Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (SSBU)

Poké Ball Guide: List of Pokémon

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List of Pokemon

This is a guide to all the Pokémon and their effects in Super Smash Bros Ultimate (SSBU) on the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn what Pokémon are featured, which Poké Balls to get them from, and how to use them effectively!

List of Pokémon

Pokémon Found in Master Balls

Pokémon Effect
SSBU Arceus ImageArceus Sends any airbone opponents crashing into the ground. Players on the ground are unaffected, but amused.
SSBU Darkrai ImageDarkrai Uses its Dark Void to send affected opponents into a deep sleep.
SSBU Deoxys ImageDeoxys Fires a powerful beam downward. Anyone that touches the beam takes some serious damage.
SSBU Entei ImageEntei Summons a fiery tornado that forces any fighters caught in it up to the top of the screen.
SSBU Genesect ImageGenesect Shoots distant opponents with laser attacks.
SSBU Giratina ImageGiratina Catches fighters in a powerful, damaging tornado.
SSBU Goldeen ImageGoldeen Flops around. That's all. It's a fish out of waterーwhat do you expect?
SSBU Keldeo ImageKeldeo Uses the sacred power of its horn to slash opponents.
SSBU Kyogre ImageKyogre Washes away enemy fighters with bursts of water.
SSBU Kyurem ImageKyurem Creates a close-range blizzard that freezes nearby enemies.
SSBU Latias & Latios ImageLatias & Latios Fly back and forth across the stage, damaging and attempting to launch anyone they hit.
SSBU Lugia ImageLugia Creates great gusts of wind from a distance.
SSBU Lunala ImageLunala Enters its Full Moon phase and shoots a powerful ray from a distance.
SSBU Marshadow ImageMarshadow Leaps from an opponent's shadow and lets loose with a powerful punch.
SSBU Meloetta ImageMeloetta Sends waves of sound that bounce around the stage.
SSBU Mew ImageMew Nothing happens except a realization that you're quite lucky to have seen one.
SSBU Moltres ImageMoltres Flies upward into the sky. Any opponent that touches it will take serious damage.
SSBU Palkia ImagePalkia Tears through space, flipping the stage.
SSBU Solgaleo ImageSolgaleo Enters its Radiant Sun phase and will charge at enemies, engulfed in flames.
SSBU Suicune ImageSuicune Uses Aurora Beam to freeze enemy fighters.
SSBU Tapu Koko ImageTapu Koko Creates an electric field that stuns opponents. It also shoots out electricity.
SSBU Victini ImageVictini Generously gives the fighter who threw its Poké Ball a Final Smash.
SSBU Xerneas ImageXerneas Turns the user gold and greatly enhances their launching power for a time.
SSBU Zoroark ImageZoroark Throws a grounded opponent into the air and then slashes them with its claws.

Pokémon Found in Poké Balls

Pokémon Effect
SSBU Abomasnow ImageAbomasnow Causes a blizzard and freezes opponents. Sometimes it also punches while charging toward fighters.
SSBU Abra ImageAbra Teleports opponents to different locations on the stage.
SSBU Alolan Exeggutor ImageAlolan Exeggutor Uses its large body to get in the way of fighters.
SSBU Alolan Raichu ImageAlolan Raichu Rides its own tail in a surfing attack, dealing electric damage to anyone who gets hit.
SSBU Alolan Vulpix ImageAlolan Vulpix Breathes out an icy blast that freezes opposing fighters.
SSBU Arceus ImageArceus Sends any airbone opponents crashing into the ground. Players on the ground are unaffected, but amused.
SSBU Bellossom ImageBellossom Unleashes a sweet scent that makes nearby opponents fall asleep.
SSBU Bewear ImageBewear Deals a devastating uppercut to any foe that gets too close.
SSBU Chespin ImageChespin Sends out bursts of exploding seeds in the area around itself.
SSBU Darkrai ImageDarkrai Uses its Dark Void to send affected opponents into a deep sleep.
SSBU Dedenne ImageDedenne Generates a four-spoked electricity field around itself, which then spins around.
SSBU Deoxys ImageDeoxys Fires a powerful beam downward. Anyone that touches the beam takes some serious damage.
SSBU Ditto ImageDitto Transforms into the fighter who threw the Poké Ball, and then attacks enemies. That fighter also gets any KOs it pulls off.
SSBU Eevee ImageEevee Tackles nearby opponents with its adorable body.
SSBU Electrode ImageElectrode Explodes after a short time. It can be thrown before blowing up!
SSBU Entei ImageEntei Summons a fiery tornado that forces any fighters caught in it up to the top of the screen.
SSBU Fennekin ImageFennekin Shoots fireballs and creates a pillar of flame that can hit multiple times.
SSBU Fletchling ImageFletchling Pecks at opponents with its surprisingly painful beak.
SSBU Gardevoir ImageGardevoir Engulfs itself in a shiny aura and reflects enemy projectiles.
SSBU Genesect ImageGenesect Shoots distant opponents with laser attacks.
SSBU Giratina ImageGiratina Catches fighters in a powerful, damaging tornado.
SSBU Gogoat ImageGogoat Runs around the stage and launches opponents it hits. Fighters can also hitch a ride on Gogoat!
SSBU Goldeen ImageGoldeen Flops around. That's all. It's a fish out of waterーwhat do you expect?
SSBU Inkay ImageInkay Trips nearby opponents that are on the ground. It does nothing to airbone enemies, though.
SSBU Keldeo ImageKeldeo Uses the sacred power of its horn to slash opponents.
SSBU Kyogre ImageKyogre Washes away enemy fighters with bursts of water.
SSBU Kyurem ImageKyurem Creates a close-range blizzard that freezes nearby enemies.
SSBU Latias & Latios ImageLatias & Latios Fly back and forth across the stage, damaging and attempting to launch anyone they hit.
SSBU Lugia ImageLugia Creates great gusts of wind from a distance.
SSBU Lunala ImageLunala Enters its Full Moon phase and shoots a powerful ray from a distance.
SSBU Marshadow ImageMarshadow Leaps from an opponent's shadow and lets loose with a powerful punch.
SSBU Meloetta ImageMeloetta Sends waves of sound that bounce around the stage.
SSBU Meowth ImageMeowth Throws tons of coins out in front of itself, hurting enemies.
SSBU Metagross ImageMetagross Buries opponents in the ground and then causes an earthquake to launch them.
SSBU Mew ImageMew Nothing happens except a realization that you're quite lucky to have seen one.
SSBU Mimikyu ImageMimikyu Drags the opponent into its body. If the affected fighter has taken significant damage, the attack can be an instant KO.
SSBU Moltres ImageMoltres Flies upward into the sky. Any opponent that touches it will take serious damage.
SSBU Oshawott ImageOshawott Surfs on a wave and tries to drag opponents off the stage.
SSBU Palkia ImagePalkia Tears through space, flipping the stage.
SSBU Pyukumuku ImagePyukumuku Punches opponents who step on it, and whoever summoned it can throw it.
SSBU Scizor ImageScizor Dashes into the air toward opponents, slashing at them with steel claws.
SSBU Snivy ImageSnivy Waves its tail and fires crescent-shaped shots at enemies.
SSBU Snorlax ImageSnorlax Jumps up high and then comes back down in the same spot larger than before.
SSBU Solgaleo ImageSolgaleo Enters its Radiant Sun phase and will charge at enemies, engulfed in flames.
SSBU Spewpa ImageSpewpa Releases a powder that stuns, if hit. If not hit, Spewpa releases absolutely nothing.
SSBU Staryu ImageStaryu Seeks out a target for a few seconds, then launches a barrage of stars.
SSBU Suicune ImageSuicune Uses Aurora Beam to freeze enemy fighters.
SSBU Swirlix ImageSwirlix Shrouds itself in smoke and slows down nearby opponents.
SSBU Tapu Koko ImageTapu Koko Creates an electric field that stuns opponents. It also shoots out electricity.
SSBU Togedemaru ImageTogedemaru Calls down a lightning bolt on itself in order to shoot out sparks from its body.
SSBU Togepi ImageTogepi Calls forth one of a variety of attacks with a wave of its hand. Which will it be this time?
SSBU Victini ImageVictini Generously gives the fighter who threw its Poké Ball a Final Smash.
SSBU Vulpix ImageVulpix Shoots out fireballs that create a pillar of fire where they land.
SSBU Xerneas ImageXerneas Turns the user gold and greatly enhances their launching power for a time.
SSBU Zoroark ImageZoroark Throws a grounded opponent into the air and then slashes them with its claws.

List of Fighters, Stages, and Items from the Pokemon Series

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8 Anonymous16 days

== 『大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ30』【スマちしき】 == 『スマブラ』は30周年! ”全ファイター化”のコンセプトに生まれ変わる形によって、「モンスターボール」及び「マスターボール」は使用できなくなった。 ポケモンは”ボイス”ではなく”電子音”を用いて鳴くように機能が変更されて続投している。

7 Anonymousabout 1 year

== 『スマブラ』【30周年記念作品】 == “全ファイター化”のコンセプトに生まれ変わる形で、「モンスターボール」及び「マスターボール」は廃止された。 また、ポケモンの鳴き声が電子音に置き換えられた。


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