FF7 Remake

When Does Part 2 Come Out? | Part 2 Release Date

FF7 Part 2.png

This page is about part two of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R), and predictions as well as a potential release date for the sequel. If you are wondering when part two will come out, what part of the story it will cover, as well as how many parts there will be total, please read on!

This article is based on Game8's predictions and nothing is officially confirmed.

When Does FF7 Remake Part 2 Come Out?

FF7 Remake Part 2 Release Date: Winter 2023

FF7 Rebirth Confirmed for Winter 2023

FF7 Rebirth Release Date.png

Part 2 of FF7 Remake, FF7 Rebirth, has been confirmed for a release in Winter 2023 as a PS5 exclusive!

FF7 Rebirth: Everything We Know

Most likely will have a faster development than part 1

Shinra Building.jpg

The following tweet was from the FF7 Remake official twitter. It highlights some of the points about FF7 in an interview with Yoshinori Kitase, the game's producer.

From the tweet above, we can gather the following information about the sequel.

1 The FF7 Remake aims to go deeper into the development of the world and characters of the original.
2 Each game in the FF7 Remake will have the same amount of content as a standalone game.
3 The team was planning out volume and content for the sequel during development of the original.
4 Development starting with part 2 and onward will be much smoother than that of part 1.

Therefore, we can predict that it will take a much shorter amount of time to make part two than it did for part 1.

What system will Part 2 be on?

FF7 Remake Part 2 will likely be a timed PS5 exclusive if it follows the same pattern as Intergrade. At the bottom of the image above from Intergrade's release, we can see the text reads: Available on PS5 at least six months before any other format. Granted, if circumstances change, Part 2 may hit other systems earlier than we expect.

Intergrade All Available Platforms

What Will Happen in Part 2?

Potentially more inclusion of the Shinra and Wutai conflict


In Part 1, we saw Heidegger and Scarlet fueling the conflict with Wutai. In the original, Wutai had suffered from war, and completely lost all power. However, in the remake, we see pictures of Avalanche secretly backing Wutai, as well as Barret's party being a personal supporter of Wutai, and other changes with opposition involving the Wutai people.

In the sequel, we might see a full-on conflict between Shinra and Wutai. The involvement of Wutai and the inclusion of Yuffie in the recent INTERmission DLC for FF7 Remake Intergrade, have already escalated the stakes of the conflict. This also gives Yuffie a solid reason for joining your party, although she was an optional character in the original FF7.

Preview in Intergrade INTERmission DLC Ending

SPOILER WARNING: The following video includes spoilers for the ending of the INTERmission DLC.

In the ending of the INTERmission DLC, the original cast is shown heading to Kalm as in the original Final Fantasy 7. Although it doesn't give much detail as to the content of the game, it does show a short preview of some story elements we can expect to appear in the sequel.

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34 Anonymousabout 4 years

Yuffie voice is likely Linback or Christina vee.

33 Anonymousabout 4 years

Avalanche of the original game is all but defeated. One leader, Elfe was the daughter of the former Turks leader, Veld. In the end, Shinra ordered Tseng to execute them, but with the aid of Rufus, their deaths were faked, and they escaped to live in safety somewhere else. Fuhito, the other leader, mutated himself with a special materia and was ultimately killed. He left behind the plans to bomb the sector 01 reactor, which were then fulfilled in the OG game by Barrett and co.


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