Horizon Zero Dawn

Redmaw Side Quest Walkthrough

This guide will show you how to complete the Redmaw, a side quest in Horizon Zero Dawn. Read on to learn the quest objectives, strategies, location, and rewards for the Redmaw side quest.

Redmaw Quest Information

General Info

Quest Giver Ligan
Description Ahsis and Talanah have left Meridian to track Redmaw, the Legendary Thunderjaw. If Talanah can bring down the mighty machine, she will become Sunhawk. Ahsis will do anything to prevent that from happening.
Rewards 6330 XP
+1 Skill Point
+1 Extraordinary Reward Box
Recommended Level 19

Quest Location

Map Location World Location

You can activate the Redmaw quest by talking to Ligan in the Hunters Lodge in Meridian. However, you need to finish these quests first before you can start the Redmaw quest:

Redmaw Walkthrough

How to Complete

1 Horizon Zero Dawn - Redmaw - Talk to Ligan.pngTalk to Ligan
Finish the Deadliest Game errand to start this quest. Talk to Ligan to get on with the quest.
2 Follow Talanah
You'll hear from Ligan that Talanah and Ahsis went for the Redmaw. Look for Talanah in the spearshafts, and help her kill all the men Ahsis sent to her once you find her.
3 Follow Ahsis
Search where Ahsis went and follow him. You'll see him fighting the Redmaw alone.
4 Defeat Redmaw
Ahsis will lose to the Redmaw. Take that chance to defeat it together with Talanah.
5 Talk to Talanah and Ahsis
Talk to Talanah and Ahsis after killing the Redmaw. Ahsis will then die because of his injuries.
6 Horizon Zero Dawn - Redmaw - Return to the Lodge.pngReturn to the Hunters Lodge and Talk to Talanah
Head back to the Hunters Lodge and congratulate Talanah. You will get your rewards after that, and that will be the end of the quest.

Tips and Strategies

Killing the Redmaw

Horizon Zero Dawn - Redmaw - Killing the Redmaw.png
Redmaw is a stronger version of the Thunderjaw. They both have the same weaknesses, but it's damage, health, and aggressiveness are much higher than the normal ones. Be sure to stock up on resources before taking on this monstrosity!

Horizon Zero Dawn - Redmaw - Disc Launcher.png
Remove the Disc Launcher using a Tearblast Arrow on the Redmaw's back and use it against it. Make sure you're not too close to the Redmaw, or you will get damaged by the Disc Launcher if you attack at that range.

Horizon Zero Dawn - Redmaw - Tearblast Arrows.png
Another use of the Tearblast Arrows is to remove its weapons and expose Redmaw's Body to attacks. Focus on revealing and hitting its Heart to deal more damage than usual.

Horizon Zero Dawn - Redmaw - Ropecaster.png
We also highly recommend using Ropecaster to stop its movements and get a better angle on its weak points, especially the Heart. Just make sure you have enough spare materials for crafting, as tying it down once won't suffice.

Go for Headshots

Horizon Zero Dawn - Redmaw - Headshot.png
Target the heads of the group of people who attacked Talanah. You can save resources before fighting the Redmaw if you go for headshots. Some of them won't die from a single headshot, but that won't matter if you have the Double Shot or Triple Shot skill.

Horizon Zero Dawn Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn - All Quests Partial Banner.png
List of All Quests

Side Quests

Horizon Zero Dawn Side Quests
In her Mother's Footsteps The Forgotten Insult to Injury
Underquipped A Daughter's Vengeance A Moment's Peace
Heap of Trouble Death from the Skies Blood on Stone
Fatal Inheritance Sun and Shadow Sunstone Rock
Acquired Taste Robbing the Rich Hunters' Blind
Honor the Fallen Redmaw Weapons of the Lodge
Ancient Armory Traitor's Bounty Queen's Gambit
Cause for Concern - Farewell - -
Frozen Wilds Side Quests (DLC)
Waterlogged The Hunters Three The Survivor
Frontier Justice - -

Other Quests

Main Quests Side Quests Cauldron
Tallnecks Hunting Grounds Errands
Corrupted Zone Tutorial Quests Bandit Camps


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