Horizon Zero Dawn

Tallneck: Copper Deeps

Tallneck Copper Deeps Horizon Zero Dawn
This is a guide for the Copper Deeps Tallneck in Horizon Zero Dawn (HZD). Read on to learn more about where to find them, how to climb them, and how to override them!

General Info

Location and Rewards

Copper Deeps
Recommended Level: 13
  • +7500 XP
  • +1 Reveal Map
  • +1 Skill Point

Note that this area will only be made available after exiting the Carja Fort in A Seeker At The Gates.

How to Locate the Copper Deeps Tallneck

Using Your Focus

Focus Signal Copper Deeps Horizon Zero Dawn

Heading out of the Daytower, follow the road west until you reach the river. Once you've reached it, head south.

Using your Focus, you'll spot another signal, represented by a pulsing purple dot, and you can follow it down towards the little lake with 2 islands. Be wary of this area as there are a number of Snapmaws in the area.

Enemies Encountered

Enemy Type Quantity
Watcher 5
Snapmaw 4

Overriding the Copper Deeps Tallneck

Take Out A Snapmaw

Focus Copper Deeps Tallneck Horizon Zero Dawn

This area has appoximately 4 Snapmaws and 5 Watchers spread over the map. One of these Snapmaws is near the bank of the Northerm Island outcrop. Lure it up to higher ground, where you can ambush it with your Tripcaster and with some stealth hits. Make sure you roll out of the way of it's lunges though as they can really put a dent in your health if you're not careful.

If you're having trouble taking it out, override the Watcher to help you out a little or hide somewhere nearby to shoot arrows!

Find a Launch Point

Launch Point Copper Deeps Horizon Zero Dawn

Once the coast is clear, the area below is free for you to use and explore. Swim towards the Northern Island, and watch out for the Snapmaw on the Southern Island and the bank of the Northern Island. The edge of this cliff is also the perfect launch point! You can wait for the moment they are both looking away to climb up this outcrop and wait in the grass for the Tallneck.

Climb Up The Tallneck

Climb The Tallneck Horizon Zero Dawn

When the Tallneck comes near, make a run for it and hop on! Just remember that climbable spots are usually marked in yellow, or can be highlighted using your Focus!

Override the Tallneck With Your Spear

Override Tallneck Copper Deeps Horizon Zero Dawn

Now that the worst is over, step forward and use your spear to override the Tallneck. This will reveal a chunk of the map, along with the machine sites that you can find!

Horizon Zero Dawn Related Guides

Tallnecks Horizon Zero Dawn
All Tallneck Locations and Guides

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Sun-Steps Spearshafts
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