Horizon Zero Dawn

The Forgotten Side Quest Walkthrough

This guide will show you how to complete The Forgotten, a side quest in Horizon Zero Dawn. Read on to learn the quest objectives, strategies, location, and rewards for The Forgotten side quest.

The Forgotten Quest Information

General Info

Quest Giver Olara
Description Olara's brother Brom was supposed to come home after 10 years of exile, but he has vanished, leaving behind a blood-soaked camp.
Rewards 1000 XP
+1 Remarkable Reward Box
Recommended Level 4

Quest Location

Map Location World Location

You can find Olara atop of a small hill near the Mother's Watch. Talk to her to start the quest.

The Forgotten Walkthrough

How to Complete

1 Horizon Zero Dawn - The Forgotten - Talk to Olara.pngTalk to Olara
Find and talk to Olara on top of small hill to start the quest. She will inform you about her exiled brother.
2 Go to Brom's Camp
Head down to Brom's Camp after talking to Olara, west from where she is.
3 Kill the Watchers
There are two Watchers roaming around Brom's Camp. Kill all of them to investigate the camp.
4 Investigate Brom's Camp
Examine the campfire in Brom's Camp to move on with the quest. You can use your Focus to find other points of interest in his camp.
5 Search the Camp for the Blood Trail
Use your Focus to find and mark the Blood Trail. It will lead you to where Brom went and give clues about what he has been doing.
6 Examine the Knife
The first item you will encounter is the knife on a cut wood. Examine it and follow the blood trail again to progress.
Examine the Bucket
You will find a blood-soaked bucket not far from where you found the knife. Investigate it and move on to the next area.
Follow the Tracks
The blood trail ends on where the Bucket is. Use your Focus again to track Brom directly. But be careful as you will encounter a couple of watchers while following his tracks.
Examine the Shrine
You will find a desecrated shrine at the end of the track. Examine the shrine and follow the tracks again using your Focus.
7 Kill the Scrappers
The track will lead you to two Scrappers and a destroyed Watcher. Lure and fight them one by one, so it will be easier for you to take them out.
Examine the Destroyed Watcher
Examine the destroyed Watcher after killing the two Scappers surrounding it.
8 Follow the Tracks
Once again, mark the tracks using your Focus and follow it until you reach the Supply Cache.
Examine the Supply Cache
Examine the supply cache on top of a rock and follow the path again. You will also encounter one Fast Travel pack and a Full Potion, and be sure to get them!
Horizon Zero Dawn - The Forgotten - Talk to Brom and Olara.pngTalk to Brom
Talk to Brom once you got up the small hill. Olara will appear while you're talking to Brom, and the quest will end after your conversation with them.

Tips and Strategies

Don't Fight two Scrappers at once

Horizon Zero Dawn - The Forgotten - Throw Rocks.png
It will be possible to lure one Scrapper at a time. You can use a rock or whistle to attract them to areas with bushes or behind walls and trees. It is better to kill them stealthily to save time and resources if you have the Silent Strike skill, especially if you just started the game.

Horizon Zero Dawn Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn - All Quests Partial Banner.png
List of All Quests

Side Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn Side Quests
In her Mother's Footsteps The Forgotten Insult to Injury
Underquipped A Daughter's Vengeance A Moment's Peace
Heap of Trouble Death from the Skies Blood on Stone
Fatal Inheritance Sun and Shadow Sunstone Rock
Acquired Taste Robbing the Rich Hunters' Blind
Honor the Fallen Redmaw Weapons of the Lodge
Ancient Armory Traitor's Bounty Queen's Gambit
Cause for Concern - Farewell - -
Frozen Wilds Side Quests (DLC)
Waterlogged The Hunters Three The Survivor
Frontier Justice - -

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