FF7 Remake

How to Get the Provoke Materia


This is a page about the Provoke materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Learn how to get the Provoke materia, the skills learned from the Provoke materia, as well as how much AP it takes to level up the Provoke materia.

Provoke Materia Skills and Information

Basic Information

Provoke Materia
Materia Type Complete Materia
Effect Automatically uses Provoke to temporarily draw the enemy's attention when teammates are severely injured. Ineffective against powerful enemies. Will not activate if the player is controlling character.
Buy Price (1st Time) 100 gil


Attack (±) Magic Attack (±) Defense (±) Magic Defense (±)
- - 1 1
Strength (±) Magic (±) Vitality (±) Spirit (±)
- - 1 1
Luck (±) Speed (±) Max HP (±) Max MP (±)
- - - -

Provoke Materia Growth and Required AP

Level AP Required Acquired Skill
★1 - Provoke (effect: 60s / cooldown: 90s)
★2 100 Provoke (effect: 90s / cooldown: 60s)
★3 200 Provoke (effect: 120s / cooldown: 30s)

How to Get the Provoke Materia

How to Get the Provoke Materia
FF7 Remake Complete Battle Intel Report 08 (Defeat 2 or more enemies with a single attack) and buy from Chadley for 100 gil.
INTERmission DLC Equipped to Sonon when he joins the party.

You can buy this materia from Chadley after you complete one of his Battle Intel Reports where you defeat 2 enemies with a single attack. Click the link below for a list of all Battle Intel Reports and how to complete them.

List of Battle Intel Reports and Rewards

Complete Materia Related Links

Complete Materia

List of Complete Materia and How to Get Them

List of Complete Materia
First Strike Auto-Cure Steadfast Block Deadly Dodge
HP Up MP Up Magic Up Provoke
Refocus Parry Item Master ATB Stagger
ATB Assist Pedometer Luck Up Skill Master
EXP Up Gil Up

Other Materia

List of Materia

Magic Materia.pngMagic Command Materia.pngCommand Complete Materia.pngComplete Support Materia.pngSupport Summon Materia.pngSummon
Best Materia Combos | Best Materia for Hard Mode


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