Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2)

Ochette Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Ochette Chapter 1 Banner.png

This a walkthrough guide to Chapter 1 of Ochette's Storyline in Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2). Read on to find a summary of this chapter, possible side stories, use of Ochette's Path Actions and Talents, enemies encountered, tips and strategies to beat the boss the Dark Entity, chest locations, and more!

Ochette Related Guides
Ochette Profile Ochette Storyline
Chap. 1 Chap. 2 Chap. 3
Cateracta Tera Glacis

Ochette Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Chapter Summary and Introduction

Ochette is introduced as a beastling hunter mentored by a lion called Master Juvah. While trying to create peace between her tribe and a group of humans, she learns of an incoming calamity called the Night of the Scarlet Moon. To save her home, she goes on a quest to find anyone who can help her stop the calamity.

Choose an Animal Companion
Use Path Action Befriend to choose between an owl and fox as Ochette's animal companion.
Should You Choose Mahina or Akala?
Feed Your People
・Use Talent Capture to catch the King Iguana
・Use Path Action Provoke to fight the trespassing humans.
・Use Talent Prepare to turn captured King Iguana into Jerky.
Find the Lost Girl
・Head to the Tomb of the Wardenbeasts
・Find the lost human girl and bring her back.
・Defeat the Dark Entity


Choose a Companion
The chapter starts with a young Ochette choosing an animal companion between an owl and a fox. Use Befriend on the companion you prefer. Whichever you didn't choose will mysteriously attack Ochette and runaway.
Capture King Iguana
The story jumps ten years to Ochette hunting a King Iguana for food. Use her talent Capture during combat once you've weakened the enemy.

Beasting Village

Defeat Human Trespassers
When Ochette returns to her village, a group of humans are arguing with the beastlings, threatening to take over. Use Provoke to initiate a combat between you and their acting leader, and defeat him.
Feed Your People
After the humans flee, use Prepare to turn the King Iguana to Jerky, and share the food to your people. Head northwest to start a conversation with Master Juvah.

Tomb of the Wardenbeasts

Find the Lost Girl
Your conversation will be intrerrupted by the humans asking for help to find a missing girl to which Ochette volunteers. Head to the Tomb of the Wardenbeasts to find her. Once you do, use Befriend to have her follow you. On the way there, you'll have several combat encounters and find several chests.

Beasting Village

Defeat the Dark Entity
On the way back to the village, a flock of birds will warn Ochette of an incoming calamity. Once at the village, you'll encounter the chapter's boss. There will be a Save Point before you reenter the village, be sure to make a save before continuing. Defeat the Dark Entity to continue forward. If it proves to be difficult, it is recommended to wander around to grind more EXP.

Ochette Chapter 1 Side Stories

All Chapter 1 Side Stories

Name Information
Culinary Cunning Location: Beasting Village
Client: Cooking Enthusiast
How to Complete: Glean information from the Street Vendor in Tropu'hopu: Floating Theatre and return to client.
Rewards: 3000 Leaves, Gluttonous Glaive
Building Bridges Location: Beasting Village
Client: Human Boy
How to Complete: Receive Amulet of Affection from Beastling Girl west of the client's location.
Rewards: Critical Nut, Resistant Nut

Other Side Stories

Name Information
The Traveler's Bag Location: Depends on Selected Traveler
Client: Al
How to Complete: Defeat nearby Bandit. Can only be found at Night.
Rewards: 1500 Leaves, Slippery Nut x1, Healing Grape x3

List of All Side Stories

Ochette Chapter 1 Path Actions


Character Information
MalamaowlMalamaowl Stats
Strength: 3
Skill: Arcane Blade
Required Items
Friendship Jerky

Malamaowl Location: Found immediately at the start of the chapter.
LajackalLajackal Stats
Strength: 3
Skill: Finishing Blow
Required Items
Friendship Jerky

Lajackal Location: Found immediately at the start of the chapter.
Lost GirlLost Girl Stats
Strength: 1
Skill: Cheer On
Required Items

Lost Girl Location: Found near the end of the Tomb.

In order for Befriend to succed, you'll need an item relevant to the unit that will be consumed. Befriending a unit will have them follow you around. You can also summon them during battle for different effects.

At the start of the chapter, Ochette can only Befriend one of the two animal companion options, the fox or the owl. Whichever you don't choose will attack Ochette and flee, the unchosen animal will be the final boss at the end of Ochette's storyline.


Character Information
VillagerVillager Stats
Strength: 1

Villager Location: Found after return from hunting.
BeastlingBeastling Stats
Strength: 3

Beastling Location: Found on the ground next to another Beastling.
BeastlingBeastling Stats
Strength: 2

Beastling Location: Found by the dwelling in the foreground.
BeastlingBeastling Stats
Strength: 4

Beastling Location: Found below the topmost dwelling of the village.
BeastlingBeastling Stats
Strength: 6

Beastling Location: Found in front of the 2nd topmost dwelling of the village.
BeastlingBeastling Stats
Strength: 3

Beastling Location: Found on the ground next to another Beastling.

During the first chapter, you can Provoke several beastlings in the village for extra EXP and items. While their strengths will range from 1 to 6, the battle becomes difficult when provoking a unit with a strength of 3 or higher, especially if your level is still low. Be sure to save your game before attempting to Provoke high-strength units.

All Path Actions Explained

Ochette Chapter 1 Enemies Encountered

Path to the Tombs of the Wardenbeasts

Enemy SP & Vulnerabilities
Octopath Traveler II - Island Froggen IIconIsland Froggen I
Shield Points: 1 SP
Dagger Axe Lightning Wind Ice
Octopath Traveler II - LlorisIconLloris
Shield Points: 1 SP
Dagger Axe Bow Lightning Wind
Octopath Traveler II - King IguanaIconKing Iguana
Shield Points: 1 SP
Axe Bow Lightning
Octopath Traveler II - Island Froggen IIIconIsland Froggen II
Shield Points: 2 SP
Dagger Axe Lightning Ice Fire
Octopath Traveler II - Motley SlugIconMotley Slug
Shield Points: 2 SP
Sword Axe Bow Staff Fire
Octopath Traveler II - Mysterious FledglingIconMysterious Fledgling
Shield Points: 1 SP
Bow Wind

Tomb of the Wardenbeasts

Enemy SP & Vulnerabilities
Octopath Traveler II - Shambling WeedIconShambling Weed
Shield Points: 2 SP
Sword Axe Bow Wind Fire
Octopath Traveler II - ManticoreIconManticore
Shield Points: 2 SP
Sword Lightning Wind

Ochette Chapter 1 Boss Guide

Dark Entity Shield Points and Weaknesses

Enemy SP & Vulnerabilities
Octopath Traveler II - Dark EntityIconDark Entity
Shield Points: 4 SP
Dagger Axe Lightning Wind

How to Beat Dark Entity

Save BP to Time Breaks

Save BP to Time Breaks
During the battle, the Dark Entity will summon Mysterious Fledglings which it will consume to launch a powerful attack the next turn. Make sure you always have saved BPs, enough to break the Dark Entity at the right time, to cancel the powerful attack.

Break and Boost System Guide

Capture a Shambling Weed

Capture a Shambling Weed
Ochette has the ability to Capture enemy units and utilize their skill during combat. The Dark Entity is a tough unit that will make for a long battle. Having captured a Shambling Weed beforehand will provide you a healing skill that doesn't run out like an item and doesn't consume SP. This will help you last longer in the battle.

Ochette Chapter 1 Chests

Path to the Tombs of the Wardenbeasts

All Chest Locations
Inspiriting Plum
End of the path after disembarking on the second pier.
At the end of the path to the right after crossing the waterfall.
Unerring Ring
At the top of the bunker up the stairs.

Tombs of the Wardenbeasts

All Chest Locations
Sharp Nut
At the bottom of the stairs south before crossing the wooden bridge.
On top of the stairs after the short stone bridge.
Composite Bow
End of the path to the south after crossing the short stone bridge.

Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2) Related Guides

Octopath Traveler 2 - Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough: All Character Storylines

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Chap. 1 Chap. 2 Chap. 3 Chap. 4 Chap. 5
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Chap.1 Chap. 2 Chap. 3 Chap. 4
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All Crossed Paths Routes

Crossed Paths Pairs
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Cleric &
Octopath Traveler 2 - Castti SpriteOctopath Traveler 2 - Ochette Sprite
Apothecary & Hunter

Final Chapter: Extra Stories

Octopath Traveler 2 - Ochette Sprite All Extra Stories and Unlock Condition
Tranquil Grotto Fellsun Ruins Tombs of the Wardenbeasts Flamechurch
Vidania (Epilogue)

All Scent of Commerce Routes

Octopath Traveler 2 - Partitio SpriteScent of Commerce Guides


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