Saints Row (2022)

How to Unlock Major Impact Signature Ability

Major Impact is a Weapon Signature Ability found in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5). Read on to learn which Weapons unlock the ability, and how to use it!

Major Impact Overview

General Info

Major Impact
Ability Type Weapon
How to Unlock Kill 5 Panteros Thumpers
Hits unleash a shockwave that damages and disrupts nearby targets.

Where to Find Thumpers

Thumpers are one of the specialist enemies in Los Panteros, carrying a large cannon that shoots out hard-hitting projectiles. You can find them by doing one of the following activities:

  • Raise your Los Panteros Notoriety until one shows up to fight you.
  • Look for Los Panteros Threats, which may include a Thumper for you to take down.
  • Start 1-star Los Panteros @tchas, which have a high chance of spawning Thumpers for you to kill.

All Weapons With Major Impact

El LanzadorEl Lanzador

Related Guides

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List of All Signature Abilities

All Signature Ability Types

All Signature Ability Types
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All Weapon Signature Abilities

Aim High Armor-Piercing Rounds Bashmaster
Beowulf Receiver Big Bang Bleeding Edge
Bloodsucker Bonus Round Buffalo Shot
Double Fist Dragonbreath Shells Electrotherapy
Flashgasm Flechette Shells Flow State
Full Battle Rattle Guiding Eye Improved Spray & Pray
Johnny Fuse Magnum Rounds Major Impact
Mass Transit Power Vacuum Repulsor Beam
Rocket Rebound Shock & Ouch Shocker Rounds
Shocktacular Splattergun Sssnakesss!
Supercharger Swarm Tracers Swing Away!
Trigger Happy


1 Jonnydarkfang over 2 years

It would be really useful if, for these challenges that include a specific enemy type, you included a pic or description of what the enemy looks like. I've no idea what a "Thumper" is!


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