Horizon Zero Dawn

Tutorial: Carja Sharpshot Bow Quest Walkthrough

Horizon Zero Dawn - Tutorial Carja Sharpshot Bow
This guide will show you how to complete Tutorial: Carja Sharpshot Bow, a Tutorial Quest in Horizon Zero Dawn. Read on to learn the objectives, strategies, and rewards for the Tutorial: Carja Sharpshot Bow Quest.

Tutorial: Carja Sharpshot Bow Quest Information

How to Acquire Purchase a Carja Sharpshot Bow or Shadow Sharpshot Bow from a Merchant.
Objectives Remove 3 machine parts using Tearblast Arrows.
Recommended Level 18
Rewards 3000 XP
Description You have acquired a powerful new weapon, the Carja Sharpshot Bow, capable of firing new ammunition types. This combat challenge will help you learn its utility and hone your skills.

Tutorial: Carja Sharpshot Bow Walkthrough

How to Complete

Head over to any kind of medium to large Machine Site and make sure the Carja Sharpshot Bow Tutorial is active.
Once there, select the Carja Sharpshot Bow or Shadow Sharpshot Bow from your weapon wheel, before equipping the Tearblast Arrow ammunition type.
3 Scan the machine by hitting R3 to determine which machine parts can easily be removed (these are the ones that glow orange and are not protected by armor plating).
4 Horizon Zero Dawn - Tearblaster Arrow ShredShoot the machine parts with a Tearblast Arrow. This will usually tear off more than 3, allowing you to complete the mission instantly.

Tips & Strategies

Target Medium to Large Machines

Horizon Zero Dawn - Ravager

Since this Tutorial Quest only tasks you to remove machine parts, the recommended targets are Medium to Large Machines with easily detachable components.

Avoid tricky or defensive machines like the Stalker or Shell-Walker since they have gimmicks that make it hard to tear off their parts.

Target a Thunderjaw for Better Loot

To get better returns for your spent ammunition, target a Thunderjaw as it usually rewards Very Rare weapon or outfit modifications when slain.

Unlike other large machines, the Thunderjaw is easily defeated provided you shoot off its Disc Launchers (using Tearblast Arrows) and use them against it.

Horizon Zero Dawn Quests

List of All Quests

Tutorial Quests

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