Saints Row (2022)

Leather and Lace: Store and Inventory Info

Leather and Lace is a Clothing Store located in El Dorado in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5). Read on to learn more about this store, its inventory, and more!

Leather and Lace Store Info

General Info

Leather and Lace
Shop Front Map Image
Shop Location El Dorado
Sells Clothing

Leather and Lace Inventory

Head Clothing

Preview Price Part
Mask, ScaryMask, Scary $60 Helmets
Mask, Señor MandibulaMask, Señor Mandibula $60 Helmets
Mask, SpikedMask, Spiked $2,200 Helmets
Mask, SteelMask, Steel $60 Helmets
Motorcycle Helmet, DirtyMotorcycle Helmet, Dirty $900 Helmets
Motorcycle Helmet, HybridMotorcycle Helmet, Hybrid $5,400 Helmets
Motorcycle Helmet, RacingMotorcycle Helmet, Racing $5,400 Helmets
Goggles, BubbleGoggles, Bubble $180 Upper Face
Goggles, DustlanderGoggles, Dustlander $6,500 Upper Face

Upper Body Clothing

Preview Price Part
Gloves, DrivingGloves, Driving $720 Hands
Gloves, FingerlessGloves, Fingerless $20 Hands
Gloves, MotorcycleGloves, Motorcycle $120 Hands
Gloves, StuddedGloves, Studded $4,400 Hands
Biker JacketBiker Jacket $1,800 Jackets
Biker Vest, First StrikeBiker Vest, First Strike $1,800 Jackets
Leather Jacket, PaddedLeather Jacket, Padded $11,000 Jackets
ChokerChoker $2,200 Necklaces
Studded ChokerStudded Choker $13,000 Necklaces
Corset, LeatherCorset, Leather $1,800 Shirts
Bra, BalconetteBra, Balconette $2,200 Upper Underwear
Bra, ClassicBra, Classic $360 Upper Underwear
Bra, HalterBra, Halter $13,000 Upper Underwear
Bra, InvisibleBra, Invisible $360 Upper Underwear
Bra, TriangleBra, Triangle $360 Upper Underwear
CamisoleCamisole $11,000 Upper Underwear
Top, Bikini BandeauTop, Bikini Bandeau $2,200 Upper Underwear
Tube TopTube Top $50 Upper Underwear
Wristband, BuckledWristband, Buckled $270 Wrists
Wristband, Buckled (Left)Wristband, Buckled (Left) $270 Wrists
Wristband, LeatherWristband, Leather $45 Wrists
Wristband, Leather (Left)Wristband, Leather (Left) $45 Wrists
Wristband, Leather, SpikedWristband, Leather, Spiked $2,200 Wrists
Wristband, Leather, Spiked (Left)Wristband, Leather, Spiked (Left) $2,200 Wrists

Lower Body Clothing

Preview Price Part
Chaps, AsslessChaps, Assless $52,000 Bottoms
Chaps, BikerChaps, Biker $1,440 Bottoms
Jeans, MotorcycleJeans, Motorcycle $360 Bottoms
Leggings, LeatherLeggings, Leather $1,440 Bottoms
Pants, LeatherPants, Leather $1,440 Bottoms
Skirt, MicroSkirt, Micro $240 Bottoms
BikiniBikini $60 Lower Underwear
Boxer Briefs, LongBoxer Briefs, Long $60 Lower Underwear
Boxer Briefs, StripedBoxer Briefs, Striped $60 Lower Underwear
BoxersBoxers $60 Lower Underwear
BoyshortsBoyshorts $60 Lower Underwear
CheekyCheeky $360 Lower Underwear
G-StringG-String $360 Lower Underwear
HipsterHipster $360 Lower Underwear
Jock Strap, Leather & LaceJock Strap, Leather & Lace $360 Lower Underwear
Micro ShortsMicro Shorts $1,440 Lower Underwear
TangaTanga $2,200 Lower Underwear
ThongThong $360 Lower Underwear
Boots, Biker, High-HeelBoots, Biker, High-Heel $11,000 Shoes
Boots, Chains & BucklesBoots, Chains & Buckles $270 Shoes
Boots, EngineerBoots, Engineer $1,800 Shoes
Heels, StilettoHeels, Stiletto $1,800 Shoes
Stockings with BowsStockings with Bows $180 Socks
Stockings with LaceStockings with Lace $180 Socks
Thigh-High Socks, AthleticThigh-High Socks, Athletic $180 Socks

Feet Clothing

Preview Price Part

Full Body Clothing

Preview Price Part
Dominatrix OutfitDominatrix Outfit $13,000 Full Body
Dress, PartyDress, Party $2,200 Full Body
Restraint Suit, LacesRestraint Suit, Laces $13,000 Full Body
Restraint Suit, StrapsRestraint Suit, Straps $13,000 Full Body

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