
Trial Mode Stages 51-60

This page contains information for the Trial mode stages 51-60 in the game Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age (FFXII, FF12). What to expect from these stages, as well as the rewards and strategies to beat enemies, can be found here.

Final Fantasy XII - Stages 51-60

Some of the most challenging stages of the Trial Mode starts here. Here are strategies on how to beat these stages and proceed all the way up to stage 100 of Final Fantasy XII's version of 'boss rush'.

Tips for Clearing Stage 51

Enemy Information

Helvinek FF12 trial mode Helvinek Aggressive Holy
Nightmare Fiend
HP 52376 ATK 78-80 DEF 26-27
MP 999 EXP 6594 LP 13
Oversoul FF12 trial mode Oversoul (x2) Aggressive Holy
Undead Reaper
HP 20117 ATK 75-81 DEF 28-32
MP 2875 EXP 4249 LP 1

Tips for Beating Enemies

As far as first stages go, you should prepare for the Oversouls, who will use Annul to deplete your MP. The Turtleneck Choker works here, especially if you have lots of spare gil lying around. If you have really strong damage-dealers with good weapons, now is the time to use them.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Chaos Bombs, Dark Shot, Grand Bolts - Green Beret, Stop

Tips for Clearing Stage 55

Enemy Information

Tyrant FF12 trial mode Tyrant Aggressive Ice
Guardian Beast Boss
HP 180428 ATK 68 DEF 28
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 33
Piscodaemon FF12 trial mode Piscodaemon Agressive Half-damage to all
??? ???
HP 49660 ATK 64 DEF 21
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 26

Tips for Beating Enemies

The Tyrant has an MP-Drain field going active here. Consider going for the Piscodaemons first to make things easier. Once only the Tyrant is left, you can go and use your strongest damage-dealers to get rid of it.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Artemis Bow, Gastrophetes, Black Mask - Mud Shot

Tips for Clearing Stage 56

Enemy Information

Larva Eater FF12 trial mode Larva Eater Aggressive Ice
Gargoyle Fiend
HP 108646 ATK 98-100 DEF 32-33
MP 999 EXP 10425 LP 17
Elvoret FF12 trial mode Elvoret (x3) Aggressive Air
Gargoyle Fiend
HP 10351 ATK 74-78 DEF 29-31
MP 2025 EXP 3780 LP 1

Tips for Beating Enemies

The Larva Eater and Elvorets should be easy pickings for a heavy damage-dealing party, but just the same, stock up on items that cure Disable. By that time, you should be able to worry very little about killing Elvorets and Larva Eaters.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- - - Fira, Golden Armor

Tips for Clearing Stage 57

Enemy Information

Helm Rook FF12 trial modeHelm-Rook (x2) Aggressive Half-Damage All
Armament Imperial Army
HP 12286 ATK 70 DEF 29
MP 770 EXP 3631 LP 1
Spinner Rook FF12 trial modeSpinner-Rook (x2) Aggressive Half-Damage All
Armament Imperial Army
HP 13286 ATK 68 DEF 28
MP 770 EXP 3631 LP 1
Sphere Rook FF12 trial modeSphere-Rook (x2) Aggressive Half-Damage All
Armament Imperial Army
HP 10286 ATK 71 DEF 30
MP 770 EXP 3631 LP 1

Tips for Beating Enemies

You'll need items to help protect against Stop, Sap, and Blind when you face against Rooks. They're pretty quick work once you get around that glaring weakness.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- - - Stona, Ice Shield

Tips for Clearing Stage 59

Ba Ba'Gamnan Aggressive Water
Bangaa Boss
HP 115659 ATK 79 DEF 29
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 38
Rinok FF12 trial mode Rinok (Optional) Aggressive Water
Bangaa Boss
HP 27326 ATK 70 DEF 28
MP 764 EXP 0 LP 20
Gijuk FF12 trial mode Gijuk (Optional) Aggressive Water
Bangaa Boss
HP 27326 ATK 68 DEF 28
MP 764 EXP 0 LP 20
Bwagi FF12 trial mode Bwagi (Optional) Aggressive Water
Bangaa Boss
HP 27326 ATK 70 DEF 28
MP 764 EXP 0 LP 20

Tips for Beating Enemies

If you're after the Bone of Byblos, Ba'Gamnan drops it. Put up Protect palings and make sure you're wearing the best armor if you intend to steal this item.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Elixir, Caldera, Bone of Byblos - Thief's Cuffs, Break

Tips for Clearing Stage 60

Monid FF12 trial mode Monid Aggressive Water
Bangaa Ally
HP 4779 ATK 65-79 DEF 16-37
MP 999 EXP - LP -
Bangaa Hunter FF12 trial mode Bangaa Hunter (x2) Aggressive Water
Bangaa Ally
HP 230-238 ATK 7-8 DEF 7
MP 140-143 EXP - LP -
Rabanastre Watch FF12 trial mode Rabanastre Watch (x2) Aggressive Water
Bangaa Ally
HP 230-238 ATK 7-8 DEF 7
MP 140-143/td> EXP - LP -

Tips for Beating Enemies

Take advantage of safe areas like Stage 60, where a 'breather' of sorts is given in a space without enemies. This is a good time to re-assess gambits and prepare for enemies on the next stage.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Magepower Shishak, Brave Suit, Onion Shot - Power Armlet, Assassin's Arrows

End of Stage Rewards

You receive: 6000 gil, 10 Phoenix Downs, and 3 Scathe Motes.

Final Fantasy XII Related Links

Trial Mode.jpg
Trial Mode

Stages 1-10 Stages 11-20
Stages 21-30 Stages 31-40
Stages 41-50 Stages 51-60
Stages 61-70 Stages 71-80
Stages 81-90 Stages 91-100


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