
Trial Mode Stages 91-100

This page contains information for the Trial mode stages 91-100 in the game Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age (FFXII, FF12). What to expect from these stages, as well as the rewards and strategies to beat enemies, can be found here.

Final Fantasy XII - Stages 91-100

With the way these stages are set up, you'll be in for a very rough time. It's the last stages of Trial Mode, after all. If you think Trial Mode 100 is hard with all those judges, wait 'till you get started with Trial Mode 91.

Tips for Clearing Stage 91

Enemy Information

Magick Pot FF12 trial mode Magick Pot Aggressive Absorbs all
??? Fiend
HP 30000 ATK 120 DEF 255
MP 999 EXP 1 LP 123
Hecteyes FF12 trial mode Hecteyes Aggressive Ice
Flan Amorph
HP 35323 ATK 101 DEF 58
MP 999 EXP 8605 LP 1

Tips for Beating Enemies

The clearset tactic would be to ignore the Hecteyes and go straight for the Magick Pot. Remember to set your characters to attack the enemy with the highest max HP, but don't set it to active just yet. Wait for it to ask an Elixir from you, then attack once the Hecteyes drop. You'll be able to finish stage 91 in no time.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Dark Matter - Icecloud Arrows, Ruby Ring, Sash, Goggle Mask

Tips for Clearing Stage 92

Enemy Information

Shadowseer FF12 trial mode Shadowseer Aggressive Holy
??? Rank VI mark
HP 278078 ATK 100 DEF 31
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 6
Fenrir FF12 trial mode Fenrir Aggressive Earth
??? Rank VI mark
HP 189992 ATK 85 DEF 27
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 36
Slyt FF12 trial mode Slyt Aggressive Fire
??? Rank VI mark
HP 92661 ATK 84 DEF 28
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 36
Pandaemonium FF12 trial mode Pandaemonium Aggressive Wind
??? Rank VI mark
HP 116678 ATK 84 DEF 45
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 36
Phoenix FF12 trial mode Phoenix Aggressive Varies
Specie 1 Specie 2
HP 134089 ATK 91 DEF 24
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 28

Tips for Beating Enemies

There's no clear, easy way to defeat all four of these enemies at once, not to mention Shadowseer's Reflect Damage status, as well as his constant badgering.

A Nihopalaoa + Remedy trick should work, along with your Mage hitting everyone with Faith + Scathe. However, you should move quicker, as these enemies will gang up on you and you won't even get a single inch of breathing space.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Elixir - Sapping Bolts, Metal Jerkin, Opal Ring

Tips for Clearing Stage 93

Enemy Information

Red Chocobo FF12 Trial Mode Lv.99 Red Chocobo (x3) Aggressive Holy/Water/Lightning
Chocobo Avion
HP 239686 ATK 104 DEF 33
MP 999 EXP 11949 LP 50

Tips for Beating Enemies

As always, it would be easier to defeat the three Red Chocobo if you have a ready party. Have all characters on Reverse, along with your spellcaster, and spam Faith + any elemental spell that's effective against the Chocobos. If you've timed it right, the battle will end pretty quickly with you standing.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Elixir, Megalixir, Ribbon Elixir Dark Shot, Black Cowl

Tips for Clearing Stage 94

Enemy Information

Gilgamesh FF12 trial mode Gilgamesh Aggressive Half-Damage all
??? Elite Mark
HP 473246 ATK 120 DEF 36
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 120

Enkidu FF12 trial mode Enkidu Aggressive Normal Damage all
??? ???
HP 140162 ATK 100 DEF 35
MP 644 EXP 0 LP 43

Tips for Beating Enemies

Same as before, you should focus on Enkidu first. Oil + Fire/ra/ga works on him perfectly. Afterwards, when you're fighting against Gilgamesh, do not forget to put up Reverse, Protect/ga, and Haste/ga. Do not forget to Steal from Gilgamesh, if you haven't completed your Genji Armor set yet. This is also the perfect opportunity to get extra gear from him.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Masamune, Kumba, Wyrmhero Blade, Genji Helm, Genji Shield, Genji Armor - Water Bombs, Black Garb, Sage's Ring

Tips for Clearing Stage 95

Enemy Information

Ultima FF12 trial mode Ultima Aggressive Dark
High Seraph Esper
HP 258001 ATK 98 DEF 35
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 65

Tips for Beating Enemies

Ultima, as before, will fall fast when you fight her with Dark-element weapons and spells. Dark Robes works best on boosting the power of the Dark-element, so if you plan on using Dark/ra/ga or the Yagyu Darkblade, don't hesitate to put these on. You could also use White Masks to absorb Ultima's White spells.

Alternatively, you can also use Zeromus, if you have him. Cast Bubble on him and use Gravity Well, along with his strongest attack. Ultima won't stand a chance against his Dark-element attacks.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- White Mask, White Robes, Lordly Robes - -

Tips for Clearing Stage 97

Enemy Information

Zodiark FF12 trial mode Zodiark Aggressive Holy
Keeper of Precepts Esper
HP 336847 ATK 112 DEF 34
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 3

Tips for Beating Enemies

As in the first fight, make your party ready to soak up Dark-element attacks from Zodiark. Wear Black Masks and Demons Shield to help you deal with Darkja. As for when Zodiark puts up his magick-blocking paling, there's not much you can do, aside from waiting it out and then casting Faith + Scathe once that paling goes down.

A good tactic to do, once he's down to 1/4 of his HP when he begins to put up that paling, is to use a fast Quickening chain on him. You're home free once you manage to use a good Quickening chain on him.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Black Mask, Black Robes, Lordly Robes - Hermes Sandals, Turtleshell Choker, Firefly, Dragon Shield

Tips for Clearing Stage 98

Enemy Information

Yiazmat FF12 trial mode Yiazmat Aggressive Dark
Wyrm Ultimate mark
HP 3777216 ATK 90 DEF 18
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 0

Tips for Beating Enemies

Like the Hell Wyrm, the same tactics as when you fought this beast the first time will work. Wither, Addle, Shear, and Expose will work best on him. He will also fall quicker if you have the license for the Yagyu Darkblade along with Genji Gloves and a Dark Robe. However, casting Dark-element spells and using weapons under the same element will work best on him too. If you're having trouble with his Cyclone spell, you can use Windbreakers to mitigate the damage.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Yagyu Darkblade, Mesa - -

Tips for Clearing Stage 99

Enemy Information

Omega Mk XII FF12 trial mode Omega Mark XII Aggressive Varies
Ancient Warmech Unclassified
HP 1037069 ATK 155 DEF 38
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 255

Tips for Beating Enemies

As before, using Reverse to deal with his laser attack is effective, but the next stage will punish you for this tactic. A better idea would be to use Reverse in the early stages of the battle as you wittle down his defense and attacks. Once you can deal with it, bring his HP down to where you can use an effective Quickening chain to move into the next battle.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Bonebreaker, Ribbon, Excalibur - Elixir, Megalixir

Tips for Clearing Stage 100

Enemy Information

Gabranth FF12 trial mode Judge Gabranth Aggressive Normal Damage all
Judge Imperial Army
HP 343243 ATK 102 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 100
Ghis FF12 trial mode Judge Ghis Aggressive Normal Damage all
Judge Imperial Army
HP 123244 ATK 81 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 100
Bergan FF12 trial mode Judge Bergan Aggressive Element
Judge Imperial Army
HP 382348 ATK 99 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 100
Drace FF12 trial mode Judge Drace Aggressive Normal Damage all
Judge Imperial Army
HP 195543 ATK 88 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 100
Zargabaath FF12 trial mode Judge Zargabaath Aggressive Holy
Judge Imperial Army
HP 224843 ATK 94 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 100

Tips for Beating Enemies

This battle is difficult for the fact that the Judges hit hard and can also do the same things you've been doing: use Items to keep themselves in the battle. The trick is to go after the party's buffer--Drace, who, luckily, is susceptible to status conditions, among others.

Search for the item Nihopalaoa. If you already have two, equip them on two characters. It is recommended to have at least two of this item to have two characters use Reversed items on the Judges (Remedy=different status effects, Serum=Disease, etc.) Once you've addled them with different negative status effects, bring down Drace, then Ghis. With these two Judges down, the rest can be handled by using Wither (Gabranth and Bergan) while Zargabaath can be dealt with while keeping him under the influence of Nihopalaoa-affected items.

With this, you've already conquered Trial mode, and unlocked an extra game mode.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Tournesol, Circlet, Genji Gloves, Megalixir, Grand Armor Elixir Cameo Belt, Jade Collar, Ribbon

End of Stage Rewards

You'll be able to start Final Fantasy XII on Weak Mode, which will keep your characters in floored levels!

Final Fantasy XII Related Links

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Trial Mode

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