
List of White Magicks

This page contains a list of White Magicks in Final Fantasy XII (FF12, FFXII, FFXII Zodiac Age). Read on if you would like to find out more about this game's most useful White Magicks for your heroes.

List of White Magicks

Name Effect Mp Cost
Cure Restore a small smount of HP to one ally. Damages undead targets. 8
Cura Restore HP to all allies in range. Damages undead targets. 26
Curaga Restore a large amount of HP to one ally. 24
Curaja Restore a large amount of HP to all allies in range. 58
Renew Fully restores HP to all allies in range. Reduces HP of reversed targets to 1 and KO's undead targets. 72
Raise Revive one KO'd ally. Reduces HP of reversed targets to 1 and KO's undead targets. 20
Arise Revive and fully restore the HP of one KO'd ally. 52
Esuna Remove harmuful status effects from one ally. 24
Esunaga Remove harmuful status effects from all allies in range. 66
Blindna Remove Blind from one ally. 6
Vox Remove Silence from one ally. 8
Poisona Remove Poison from one ally. 8
Stona Remove Stone/Petrify from one ally. 12
Cleanse Remove Disease from one ally. 20
Dispel Remove beneficial status effects from one foe. 16
Dispelga Remove beneficial status effects from all foes in range. 32
Protect Raise one ally's defense. 8
Protectga Raise defense of all allies in range. 36
Shell Raise one ally's magick resist. 8
Shellga Raise magick resist of all allies in range. 40
Bravery Increase one ally's physical attack damage. 24
Faith Augment one ally's magick. 24
Regen Restore one ally's HP over time. 16
Confuse Cause one foe to confuse friend with foe. 10
Holy Deal heavy holy damge to one foe. 48

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