
Pharos 3rd ~ Sky Fortress Bahamut - Walkthrough

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This is the story walkthrough page for the locations Pharos 3rd ~ Sky Fortress Bahamut in the game Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age (FF12, FFXII, FFXII Zodiac Age). Read on for more information about objectives, items, and bosses within this section.

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Pharos 3rd Story Walkthrough


1 Use the 67F Way Stone to find yourself on the Mete of Dynasty floor.
2 There are colored Way Stones here. The clue to activate them the right way is to match each Way Stone with waystones that you've used to reach this floor. Choose them in this order: black, green, red, and pink (map sacrifice floor)
3 There are also 'Fool's Facade' walls here with treasures in them. This final 'Fool's Facade' hides the Way Stone to your destination.
4 Climb to the 90F area and save; you're facing the Mete of Dynasty boss, Hashmal.
5 Defeat Hashmal to have him join your party as an Esper summon. Afterwards, proceed to 91F and save before moving to the Sun-Cryst floor.

The Esper Hashmal

esper hashmal main story final fantasy xii ffxii ff12
Hashmal serves as one of the toughest bosses in the game, thanks to his status effects and his skills. Hashmal, like all other bosses in the game, is easily beatable with the right tactics along with the proper skillset. To know more about beating Hashmal, go click on the link below.

How to Defeat Hashmal

Sun-Cryst Floor Story Walkthrough


1 There will be two bosses on this floor. The first fight is against the Judge and Basch's twin, Gabranth.
2 The second battle (after a cutscene) will involve Cid and Gabranth. Be on your guard and defeat them.
3 Yet another battle happens after you defeat Cid and Gabranth. This time, it's against Cid and the Esper, Famfrit.
4 Defeating Cid and Famfrit also makes the latter another Esper summon for your party to use.
5 Head over to Balfonheim Port after the battle. Make preparations, as you'll head toward the final chapter of the story once you decide to head for Bahamut.

The Judge Gabranth

judge gabranth main story walkthrough final fantasy xii ffxii ff12
Gabranth is one of the main Judges of the Empire, as well as Basch's identical twin and the source of Dalmasca's sorrow. He is an easily beatable boss, if you've leveled your party appropriately. There are more details about Gabranth that can be read by following the link below.

Currently Unavailable

Dr Cid and Famfrit.

Famfrit cast esper main walkthrough final fantasy xii ff12
When you battle with Doctor Cid, he will have the esper Famfrit in his possession. He will also use the Esper against you to great effect. His stats and skills that he uses in the battle and more can be seen by clicking on the link below.

How to Defeat Famfrit

Sky Fortress Bahamut Story Walkthrough


1 Once you're ready, board the Strahl and head for Bahamut. Watch the cutscene that follows. Also note that there are no savepoints aboard the ship.
2 Some Imperials will be blocking your way. Take care of them, then proceed to the catwalk.
3 You can choose between fight or flight in this next area. Proceed to the elevator in the central area to proceed.
4 You'll face off with Judge Gabranth for a second time. Once you defeat him, prepare to fight against Vayne Solidor.
5 You'll have to defeat Vayne three times. Once you defeat him the first time, there will be a second and third fight, with the third being the hardest.
6 Watch the cutscene after defeating Vayne Solidor and enjoy having beaten Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age!

The Final Battle - Judge Gabranth

For the second time, Gabranth will challenge your party as you make your way up to the spires of the Bahamut. He will be stronger this time around. For more details and information about this battle, click this link.

Currently Unavailable

Vayne Solidor, Emperor

vayne solidor boss main story walkthrough final fantasy xii ffxii ff12
Vayne Solidor is the ultimate boss for the game's main story. At first glance, he may seem like an easier boss compared to all the others, but like any Final Fantasy XII boss, the Emperor has a few tricks up his sleeve. We've compiled a list of what these are, as well as the strategies to beat all of Vayne Solidor's forms, in the links below.

Currently Unavailable

Final Fantasy XII Related Links

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Pharos 2nd

FF12 The Zodiac Age Story Walkthrough

Opening ~
Dalmasca Estersand
Lowtown ~
Garamsythe Waterways
Nalbina ~
Return Rabanastre
Bhujerba ~
Dreadnought Leviathan
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea ~
Vossler Battle
Ozmone Plain ~
Henne Mines
Paramina Rift ~
Stilshrine of Miriam
Mosphoran Highwaste ~
Sochen Cave Palace
Old Archades ~
Draklor Lab
Balfonheim Port ~
Giruvegan Ridorana Cataract ~
Pharos 2nd
Pharos 3rd ~
Sky Fortress Bahamut


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