Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Essexe Cursed Symbol Locations

This page is about the Cursed Symbols at the Essexe region in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn more where to find them and how to break them.

Essexe Cursed Symbol Location

Cursed Symbol 1

Cursed Symbol Location
Map View Overworld View

By approaching the underground site from the south, you can spot a breakable wall that you must bust through to get to the cursed item. It is behind a movable block in the tunnel.

Cursed Symbol 2

Cursed Symbol Location
Map View Overworld View

The cursed symbol is on top of a tree. You simply must get a good vantage point to see it fully, break its covers with an arrow, and then the symbol itself.

Cursed Symbol 3

Cursed Symbol Location
Map View Overworld View

This cursed symbol is locked in a cage above ground on the tree. The only way to destroy it is to climb up the trees opposite of where the cursed symbol is in to a height where you can see the symbol's cage. Aim with your arrow slightly upwards until your crosshair grows red and shoot.

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Other Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbols
Ledecestrescire Grantebridgescire
East Anglia Oxenefordscire
Sciropescire Cent
Lincolnscire Suthsexe
Essexe Eurvicscire
Glowecestrescire Snotinghamscire
Hamtunscire Meath
Connacht Ulster


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