Horizon Zero Dawn

Tutorial: Sharpshot Bow Quest Walkthrough

Horizon Zero Dawn - Tutorial Sharpshot Bow
This guide will show you how to complete Tutorial: Sharpshot Bow, a Tutorial Quest in Horizon Zero Dawn. Read on to learn the objectives, strategies, and rewards for the Tutorial: Sharpshot Bow Quest.

Tutorial: Sharpshot Bow Quest Information

How to Acquire Purchase any type of Sharpshot Bow from a Merchant.
Objectives Kill 3 Watchers using Precision Arrow shots to the Eye.
Recommended Level 8
Rewards 1330 XP
Description You have acquired a powerful new weapon, the Sharpshot Bow, capable of firing new ammunition types. This combat challenge will help you learn its utility and hone your skills.

Tutorial: Sharpshot Bow Walkthrough

How to Complete

Head over to any Watcher Machine Site or Strider Machine Site on the map and look for Watcher patrols.
Note: If players are still in the Embrace, Strider Sites will be easier to find Watchers in.
Equip the Sharpshot Bow (can be any rarity) and select the Precision Arrow ammo type.
3 Horizon Zero Dawn - Sharpshot Bow Eye Killshot
Engage the Watchers in combat or stay hidden. Use the Sharpshot Bow's Precision Arrows to land a killshot on a Watcher's eye.
4 Kill 2 more Watchers with shots to the eye. This will complete the Tutorial Quest.

Tips & Strategies

Use Lure Call Skill for Easy Stealth Kills

Horizon Zero Dawn - Learn Lure Skill

Lure Call Use Lure from the tools menu to lure a single enemy to your position. The target will be the closest, most centered in Aloy's view.

The easiest method to complete this Tutorial Quest is by taking the stealth route. Hide within Tall Grass and use the Lure Call from the tools menu to get the Watcher to come to you.

The Watcher will face Aloy as it approaches, giving you a clear shot at its eye. From here, its as easy as lining up the shot and letting loose.

Acquire the Concentration Skill

Horizon Zero Dawn - Learn Concentration

Horizon Zero Dawn - Concentration SkillConcentration While aiming, toggle with R3 (on PS4) to slow down time.

For players that plan to alert Watchers and trigger a combat scenario, Concentration will be a great skill to have. The ability to slow time while aiming makes the killshot to the Watcher's eye easier to hit, especially during hectic fights.

Horizon Zero Dawn Quests

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