
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca Strengths and Recommended Jobs

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Ashelia B

This is a page about the strengths and recommended jobs for Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca from Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age (FFXII, FF12). Read on for information about Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca's Quickening, stats, and more.

Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca: Strengths

The Queen of Dalmasca

Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca, more commonly known to Vaan and their company as Ashe, is the queen-in-exile of Dalmasca. It is because of this reason (and because of the game art, of course) that Ashelia is commonly pushed as a general tank among the females in the game. It also makes her an ideal candidate for experimenting with mage/melee combinations.

A Battlemage, Defender of the Realm

Ashe's natural fit is as a mage. Red Battlemage is one of the obvious choices for her, seeing as how this class has access to maces, and Ashe has some considerable strength that makes wielding them effective. Ashe would also be perfect as a Black Mage, Time Battlemage, or even as a White Mage.

Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca: Stats


Lv.10 Lv.50 Lv.99
HP 251~ 282 2065 ~ 2427 4420 ~ 5212
MP 87 ~ 116 341 ~ 566 529 ~ 871
Pwr 26 47 73
M.Pwr 29 51 78
Vit 26 40 57
Spd 24 29 36


Quickening Attack Power
Northswain's Glow 90
Heaven's Wrath 140
Maelstrom's Bolt 230

Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca: Recommended Jobs

Job Reason for Recommending
Black Mage With a high MP combined with decent Magick Power, Ashe is a natural fit for the Black Mage class. It also seems like a logical choice, due to an in-game cutscene, where she is seen casting Dark on a few enemies. Making Ashe into a pure Mage--albeit one leaning on support damage instead of healing support--is a good choice.
Knight Ashe might look like an unlikely candidate for the Knight class, but her strength makes her into a pretty decent sword wielder. She is, after all, a queen, and it makes sense from a story point of view to pick Ashe as a candidate for this sword-wielding class. Couple it with a mage class like Black Mage or Time Battlemage, and you have yourself a well-protected Mage for your party.
Bushi (Second License) Ashe as a Bushi is not comparable to Basch or Balthier combo-wise, but she can hold her own. Her strength is decent enough to make her into a pretty general Bushi. The Bushi class also adds healing, which is effective due to her high MP, making her into a sort of Paladin-like hybrid.
Red Battlemage (Second License) If you're going for full mage support, the Red Battlemage class is good for Ashe. It falls into the natural category for her being a Mage as it combines the use of a melee weapon (maces) with the strength of a Mage (magick skills). With the Red Battlemage as a Second Job, players can experiment with using Ashe as a melee combatant for her first job.

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List of Party Members

VaanVaan PeneloPenelo
BalthierBalthier FranFran
Basch fon RensenburgBasch fon Ronsenburg Ashelia BAshelia B'nargin Dalmasca


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