
Shikari License Board and Recommended Party Members

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This is a list of obtainable licenses for the Shikari job in the game Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (FF12, FFXII). Read on to see recommended party members for this job, as well as license effects, and more!

Shikari Recommended Party Members

Party Member Reason for Recommending
VaanVaan Not everyone in FFXII has the speed to be a Shikari, but Vaan suits the role just fine. It is his default class, although Vaan has been made into a 'jack of all trades' for this game. The Shikari class gives Vaan access to some of the strongest weapons early in the game, and his strength and knack for stringing together ruthless combos is a boon to the player's party.
BalthierBalthier Balthier would also make a fine choice for Shikari. The game presents Balthier as a sky pirate and a thief at the same time, so the Shikari class would be a good fit for him, aside from the Machinist class. Balthier is also one of the best characters to give strong weapons to. The Shikari class has some of the best daggers and swords in the game. Aside from that, it gives Balthier something to defend himself with when combined with the Machinist or Archer class.

Shikari Obtainable Licences


License LP Effect or Items
HP +30 20 Increases max HP by 30.
HP +70 30 Increases max HP by 70.
HP +110 40 Increases max HP by 110.
HP +150 50 Increases max HP by 150.
HP +190 60 Increases max HP by 190.
HP +230 70 Increases max HP by 230.
HP +270 80 Increases max HP by 270.
HP +310 90 Increases max HP by 310.
HP +350 100 Increases max HP by 350.
HP +390 115 Increases max HP by 390.
HP +435 130 Increases max HP by 435.
Battle Lore 1 30 Increases physical attack damage.
Battle Lore 2 30 Increases physical attack damage.
Battle Lore 3 30 Increases physical attack damage.
Battle Lore 4 30 Increases physical attack damage.
Battle Lore 5 50 Increases physical attack damage.
Battle Lore 6 50 Increases physical attack damage.
Battle Lore 7 50 Increases physical attack damage.
Magick Lore 1 30 Increases magick potency.
Magick Lore 2 30 Increases magick potency.
Magick Lore 3 30 Increases magick potency.
Magick Lore 4 30 Increases magick potency.
Magick Lore 5 50 Increases magick potency.
Focus 70 Increases strength when HP is full.
Adrenaline 65 Increases strength when HP Critical.
Last Stand 70 Increases defense when HP Critical.
Brawler 90 Increases attack power when fighting empty-handed.
Shild Block 1 25 Increases chance to block with a shield.
Shild Block 2 45 Increases chance to block with a shield.
Inquisitor 30 Gain MP after dealing damage.
Headsman 30 Gain MP after defeating a foe.
Martyr 30 Gain MP after taking damage.
Swiftness 1 30 Reduces action time by 10%.
Swiftness 2 50 Reduces action time by 10%.
Swiftness 3 80 Reduces action time by 10%.
Potion Lore 1 20 Potions restore more HP.
Potion Lore 2 35 Potions restore more HP.
Potion Lore 3 70 Potions restore more HP.
Remedy Lore 1 20 Remedies remove Sleep, Sap, Immobilize, and Disable.
Remedy Lore 2 30 Remedies remove Petrify, Confuse, and Oil.
Remedy Lore 3 70 Remedies remove Stop, Doom, and Disease.
Phoenix Lore 1 30 Phoenix Down restores more HP.
Phoenix Lore 2 50 Phoenix Down restores more HP.


License LP Weapons
Daggers 1 15 Dagger
Daggers 2 20 Assassin's Dagger
Mage Masher
Daggers 3 35 Main Gauche
Daggers 4 45 Avenger
Daggers 5 60 Platinum Dagger
Orichalcum Dirk
Daggers 6 80 Zwill Crossblade
Shikari Nagasa & Mina 220 Mina
Shikari Nagasa
Guns 5 90 Antares
Guns 6 100 Fomalhaut
Ninja Swords 1 100 Orochi
Ninja Swords 2 120 Iga Blade
Ninja Swords 3 120 Koga Blade
Yagyu Drakblade & Mesa 180 Mesa
Yagyu Darkblade

Armors & Accessories

License LP Armors & Accessories
Accessories 1 5 Tourmaline Ring
Accessories 2 20 Indigo Pendant
Battle Harness
Accessories 3 25 Golden Amulet
Leather Gorget
Accessories 4 35 Sash
Berserker Bracers
Accessories 5 35 Pheasant Netsuke
Accessories 6 35 Ruby Ring
Gillie Boots
Accessories 7 40 Magick Gloves
Nishijin Belt
Accessories 8 45 Jade Collar
Accessories 9 30 Power Armlet
Turtleshell Choker
Accessories 10 40 Fuzzy Miter
Steel Poleyns
Accessories 11 60 Sage's Ring
Amber Armlet
Accessories 12 60 Nihopalaoa
Hermes Sandals
Accessories 13 60 Thief's Cuffs
Rose Corsage
Accessories 14 70 Steel Gorget
Argyle Armlet
Accessories 15 70 Bowline Sash
Accessories 16 70 Germinas Boots
Bubble Belt
Accessories 17 80 Ribbon
Cat-ear Hood
Accessories 18 80 Cameo Belt
Embroidered Tippet
Accessories 19 100 Quasimodo Boots
Agate Ring
Accessories 20 115 Opal Ring
Orrachea Armlet
Accessories 21 130 Ring of Renewal
Blazer Gloves
Accessories 22 160 Winged Boots
Diamond Armlet
Ribbon 215 Genji Gloves
Shields 2 20 Round Shield
Bronze Shield
Shields 3 25 Flame Shield
Ice Shield
Golden Shield
Shields 4 30 Diamond Shield
Platinum Shield
Shields 5 35 Kaiser Shield
Crystal Shield
Shields 6 40 Demon Shield
Aegis Shield
Shields 7 65 Venetian Shield
Light Armor 1 10 Leather Clothing
Leather Cap
Light Armor 2 15 Leather Breastplate
Chromed Leathers
Light Armor 3 20 Ringmail
Bronze Chestplate
Horned Hat
Leather Headgear
Light Armor 4 25 Heavy Coat
Soldier's Cap
Light Armor 5 30 Brigandine
Survival Vest
Red Cap
Green Beret
Light Armor 6 40 Viking Coat
Jujitsu Gi
Pirate Hat
Light Armor 7 50 Adamant Vest
Metal Jerkin
Adamant Hat
Goggle Mask
Light Armor 8 60 Power Vest
Barrel Coat
Chakra Band
Officer's Hat
Light Armor 9 70 Gigas Chestplate
Ninja Gear
Gigas Hat
Thief's Cap
Light Armor 10 75 Minerva Bustier
Light Armor 11 80 Rubber Suit
Crown of Laurels
Light Armor 12 90 Mirage Vest
Renewing Morion
Light Armor 13 110 Brave Suit
Dueling Mask

Magicks & Technicks

Licence LP Magicks & Technicks
Libra 25 Libra
First Aid 20 First Aid
Shades of Black 70 Shades of Black
Reveive 40 Revive
Gil Toss 30 Gil Toss
Stamp 40 Stamp
Bonecrusher 30 Bonecrusher
Telekinesis 80 Telekinesis

Learnable by All Characters

License LP Effect or Items
Essentials 1 Attack, Mist
Second Board 30 Allows the use of a second license board.
Belias 20 Belias
Mateus 30 Mateus
Zalera 30 Zalera
Adrammelech 35 Adrammelech
Shemhazai 50 Shemhazai
Hashmal 50 Hashmal
Cùchulainn 50 Cùchulainn
Zeromus 65 Zeromus
Exodus 65 Exodus
Famfrit 100 Famfrit
Chaos 100 Chaos
Ultima 115 Ultima
Zodiark 200 Zodiark
Quickening 1 50 Quickening
Quickening 2 75 Quickening
Quickening 3 100 Quickening
Quickening 4 125 Quickening

Final Fantasy XII Related Links

List of Jobs

KnightKnight monk_job_ff12.pngMonk Time BattlemageTime Battlemage
FoebreakerFoebreaker ArcherArcher Black MageBlack Mage
BushiBushi ShikariShikari White MageWhite Mage
UhlanUhlan MachinistMachinist Red BattlemageRed Battlemage


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