Horizon Zero Dawn

List of Enemy Machines

Horizon Zero Dawn Enemy Machines (final)
This guide lists all enemy machines found in Horizon Zero Dawn. Learn about enemy locations, machine weak points, item drops, and necessary overrides in the guides below.

List of Enemy Machines

Main Game Enemy Machines

Below is a list of enemy machines found in the base game of Horizon Zero Dawn.

World Machines

Corruptor ImageCorruptor Deathbringer ImageDeathbringer Corrupted Machine ImageCorrupted Machine

PSI Override Machines

Watcher ImageWatcher Strider ImageStrider Redeye Watcher ImageRedeye Watcher
Broadhead ImageBroadhead Charger ImageCharger Tallneck ImageTallneck
Control Tower ImageControl Tower

RHO Override Machines

Longleg ImageLongleg Trampler ImageTrampler Shell-Walker ImageShell-Walker
Ravager ImageRavager Snapmaw ImageSnapmaw

SIGMA Override Machines

Grazer ImageGrazer Scrapper ImageScrapper Lancehorn ImageLancehorn
Sawtooth ImageSawtooth

XI Override Machines

Fire Bellowback ImageFire Bellowback Stalker ImageStalker Glinthawk ImageGlinthawk
Behemoth ImageBehemoth Freeze Bellowback ImageFreeze Bellowback

ZETA Override Machines

Thunderjaw ImageThunderjaw Rockbreaker ImageRockbreaker Stormbird ImageStormbird

Frozen Wilds Enemy Machines

Below is a list of enemy machine types found in the Frozen Wilds DLC.

EPSILON Override Machines

Scorcher ImageScorcher Frostclaw ImageFrostclaw Fireclaw ImageFireclaw

Impossible to Override

Daemonic Machine ImageDaemonic Machine

Horizon Zero Dawn Related Guides

Horizon Zero Dawn Title
Front Page

Horizon Zero Dawn Guides

Related Guides
Story Walkthrough Enemy Machines
Equipment Skills
Characters Quests
Collectibles Tips and Tricks
News and Game Info Items


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