FF7 Remake

How to Choose Who Fights Sephiroth


This is a guide on how to choose who joins your fight against Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Read on to find out what actions determine who joins and how to fight alongside your desired party members in the final battle!

How to Beat Sephiroth | Boss Fight Guide (Normal & Hard Mode)

How to Choose Your Party

Different Actions Give Points

While initially believed to be random, the party members who join you when you fight Sephiroth is actually decided by a point system based on actions performed in the battle with the Whisper Harbinger. Depending on the point values at the end of the fight with Whisper Harbinger, different characters will show up during the final fight.

Barret's Actions


Action Points
Using an Ability, Spell, or Item 24
Using a Limit Break 120
Reducing any Whisper's HP to 0 and Staggering them 120
Finishing off Whisper Bahamut or Whisper Harbinger -

Tifa's Actions

Tifa_Palm Rush-2.jpg

Action Points
Using an Ability, Spell, or Item 20
Using a Limit Break 100
Reducing any Whisper's HP to 0 and Staggering them 100
Finishing off Whisper Bahamut or Whisper Harbinger 250

Aerith's Actions

Aerith_Unique ability.jpg

Action Points
Using an Ability, Spell, or Item 44
Using a Limit Break 220
Reducing any Whisper's HP to 0 and Staggering them 220
Finishing off Whisper Bahamut or Whisper Harbinger 550

Order That Party Members Join

Once all of the points have been tallied, the game decides who joins and when based on the table below:

Point Order Joining Member
First Second
Tifa came 1st and Aerith 2nd Tifa Aerith
Aerith came 1st and Tifa 2nd Aerith Tifa
Aerith came last Tifa Barret
Tifa came last Aerith Barret

Related Links

Chapter 1 Should You Set 20 Minutes or 30 Minutes for the Bomb Timer?
Chapter 2 How to Answer Aerith's Question
Chapter 3 What'll It Be? | Tifa Drink Choice
What Suits Tifa?
Chapter 4 How to Answer Jessie
Chapter 8 What Flowers Should You Choose?
Chapter 9 How Should You Respond to Sam?
Heads or Tails? | Sam's Coin Toss
What Should You Say to the Hotel Employee?
Agree With Johnny or Not?
Which Hand Massage Course Should You Choose?
How to Answer How is Aerith's Outfit?
Should You Taste the Mystery Drink?
Chapter 10 Who Should You Talk to First in the Sewers?
Chapter 12 How to Answer Biggs
Chapter 16 Should You Take the Stairs or the Elevator?
What Does Giving 10,000 Gil to Hart Do?
Chapter 18 How to Choose Who Fights Sephiroth

All Dialogue Choices


8 Anonymousover 2 years

It's based on your previous affinity choices in the other chapters as well and the key is to not use any evenly like don't use Barret in the whisper fight except to basic attack just use Tifa's skills and her until Aerith shows up then use Aerith and this combat affinity is affected by the other chapters combat so basically use Aerith alot and Tifa second most when Aerith isn't really around and the points will make Aerith first with Tifa second.

7 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Another time I played I chose better things for Tifa (ex: like when we have to choose between going to either Tifa or Aerith in the sewers before the Abzu fight- which I think makes a big difference in affinity)- and this made her come up first in the final boss fight. Playing the game multiple times, I realised things aren’t as random as some think it is. You can try it yourself and see if it works, though. Just to make sure. For me, I love repeating this game XD


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