Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (SSBU)

Best Custom Control Settings

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Best Custom Controls

Want to have the best controller settings in Smash Ultimate? Check out our best custom controls guide to know what are the best custom control settings for your Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (SSBU) experience!

Click here for Recommended Controllers!

Default Controller Settings

GameCube Controller

Default GameCube Controller Settings.jpg

Button Control
Stick Movement
Directional Pad ↑ Up Taunt
Directional Pad ↓ Down Taunt
Directional Pad ←→ Side Taunt
A Attack
B Special
C-Stick Smash Attack
Y Jump
X Jump
Start Pause
L Shield
R Shield
Z Grab

Pro Controller

switch pro.jpg

Button Control
L-Stick Movement
R-Stick Smash Attack
Directional Pad ↑ Up Taunt
Directional Pad ↓ Down Taunt
Directional Pad ←→ Side Taunt
A Attack
B Special
Y Jump
X Jump
+ Pause
- Pause
Capture Button Immediately takes photo.
L Grab
R Grab
ZL Shield
ZR Shield

Dual Joycons

Default Dual Joycon Settings.jpg

Button Control
L-Stick Movement
R-Stick Smash Attack
Directional Pad ↑ Up Taunt
Directional Pad ↓ Down Taunt
Directional Pad ←→ Side Taunt
A Attack
B Special
Y Jump
X Jump
+ Pause
- Pause
Capture Button Immediately takes photo.
L Grab
R Grab
ZL Shield
ZR Shield

Sideways Joycon

Default Sideways Joycon Settings.jpg

Button Control
Control Stick Movement
Hold Stick down + Directional Pad ↑ Up Taunt
Hold Stick down + Directional Pad ↓ Down Taunt
Hold Stick down + Directional Pad ←→ Side Taunt
Directional Pad → Attack
Directional Pad ↓ Special
Directional Pad ← Jump
Directional Pad ↑ Jump
- / + Pause
SL Grab
SR Shield
L / R Not set by default
ZL / ZR Not set by default

How to Set Up Custom Controls

To be proficient at Smash Ultimate, it's always better to have custom control settings that you feel the most comfortable with.

In the Settings Menu, go to Controller Settings, where you will find a layout of your current controller settings. You can remap the buttons to create a custom control layout that most suits you. Your custom controls may also allow you to perform move combos that you may not have done previously.

Best Custom Controls

Turn Tap Jump Off

Tap Jump (or Stick Jump in the Settings) is when you tap upwards on the Stick to jump. It can be toggled on or off under Other Settings.

Having Tap Jump on may have the consequence of the player accidentally wasting a Double Jump while trying to perform an Up Special when in recovery. Similarly, with Tap Jump on, a player may also accidentally Jump while trying to perform an Up Tilt.

Turning the Tap Jump off and using a button for jump (that isn't a button you use to move) will minimize these costly accidents.

Set a Jump to L or R

Assigning Jump to a shoulder button such as L or R (whichever the player doesn't use for shield) is a more efficient way of mapping out buttons. It allows you to perform aerial combos or attack-cancelling quickly and more efficiently, because you're not using the same finger to press different buttons in the same combo.

Using Tilt Stick

Tilt Stick is when you use the C-Stick for Tilt attacks, instead of Smash Attacks. Smash Attacks are generally easier to pull off on the left control stick, so having Smash on the C-Stick as well is redundant.

On the other hand, having Tilt on the C-Stick makes it easier to perform Tilts while also completely preventing you from accidentally performing a Smash while trying to perform a Tilt with the left control stick. Certain characters with quick smash attacks may benefit from keeping Smash Stick on, but generally, most benefit from tilt stick, since it makes tilts much easier to perform.

Stick Sensitivity

Once you have your Tilt Stick in place, the next step is to change your Stick Sensitivty to High. The term High Sensitivty may seem overwhelming, but Stick Sensitivity in Smash Ultimate only refers to the slight frame timing that differentiates a Tilt from a Smash. It can be toggled on or off under Other Settings.

Since your Smash attack and Tilt attack have already been separated due to the use of the Tilt Stick, having a High Stick Sensitivty will only will make your A-Button Smashes much more easier to pull off, as you won't need to exert that much force on the stick for the Smash attack to register. If you do prefer having smash stick on though, we instead recommend Low Stick Sensitivity

Rumble Off

Under Other Settings, you can find the Rumble setting, which is on by default. Since rumbling may distract you mid-match, you recommend any serious players turn it off so that they can focus on gameplay. Some players may prefer to keep it on, which is totally fine, but it doesn't directly benefit you in any way.

Remapping Y or X

This is totally up to the player, but since most players will generally use X or Y (not both) to jump, you can remap the other one to another move! The move you put here depends on preference, but for many players, mapping X to Grab is a comfortable option

Remapping the D-Pad

By default, the D-Pad is set to taunts. While taunts are certainly fun for playing against friends, they cannot be used in Quickplay, and they have no actual effect, other than baiting an opponent by trying to tilt them. If you remap the D-Pad buttons all to Attack, you can rapidly press each button to mash out of buries or grabs even quicker.

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8 Anonymousover 1 year

sadly, they do not. Kirby only has his taunts because he needs them, the others have damage but do not affect gameplay.

7 Anonymousover 1 year

There’s a google customer rewards program scam pop-up that keeps appearing on this page. Please fix it whoever runs this site.


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