
Fran Strengths and Recommended Jobs

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This is a page about the strengths and recommended jobs for Fran from Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age (FFXII, FF12). Read on for information about Fran's Quickening, stats, and more.

Fran: Strengths

The Opposite of Vaan, A Master of None

Think of Fran as your sturdy Swiss knife that's not very sharp or dull, but just right. Fran doesn't excel very much at any other area in the license/job boards, but she isn't that bad at these areas, either.

For those thinking of the perfect job to give to her, just think of her character class and her image. Vieras are great archers, and Fran's stats suggest that ranged support as a gunner or an archer is suited to her particular talents.

Fran: Stats


Lv.10 Lv.50 Lv.99
HP 254 ~ 286 2082 ~ 2446 4453 ~ 5252
MP 77 ~ 104 314 ~ 523 489 ~ 807
Pwr 27 47 71
M.Pwr 24 44 689
Vit 29 44 62
Spd 24 30 36


Quickening Attack Power
Feral Strike 90
Whip Kick 140
Shatterheart 230

Fran: Recommended Jobs

Job Reason for Recommending
Archer An obvious choice, given her character sprite. Fran isn't an exceptionally great bow user, but the Archer class goes well hand-in-hand with Second License jobs. Fran can use an MP-based job to go hand in hand with her accuracy from far, and she is still a decent Archer.
Machinist Fran's stats don't jump across the board. The Machinist class, however, isn't dependent on stats as much as any other job, and Fran makes for a great gunner from afar. This choice is perfect for pairing with a second job like Foebreaker, for instance.
Red Battlemage (Second License) The Red Battlemage is another job that feels like a fit for Fran. Fran has access to high Magical Power, as well as a potent supply of MP. Using the Red Battlemage in partnership with Fran's first job as Archer may pave the way for some pretty strong elemental attacks against select foes.
Foebreaker (Second License) Here is where Fran actually becomes of more use to your party. The Foebreaker class gains access to some of the best Heavy Armors in the game. An Archer that is decked in the best Heavy Armors your party can track down is perhaps the best thing for your Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age playthrough, and Fran is well-suited for such a job.

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