Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Oxenefordscire Cursed Symbol Locations

This page is about the Cursed Symbols at the Oxenefordscire region in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn more where to find them and how to break them.

Oxenefordscire Cursed Symbol Location

Cursed Symbol 1

Cursed Symbol Location
Map View Overworld View

Southeast of Evinghou Tower, you can find and destroy the cursed item on the island in the middle of the lake behind a breakable wall. The island to the north of where the cursed symbol is contains a platform with an oil jar you can use to break the wall.

Cursed Symbol 2

Cursed Symbol Location
Map View Overworld View

The symbol is underground. You can get to it by first getting rid of the flammable gas that leads down a flight of stairs in between two burning effigies with a dead body in the middle.

Cursed Symbol 3

Cursed Symbol Location
Map View Overworld View

Enter the small opening on the rock on the rock face just west of the ruin's central red tent; use the fires from the torches to light your arrow tips and shoot the green mist away. Carry the oil jar to the end and destroy the breakable wall.

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Other Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbols
Ledecestrescire Grantebridgescire
East Anglia Oxenefordscire
Sciropescire Cent
Lincolnscire Suthsexe
Essexe Eurvicscire
Glowecestrescire Snotinghamscire
Hamtunscire Meath
Connacht Ulster


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