Horizon Zero Dawn

List of Tutorial Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn - List of Tutorial Quests
This is a guide to all the Tutorial Quests in Horizon Zero Dawn. Learn how to get and complete each Tutorial Quest, as well as the rewards for completing each one!

List of Tutorial Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn Tutorial Quests are categorized by weapon type. Use the links below to quickly navigate to each weapon type's list of Tutorial Quests.

Tutorial Quests
Tripcaster Sharpshot Bow Ropecaster
Sling Blast Sling War Bow
Rattler Hunter Bow Tearblaster

Tripcaster Tutorial Quests

Quest Name Unlock Condition Recommended Level Rewards
Tutorial: Tripcaster Purchase your first Tripcaster from Karst near Mother's Cradle. 8 1330 XP
Tutorial: Carja Tripcaster Purchase a Carja Tripcaster or Shadow Tripcaster from a Merchant. 12 2000 XP
Tutorial: Shadow Tripcaster Purchase a Shadow Tripcaster from a Merchant. 16 2670 XP

Sharpshot Bow Tutorial Quests

Quest Name Unlock Condition Recommended Level Rewards
Tutorial: Sharpshot Bow Purchase any type of Sharpshot Bow from a Merchant. 8 1330 XP
Tutorial: Carja Sharpshot Bow Purchase a Carja Sharpshot Bow or Shadow Sharpshot Bow from a Merchant. 18 3000 XP
Tutorial: Shadow Sharpshot Bow Purchase a Shadow Sharpshot Bow from a Merchant. 18 3000 XP

Ropecaster Tutorial Quests

Quest Name Unlock Condition Recommended Level Rewards
Tutorial: Ropecaster Purchase any type of Ropecaster from a Merchant. 8 1330 XP
Tutorial: Carja Ropecaster Purchase a Carja Ropecaster or Shadow Ropecaster from a Merchant. 18 3000 XP
Tutorial: Shadow Ropecaster Purchase a Shadow Ropecaster from a Merchant. 23 3830 XP

Sling Tutorial Quests

Quest Name Unlock Condition Recommended Level Rewards
Tutorial: Sling Purchase any type of Sling from a Merchant. 18 3000 XP
Tutorial: Carja Sling Purchase a Carja Sling or Shadow Sling from a Merchant. 18 3000 XP
Tutorial: Shadow Sling Purchase a Shadow Sling from a Merchant. 18 3000 XP

Blast Sling Tutorial Quests

Quest Name Unlock Condition Recommended Level Rewards
Tutorial: Blast Sling Purchase any type of Blast Sling from a Merchant. 8 1330 XP
Tutorial: Carja Blast Sling Purchase a Carja Blast Sling or Shadow Blast Sling from a Merchant. 12 2000 XP
Tutorial: Shadow Blast Sling Purchase a Shadow Blast Sling from a Merchant. 16 2670 XP

War Bow Tutorial Quests

Quest Name Unlock Condition Recommended Level Rewards
Tutorial: War Bow Purchase any type of War Bow from a Merchant. 13 2170 XP
Tutorial: Carja War Bow Purchase a Carja War Bow or Shadow War Bow from a Merchant. 22 3670 XP
Tutorial: Shadow War Bow Purchase a Shadow War Bow from a Merchant. 30 5000 XP

Rattler Tutorial Quests

Quest Name Unlock Condition Recommended Level Rewards
Tutorial: Rattler Purchase any type of Rattler from a Merchant. 7 1170 XP
Tutorial: Carja Rattler Purchase a Carja Rattler or Shadow Rattler from a Merchant. 18 3000 XP
Tutorial: Shadow Rattler Purchase a Shadow Rattler from a Merchant. 15 2500 XP

Hunter Bow Tutorial Quests

Quest Name Unlock Condition Recommended Level Rewards
Tutorial: Shadow Hunter Bow Purchase a Shadow Hunter Bow from a Merchant. 15 2500 XP

Tearblaster Tutorial Quests

Quest Name Unlock Condition Recommended Level Rewards
Tutorial: Tearblaster Get the Tearblaster reward from the Hunter's Blind side quest or purchase one from a Merchant after completing the quest. 10 1670 XP

How Tutorial Quests Work

Unlocked After Buying a Weapon

Horizon Zero Dawn - Tutorial Quest Popup

With the exception of the Tearblaster, Tutorial Quests will automatically unlock when players first purchase a weapon from any of the game's Merchants.

Different weapon rarities affect which Tutorial Quests are unlocked. For example, purchasing the Shadow Blast Sling will also unlock the the Blast Sling and Carja Blast Sling tutorials (if they were not previously unlocked).

Teaches Players How the Weapon Works

Horizon Zero Dawn - Weapon Combat Challenge

Tutorial Quests aim to familiarize players with each new weapon they unlock, as well as the different ammo types that become available with higher rarity weapons.

Simple objectives will point out how to use the new weapon or ammo type, sometimes coupled with tips that identify the elemental weaknesses of certain Machines.

How to Complete Tutorial Quests

In order to complete Tutorial Quests, players will need to set it as the Active Quest before completing the objectives. Failure to do so will prevent the quest from progressing.

Horizon Zero Dawn Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn - All Quests Partial Banner.png
List of All Quests

Main Quests Side Quests Cauldron
Tallnecks Hunting Grounds Errands
Corrupted Zones Tutorial Quests Bandit Camps


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