knockback. It works well as both a poking tool and a KO option. However, it has punishable ending lag, so be sure to use it while full hopping to let the attack animation finish before landing.

Back Air

Charizard back air also has good range, damage, and knockback. Like some of Charizards other moves, if you hit the sweetspot of back air, it will be stronger. Bair in particular has strong knockback and even outshines forward smash on clean hits. The move has noticeable landing lag, so it is also good to use with a full hop so that the animation ends before landing.

Up Air

During Charizard's up air, Charizard's head is intangible, making it a solid anti-air option. It can combo into itself, up smash, or other aerials. It is a good KO option for killing opponents off the top.

Down Air

Charizard's down air has a meteor hitbox. Take advantage of Charizard's multiple jumps to spike opponents off stage as they try to recover using this move, as well as Charizard's other edgeguarding tools like forward air or back air.


1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Neutral Special
(B, Initial Breath)
2.4 19/26/33/40
Neutral Special
(B, Sustained Breath)
1.56 23/30/37/44
Neutral Special
(B, Sustained Breath)
1.2 26/33/40/47
Side Special
(← or → + B)
7.2 1
Side Special
21.6 2
Side Special
(Self Damage)
6 1
Side Special
(Self Damage on Hit)
6 2
Up Special
(↑ + B)
6 9
Up Special (Tick Damage) 2..4 16
Up Special (Last Hit) 4.8 27

Neutral Special (Flamethrower)

Charizard sprays a stream of fire similar to Bowser. If you hold down the button, it will continue to spew fire. Its direction can also be changed by tilting the control stick up or down. If you continue to use this attack, the flames will become gradually weaker. It will take some time before the attack can be used at full power once the flames weaken, so be careful not to use it too much. Like Bowser, it is a safe option for edgeguarding opponents as they try to grab the ledge.

Side Special (Flare Blitz)

Flare Blitz is an extremely powerful attack that has Charizard throw itself very quickly horizontally across the stage. This attack deals very high damage and has great knockback, but it can be a gamble to use. It not only does it have very slow and punishable ending lag, but it damages Charizard 5% to use and another 5% if it hits an opponent. It can be a great tool to quickly get across the stage to an opponent, but be careful not to go too far over the ledge with it, as Charizard may be unable to recover. Thanks to its long horizontal range, it also can be used as a recovery option.

Up Special (Fly)

Fly has Charizard spiral into the air. This attack has a hitbox behind Charizard as well, making it easy to catch an opponent while using this move. It has decent vertical recovery and can also be used as an out of shield option, since it will grant super armor from frame 4.

Down Special (Pokemon Change)

Down special will change from Charizard to Squirtle. During the change, all pokemon are briefly invulnerable from frame 1. This can be used to dodge attacks or break out of a combo, but it cannot be used repeatedly, and the pokemon that emerges will not have invulnerability.

Grabs and Throws

1v1 Damage (%) Startup Frames
Pummel 2.4 2
Grab (Normal) - 8
Dash Grab - 11
Pivot Grab - 12
Forward Throw (Throw) 12 27
Back Throw (Throw) 12 26
Up Throw (Hitbox)
(↑ While Grabbing)
9.6 52
Up Throw (Throw) 3.6 58
Down Throw (Hitbox)
(↓ While Grabbing)
1.2 24/30/36/42/48/
Down Throw (Throw) 1.2 55

Forward Throw

Forward throw will create too much space to combo into anything, but it can be an effective tool to throw your opponent off stage.

Back Throw

At low percents, Charizard's back throw can combo into a few of its moves, but it is mostly used to chuck an opponent off stage.

Up Throw

Up throw takes your opponent into the air and slams them down into the ground. It has high knockback and can KO at high percents. At low percents, it can combo into fair.

Down Throw

Down throw can lightly knock opponents into the air, allowing for a follow up with forward air, making it a good combo starter.

Final Smash

Attack How to Use Effect
Triple Finish Press B after obtaining the Smash Ball All three Pokemon come out at the same time and deal their most powerful attack straight ahead, dealing heavy damage and knockback. The same Final Smash is used regardless of which pokemon is out.

Pokemon Trainer Balance Changes

Version 8.0.0 Balance Patch


Basic Movements The vulnerability for breaking falls forward and backward now aligns with other fighters.

Version 7.0.0 Balance Patch


Other Increased shield size.


Other Increased shield size.

Version 4.0.0 Balance Patch

Pokemon Trainer

Other The invincibility time for grabbing edges is no longer shortened when performing a Pokémon Change in the air and then grabbing an edge.


Down Air Attack Reduced the range of the strong launching attack.
Shortened the launch distance when the weak launching attack hits.
Side Special Reduced attack speed and increased vulnerability.
Up Special Shortened launch distance for the high-damage range when using the attack in the air.


Side Tilt Attack Extended launch distance when hit in the high-damage range.
Side Smash Attack Increased power.
Extended launch distance.
Up Smash Attack Shortened launch distance when the full combo doesn't connect.
Neutral Air Attack Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts.
Reduced vulnerability when landing after using the move.
Forward Throw Extended launch distance.
Side Special Increased the speed of the edge-grab timing.

Version 3.1.0 Balance Patch


Neutral Special Made it easier to hit multiple times.


Neutral Attack 1 Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
Neutral Attack 2 Increased forward movement distance and made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 3.

Version 3.0.0 Balance Patch


Side Special Reduced the power against shields.


Side Special Increased the downward attack range when used on the ground.

Version 2.0.0 Balance Patch


Dash Attack Increased attack power and extended launch distance.

How to Unlock Pokemon Trainer

Unlocking Via Smash Mode
26th Fighter Unlocked
After unlocking Ridley, let 10 minutes pass OR play another battle in smash after soft-resetting OR return to the menu from World of Light
Unlocking via Classic Mode
Clear Classing Mode 2 times using Donkey Kong.
Unlocking via World of Light
Near the South Port

There are three ways to unlock Pokemon Trainer. Completing any of these, then defeating Pokemon Trainer when they appear in the “a New Challenger Appears” screen will allow you to use them afterward.

How to Unlock Characters Fast

Pokemon Trainer Alt Costumes and Skins

Currently Unavailable

Pokemon Trainer Reveal Trailer

Smash Ultimate Character Guides

List of Fighters
Tier List
Tier List
Unlocking Characters
Unlocking Fighters

Character Stat Lists

Character Stats
Weights of All Characters Run Speeds of All Characters
Air Speeds of All Characters Fast Fall Speeds of All Characters


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