Horizon Zero Dawn

Weapons of the Lodge Side Quest Walkthrough

This guide will show you how to complete the Weapons of the Lodge, a side quest in Horizon Zero Dawn. Read on to learn the quest objectives, strategies, location, and rewards for the Weapons of the Lodge side quest.

Weapons of the Lodge Quest Information

General Info

Quest Giver Aidaba
Description The Hunters Lodge bestows rewards on those who complete their Trials.
Rewards +2 Lodge Blast Sling Weapon Box
+2 Lodge Warbow Weapon Box
+2 Lodge Ropecaster Weapon Box
Recommended Level 15

Quest Location

Horizon Zero Dawn - Weapons of the Lodge - Map Location.pngMap Location Horizon Zero Dawn - Weapons of the Lodge - World Location.pngWorld Location

You can get this quest from Aidaba in Meridian's Hunters Lodge. You are required to finish investigating Olin's House in The City of the Sun main quest and complete the Hunting for the Lodge errand before you can receive this quest.

Weapons of the Lodge Walkthrough

How to Complete

1 Horizon Zero Dawn - Weapons of the Lodge - Talk to Aidaba.pngTalk to Aidaba
Start this quest by talking to Aidaba at the Hunters Lodge. You can find her at the counter.
2 Horizon Zero Dawn - Weapons of the Lodge - Clear Hunting Grounds.pngComplete all 5 Hunting Grounds Trials
Clear all 5 base game Hunting Grounds Trials. You do not need to complete the Snowchants Hunting Grounds for this quest.
Horizon Zero Dawn - Weapons of the Lodge - All Hunting Grounds.pngAll Hunting Grounds
Nora Hunting Grounds
Valleymeet Hunting Grounds
Spurflints Hunting Grounds
Greatrun Hunting Grounds
Sun Furrow Hunting Grounds
3 Horizon Zero Dawn - Weapons of the Lodge - Return to Aidaba.pngReturn to Aidaba
Get your rewards from Aidaba after finishing all the Hunting Grounds. That will also be the end of the quest.

Tips and Strategies

Get All Weapon Types

Horizon Zero Dawn - Weapons of the Lodge - All Weapons.png
Most Trials need you to have specific weapons or ammo, like Freeze or Shock Arrows, before you can take them on. Make sure you have all the types of weapons before starting this quest to progress more smoothly.

List of All Equipment

Clear the Cauldron RHO

Horizon Zero Dawn - Weapons of the Lodge - Clear RHO Cauldron.jpg
A Trial on the Sun Furrow Hunting Grounds, called Thunderjaw Vs. Ravager Trial will require you to have the RHO Override before starting it. Go to the Cauldron RHO located south of the Greatrun Hunting Grounds and the Daytower and finish it to get the RHO Override function.

How to Clear Cauldron RHO

Horizon Zero Dawn Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn - All Quests Partial Banner.png
List of All Quests

Side Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn Side Quests
In her Mother's Footsteps The Forgotten Insult to Injury
Underquipped A Daughter's Vengeance A Moment's Peace
Heap of Trouble Death from the Skies Blood on Stone
Fatal Inheritance Sun and Shadow Sunstone Rock
Acquired Taste Robbing the Rich Hunters' Blind
Honor the Fallen Redmaw Weapons of the Lodge
Ancient Armory Traitor's Bounty Queen's Gambit
Cause for Concern - Farewell - -
Frozen Wilds Side Quests (DLC)
Waterlogged The Hunters Three The Survivor
Frontier Justice - -

Other Quests

Main Quests Side Quests Cauldron
Tallnecks Hunting Grounds Errands
Corrupted Zone Tutorial Quests Bandit Camps


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