Horizon Zero Dawn

List of All Equipment

Horizon Zero Dawn - Weapons and Outfits.png

This is a guide listing all of the equipment found in Horizon Zero Dawn. Learn about each weapon and piece of armor's stats and where to get them in the guides below.

Equipment List

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Hunter Bows War Bows Sharpshot Bows
Slings Tripcasters Ropecasters
Rattlers Spears DLC Weapons

Hunter Bows

Weapon Handling Mod Slots Damage Ammo
Banuk Striker BowBanuk Striker Bow 80 3 40 Hunter Arrow
Fire Arrow
Hardpoint Arrow
Shadow Hunter BowShadow Hunter Bow 80 3 15 Hunter Arrow
Fire Arrow
Hardpoint Arrow
Carja Hunter BowCarja Hunter Bow 80 2 15 Hunter Arrow
Fire Arrow
Banuk Culling BowBanuk Culling Bow 80 2 15 Hunter Arrow
Fire Arrow
Carja Mighty BowCarja Mighty Bow 80 2 16 Hunter Arrow
Fire Arrow

War Bows

Weapon Handling Mod Slots Damage Ammo
Shadow War BowShadow War Bow 50 3 5 Shock Arrow
Freeze Arrow
Corruption Arrow
Banuk Champion BowBanuk Champion Bow 50 3 5 Shock Arrow
Freeze Arrow
Corruption Arrow
Lodge War BowLodge War Bow 50 3 5 Shock Arrow
Freeze Arrow
Corruption Arrow
Carja War BowCarja War Bow 50 2 5 Shock Arrow
Freeze Arrow
War BowWar Bow 50 1 5 Shock Arrow

Sharpshot Bows

Weapon Handling Mod Slots Damage Ammo
Shadow Sharpshot BowShadow Sharpshot Bow 20 3 60 Precision Arrow
Tearblast Arrow
Harvest Arrow
Banuk Powershot BowBanuk Powershot Bow 20 3 100 Precision Arrow
Tearblast Arrow
Harvest Arrow
Carja Sharpshot BowCarja Sharpshot Bow 20 2 60 Precision Arrow
Tearblast Arrow
Sharpshot BowSharpshot Bow 20 1 60 Precision Arrow


Weapon Handling Mod Slots Damage Ammo
Shadow SlingShadow Sling 40 3 20 Freeze Bomb
Shock Bomb
Fire Bomb
Shadow Blast SlingShadow Blast Sling 40 3 100 Blast Bomb
Sticky Bomb
Proximity Bomb
Lodge Blast SlingLodge Blast Sling 70 3 100 Blast Bomb
Sticky Bomb
Proximity Bomb
Carja SlingCarja Sling 40 2 20 Freeze Bomb
Shock Bomb
Carja Blast SlingCarja Blast Sling 40 2 100 Blast Bomb
Sticky Bomb
SlingSling 40 1 20 Freeze Bomb
Blast SlingBlast Sling 40 1 100 Blast Bomb


Weapon Handling Mod Slots Damage Ammo
Shadow TripcasterShadow Tripcaster 30 3 0 Shock Wire
Blast Wire
Fire Wire
Carja TripcasterCarja Tripcaster 30 2 0 Shock Wire
Blast Wire
TripcasterTripcaster 30 1 0 Shock Wire


Weapon Handling Mod Slots Damage Ammo
Shadow RopecasterShadow Ropecaster 50 3 0 Tie Rope Heavy
Lodge RopecasterLodge Ropecaster 70 3 0 Tie Rope Heavy
Carja RopecasterCarja Ropecaster 50 2 0 Tie Rope Medium
RopecasterRopecaster 50 1 0 Tie Rope Light


Weapon Handling Mod Slots Damage Ammo
Shadow RattlerShadow Rattler 100 3 10 Metal Bolts
Shock Bolts
Freeze Bolts
Carja RattlerCarja Rattler 100 2 10 Metal Bolts
Shock Bolts
RattlerRattler 100 1 10 Metal Bolts


Weapon Damage Tear Mod Slots Severity
SylenSylen's Lance 45 51 2
Shock 25
SpearSpear 35 26 0 (Upgradable to 1) None

Frozen Wilds DLC Weapons

Weapon Handling Mod Slots Damage Ammo
Improved StormslingerImproved Stormslinger 70 2 150 Storm Bolt
Improved ForgefireImproved Forgefire 70 2 0 Firethrower
Fire Burster
Improved IcerailImproved Icerail 70 2 0 Icethrower
Ice Cannon
TearblasterTearblaster 70 0 0 Tearblaster Charge
Banuk IcerailBanuk Icerail 70 1 0 Icethrower
Banuk StormslingerBanuk Stormslinger 70 1 85 Storm Bolt
ForgefireForgefire 70 1 0 Flamethrower


Outfit Description Mod Slots
Banuk Ice Hunter MasterBanuk Ice Hunter Master Cured hide and fur interwoven with machine plates protect the wearer from Freeze damage. Typical wear for the unforgiving north. 3
Carja Blazon MasterCarja Blazon Master The showy armor of Carja nobles and Hunters Lodge elites. Leather strips cured in plant oil protect from Fire damage. 3
Nora Silent Hunter MasterNora Silent Hunter Master Stitched for stealth, this outfit makes the wearer harder to see and hear. 3
Shadow Stalwart HeavyShadow Stalwart Heavy This Kestrel armor will make for a good disguise, and steels its wearer against blinding and sonic effects. Highly customizable. 3
Carja Silks HeavyCarja Silks Heavy Made from Meridian's finest silks, leathers and machine parts, this outfit offers little protection but is highly customizable. 3
Banuk Werak ChieftainBanuk Werak Chieftain An imposing outfit made equally for ceremony and extreme survival. Provides health recovery over time. 2
Carja Blazon HeavyCarja Blazon Heavy The showy armor of Carja nobles and Hunters Lodge elites. Leather strips cured in plant oil protect from Fire damage. 2
Oseram Sparkworker HeavyOseram Sparkworker Heavy The wire-threaded leather apron and guards of this outfit protect the wearer against Shock - a frequent hazard in the workshop. 2
Oseram Arrow Breaker HeavyOseram Arrow Breaker Heavy Studded leather and hammered steel protect the wearer from projectile attacks. No true Oseram pulls out the arrowheards. 2
Nora Survivor HeavyNora Survivor Heavy Rigged for endurance and protection against all the elements, this armor is well-tested against the extremes of the Sacred Land. 2
Nora Protector HeavyNora Protector Heavy A Nora brave's armor, reinforced for the front of the War Party. The metal-casing breastplate protects against melee attacks. 2
Banuk Ice Hunter HeavyBanuk Ice Hunter Heavy Cured hide and fur interwoven with machine plates protect the wearer from Freeze damage. Typical wear for the unforgiving north. 2
Nora Silent Hunter HeavyNora Silent Hunter Heavy Stitched for stealth, this outfit makes the wearer harder to see and hear. 2
Banuk Sickness Eater HeavyBanuk Sickness Eater Heavy Bound with cables and cloth steeped in ancient machine oils, this Banuk shaman's outfit protects from Corruption damage. 2
Shield WeaverShield Weaver Ancient technology, salvaged by Aloy and stitched to Nora leather, projects a damage-absorbing force shield. Takes time to recharge when depleted. None
Carja Silks LightCarja Silks Light Made from Meridian's finest silks, leathers and machine parts, this outfit offers little protection but is highly customizable. 1
Oseram Arrow Breaker LightOseram Arrow Breaker Light Studded leather and hammered steel protect the wearer from projectile attacks. No true Oseram pulls out the arrowheards. 1
Nora BraveNora Brave A new Nora brave's armor, stitched by Teb, accentuated by Aloy's own designs. Offers no extra protection but can be upgraded. 1
Nora Protector LightNora Protector Light A Nora brave's armor, reinforced for the front of the War Party. The metal-casing breastplate protects against melee attacks. 1
Nora Silent Hunter LightNora Silent Hunter Light Stitched for stealth, this outfit makes the wearer harder to see and hear. 1
Nora Survivor LightNora Survivor Light Rigged for endurance and protection against all the elements, this armor is well-tested against the extremes of the Sacred Land. 1
Oseram Sparkworker LightOseram Sparkworker Light The wire-threaded leather apron and guards of this outfit protect the wearer against Shock - a frequent hazard in the workshop. None
Shadow Stalwart LightShadow Stalwart Light This Kestrel armor will make for a good disguise, and steels its wearer against blinding effects. Highly customizable. None
Carja Blazon LightCarja Blazon Light The showy armor of Carja nobles and Hunters Lodge elites. Leather strips cured in plant oil protect from Fire damage. None
Banuk Sickness Eater LightBanuk Sickness Eater Light Bound with cables and cloth steeped in ancient machine oils, this Banuk shaman's outfit protects from Corruption damage. None
Banuk Ice Hunter LightBanuk Ice Hunter Light Cured hide and fur interwoven with machine plates protect the wearer from Freeze damage. Typical wear for the unforgiving north. None
Banuk Werak RunnerBanuk Werak Runner Insulated and treated with medicinal oils, this survivalist gear provides slow health recovery over time. None
Shadow Stalwart MediumShadow Stalwart Medium This Kestrel armor will make for a good disguise, and steels its wearer against blinding and sonic effects. Highly customizable. 2
Carja Silks MediumCarja Silks Medium Made from Meridian's finest silks, leathers and machine parts, this outfit offers little protection but is highly customizable. 2
Banuk TrailblazerBanuk Trailblazer A sturdy quilted outfit to protect nomads from the elements. The Banuk believe extreme survival is the ultimate test of will. 2
Carja Blazon MediumCarja Blazon Medium The showy armor of Carja nobles and Hunters Lodge elites. Leather strips cured in plant oil protect from Fire damage. 1
Oseram Sparkworker MediumOseram Sparkworker Medium The wire-threaded leather apron and guards of this outfit protect the wearer against Shock - a frequent hazard in the workshop. 1
Oseram Arrow Breaker MediumOseram Arrow Breaker Medium Studded leather and hammered steel protect the wearer from projectile attacks. No true Oseram pulls out the arrowheards. 1
Carja Storm RangerCarja Storm Ranger The heirloom armor of a Carja noble warrior. Its layered metal and leather can turn both blades and arrows. 1
Nora Silent Hunter MediumNora Silent Hunter Medium Stitched for stealth, this outfit makes the wearer harder to see and hear. 1
Nora Protector MediumNora Protector Medium A Nora brave's armor, reinforced for the front of the War Party. The metal-casing breastplate protects against melee attacks. 1
Nora Survivor MediumNora Survivor Medium Rigged for endurance and protection against all the elements, this armor is well-tested against the extremes of the Sacred Land. 1
Banuk Ice Hunter MediumBanuk Ice Hunter Medium Cured hide and fur interwoven with machine plates protect the wearer from Freeze damage. Typical wear for the unforgiving north. 1
Banuk Sickness Eater MediumBanuk Sickness Eater Medium Bound with cables and cloth steeped in ancient machine oils, this Banuk shaman's outfit protects from Corruption damage. 1
OutcastOutcast An outcast's garb, crafted from the materials of the Embrace. Offers no extra protection and cannot be sold. None

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