
How to Beat Fenrir

FF12 How to Beat Fenrir
This page contains information about the boss Fenrir from the game Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age (FF XII, FF12). Read on to know more about this boss fight including the boss' moveset and strategies to use against it.

How to beat Fenrir


Fenrir Boss Fight
Fenrir's battle changes heavily depending on a special condition--the choice made during the ascent to Pharos. He is also an easy boss, especially if the player chooses to sacrifice the mini-map to the Altar when asked.


Fenrir's nastiest (?) move is Wail which can inflict Blind or Silence. This can be really troublesome, most especially if the party is fond of using Magicks. If items are sealed, the player party may have trouble removing Silence, spelling doom for them.


Due to the sealed abilities before this fight, there are several gambits that can possibly be of use. Please refer to the strategy section for some examples of gambit set-ups.


FF12 Fenrir Boss Fight
The strategy and gambit set-up is hugely dependent on the abilities that were sealed prior to the fight. If items were sealed, make sure that the White Mage has an accessory that negates the status Silence to render Wail useless.

If magicks were sealed, have 3 fighters at the frontline and set X-Potions and Eye Drops to their Gambit sets. If the player chose to sacrifice attack, then delete your save file and re-think your life choices up to this point rely on technicks and magicks to deal and / or mitigate damage.

Final Fantasy XII Related Links

Boss list
List of Boss Battles

Story Boss Battles
Air Cutter Remora Firemane
Mimic Queen Judge Ghis
Garuda Belias
Vossler Tiamat
Elder Wyrm Mateus
Judge Bergan The Mandragoras
Ahriman Dr. Cid (1st battle)
Rafflesia Daedalus
Tyrant Shemhazai
Hydro Pandaemonium
Slyt Fenrir
Hashmal Judge Gabranth (1st battle)
Dr. Cid (2nd battle) & Famfrit Judge Gabranth (2nd battle)
Side Quest Bosses
Earth Tyrant Demon Wall
Vinuskar Fury
Humbaba Mistant Hell Wyrm
Urutan Eater King Bomb
Phoenix Omega Mk. XII
Adrammelech, the Wroth Belias, the Gigas
Chaos, Walker of the Wheel Cúchulainn, the Impure
Exodus, the Judge-Sal Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud
Hashmal, Bringer of Order Mateus, the Corrupt
Shemhazai, the Whisperer Ultima, the High Seraph
Zalera, the Death Seraph Zeromus, the Condemner
Zodiark, Keeper of Precepts


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