Horizon Zero Dawn

Blood on Stone Side Quest Walkthrough

This guide will show you how to complete the Blood on Stone, a side quest in Horizon Zero Dawn. Read on to learn the quest objectives, strategies, location, and rewards for the Blood on Stone side quest.

Blood on Stone Quest Information

General Info

Quest Giver Quarry Foreman
Description Five guards were murdered in the night at the quarry outside Meridian. Who, or what, could have killed them?
Rewards 6000 XP
+1 Remarkable Reward Box
Recommended Level 24

Quest Location

Map Location World Location

Go to Cut-Cliffs located north from the Meridian to get this quest. You can start this quest by talking to the Quarry Foreman there.

Blood on Stone Walkthrough

How to Complete

1 Horizon Zero Dawn - Blood on Stone - Talk to the Quarry Foreman.pngTalk to Quarry Foreman
Go to Cut-Cliffs and look for the Quarry Foreman. Start the quest by talking to him.
2 Investigate the Quarry
Head towards the suspicious-looking mound at the center of the excavation site. A short cutscene will play showing a Rockbreaker appearing from the ground.
3 Kill the Rockbreaker
Defeat the Rockbreaker. Put traps on the field while it's underground and target its weak points to kill it faster.
4 Horizon Zero Dawn - Blood on Stone - Return to Quarry Foreman.pngReturn to Quarry Foreman
Return to the Quarry Foreman to finish the quest and get your rewards.

Tips and Strategies

Set Up Traps before Investigating

Horizon Zero Dawn - Blood on Stone - Set Up Traps.png
It's better to set up traps before inspecting the suspicious-looking mound to help you with the upcoming battle. All of them are effective against the Rockbreaker, even the wire traps from Tripcaster weapons.

Move Quietly while its Underground

Horizon Zero Dawn - Blood on Stone - Move Quietly.png
You won't get attacked by the Rockbreaker as long as you stay quiet above ground. You can throw a Rock on your inventory to lure it out away from you while it's underground.

Remove the Digging Arms

Horizon Zero Dawn - Blood on Stone - Remove Digging Arms.png
Use Tearblaster Arrows to remove all the Rockbreaker's Digging Arms. It will lose most of its mobility once they are gone, and it will be easier for you to hit it with your bow and arrow.

Destroy the Fuel Sacs

Horizon Zero Dawn - Blood on Stone - Destroy Fuel Sac.png
You can deal fatal damage to the Rockbreaker by destroying its Fuel Sacs to cause a large explosion. You can hit them freely if you manage to stun the Rockbreaker for a short while using Shock Traps, Shock Wires, Shock Arrows. Just make sure to shoot it from a distance, or you'll get caught up by the explosion!

Horizon Zero Dawn Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn - All Quests Partial Banner.png
List of All Quests

Side Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn Side Quests
In her Mother's Footsteps The Forgotten Insult to Injury
Underquipped A Daughter's Vengeance A Moment's Peace
Heap of Trouble Death from the Skies Blood on Stone
Fatal Inheritance Sun and Shadow Sunstone Rock
Acquired Taste Robbing the Rich Hunters' Blind
Honor the Fallen Redmaw Weapons of the Lodge
Ancient Armory Traitor's Bounty Queen's Gambit
Cause for Concern - Farewell - -
Frozen Wilds Side Quests (DLC)
Waterlogged The Hunters Three The Survivor
Frontier Justice - -

Other Quests

Main Quests Side Quests Cauldron
Tallnecks Hunting Grounds Errands
Corrupted Zone Tutorial Quests Bandit Camps


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