Horizon Zero Dawn

What Does Handling Do?

Horizon Zero Dawn Handling
This guide explains that Handling increases the reload speed and draw speed of ranged weapons in Horizon Zero Dawn. Read on to learn more about what handling improves and how it helps in combat.

What Does Handling Do?

HZD Handling Stat.png

Handling essentially determines Aloy’s rate of fire by controlling both reload speed and draw speed of ranged weapons.

This allows you to fire more arrows at enemies in a rapid succession, so that even if your weapon might not deal much damage, the speed with which you fire at them will still let you bring them down swiftly.

How Handling Helps in Combat

Close-Range Combat

Horizon Zero Dawn - Destroy the Ravagers.png
Handling is particularly useful when fighting enemies at close range. When firing from long distance you often don’t need to worry about reload or draw speed, but when being charged by enemies every second counts. Use weapons and modifications with high Handling to handle these types of encounters.

Improves Sharpshot Bow

Horizon Zero Dawn - Sharpshot Bow Eye Killshot.gif

The Sharpshot Bow takes a long time to fire since it's geared towards long-range combat. By increasing handling, the time it takes for you to wind up your bow and aim it at an enemy will be much quicker. You'll still have the weapon's trademark accuracy and damage while being able to fire it almost like a Hunter Bow.

List of Sharpshot Bows

Improves Sling

Horizon Zero Dawn - Use a Blast Sling for the First Challenge.gif

Slings will benefit heavily from faster handling since this type of weapon takes a while to be drawn due to the size of its ammo. This will let you fire more elemental lobs that deal heavy damage in a shorter amount of time.

List of Slings

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