Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2)

Secret Forest Guide: Chest Locations, Shops, Events

Octopath Traveler 2 - Secret Forest

Secret Forest is one of the Forest Dungeons in the Leaflands region of Octopath Traveler 2. Read on to discover the different chests in Secret Forest, main quests and side stories that happen here, other points of interest, and a list of all enemies and monsters that can be found.

Secret Forest Chests

Chests in Secret Forest

All Chest Locations
Light Amulet
Found in a short narrow path west of the save point.

Secret Forest
10000 Leaves
Found directly to the east of the wooden bridge.

Secret Forest
Refreshing Jam
Found in a short narrow path west of the save point.

Secret Forest
Little Crow
Head north of the wooden bridge until you see a narrow path.

Secret Forest

Secret Forest Path Actions

NPCs You Can Perform Path Actions on in Secret Forest

Character Information
General RouGeneral Rou Stats
Strength: 6
Skill: Divine Dual-Edge

General Rou Location: Found deep within the Secret Forest.

Path Actions Guide: All Path Actions Explained

Secret Forest Shops

Weapons Sold in Secret Forest

There are no known items of this type sold in this location.

List of All Weapons

Equipment Sold in Secret Forest

There are no known items of this type sold in this location.

List of All Equipment

Items and Materials Sold in Secret Forest

There are no known items of this type sold in this location.

List of All Items, Materials, and Valuables

Secret Forest Side Stories

Side Stories in Secret Forest

There are no known Side Stories found in this location.

List of All Side Stories

Secret Forest Main Story Events

Story Events in Secret Forest

List of Chapters
Octopath Traveler 2 - Hikari Chapter 3Hikari Chapter 3 Going by the information provided by Kazan, Hikari travels to Wellgrove to stop a shipment of weapons on its way to Ku and to take it to Kazan instead to help them fight General Mugen and his army.

Story Walkthrough and List of Storylines

Enemies and Monsters in Secret Forest

Enemy / Shield Points Details
Octopath Traveler II - Ku SoldierIconKu Soldier
(3 SP )
Polearm Axe Ice Light
(Polearm, Axe, Ice, Light)
Drops/Steal: Healing Grape
Octopath Traveler II - General RouIconGeneral Rou
(4 SP )
Polearm Bow Lightning
(Polearm, Bow, Lightning)
Drops: Fortifying Nut (L)
Octopath Traveler II - Forest FoxIconForest Fox
(2 SP )
Dagger Polearm Bow Lightning
(Polearm, Dagger, Bow, Lightning)
Drops/Steal: Fool's Leaf
Octopath Traveler II - Horned HowlerIconHorned Howler
(2 SP )
Polearm Bow Wind Light
(Polearm, Bow, Wind, Light)
Drops/Steal: Olive of Life
Octopath Traveler II - Rampant WeedIconRampant Weed
(2 SP )
Sword Dagger Axe Fire
(Sword, Dagger, Axe, Fire)
Octopath Traveler II - Skulking FungoidIconSkulking Fungoid
(3 SP )
Polearm Staff Lightning
(Polearm, Staff, Lightning)
Octopath Traveler II - Menacing ManticoreIconMenacing Manticore
(3 SP )
Sword Axe Bow Wind
(Sword, Axe, Bow, Wind)
Octopath Traveler II - Light ElementalIconLight Elemental
(3 SP )
Ice Dark
(Ice, Dark)

Secret Forest Connected Maps

Secret Forest Nearby Areas

Current Location
Secret Forest
Nearby Areas
- - Southern Timberain Trail
- Secret Forest Wellgrove
- Mother's Garden Road to Mother's Garden

Octopath Traveler 2 Related Guides

Octopath Traveler 2 - Map and All Regions

Solistia Map and List of Regions

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Octopath Traveler 2 - Sundering SeaThe Sundering Sea

Other Leaflands Locations

List of Locations
Forest Path Veil of Trees Animal Trail Eastern Wellgrove Trail
Northern Wellgrove Trail Road to Mother's Garden Southern Timberain Trail Wellgrove
Cropdale Festival Grounds Southern Cropdale Trail Eastern Cropdale Trail
Starfall Spring Altar of the Lady of Grace Secret Forest Mother's Garden
Timberain Castle Mother's Garden Orphanage House Wellows Manor Timberain


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