FF7 Remake

What Should You Say to the Hotel Employee? (Chapter 9)


This is a guide to answering the hotel employee's question during Chapter 9 in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Read on to learn how will your answer affect the story!

Hotel Employee's Dialogue in Chapter 9


One of the many things you can do the first time you enter Wall Market during Chapter 9 is visit the hotel near the entrance. The barker outside will offer you a room as soon as you approach him and each of the three choices will have a different effect on the future events in the story.

See the link below for a guide through Chapter 9!

Chapter 9: The Town That Never Sleeps Story Guide & Walkthrough

How Will It Affect the Story?


Your response will affect the route of Chapter 9 Odd Jobs that will be available for you and will also give you a chance to raise Aerith's affection toward Cloud, which contributes to what resolution you will get in Chapter 14.

Effects of Dialogue Choices

Stay the night?

Choice Consequence / Effect
...No thanks ・Affection with Aerith will raise
・+1 point toward triggering Sam's side quests.
How much? ・+1 point toward triggering Madam M's side quests.
Back off. ・Affection with Aerith will raise

Dialogue Choices and Consequences

Related Links

Chapter 1 Should You Set 20 Minutes or 30 Minutes for the Bomb Timer?
Chapter 2 How to Answer Aerith's Question
Chapter 3 What'll It Be? | Tifa Drink Choice
What Suits Tifa?
Chapter 4 How to Answer Jessie
Chapter 8 What Flowers Should You Choose?
Chapter 9 How Should You Respond to Sam?
Heads or Tails? | Sam's Coin Toss
What Should You Say to the Hotel Employee?
Agree With Johnny or Not?
Which Hand Massage Course Should You Choose?
How to Answer How is Aerith's Outfit?
Should You Taste the Mystery Drink?
Chapter 10 Who Should You Talk to First in the Sewers?
Chapter 12 How to Answer Biggs
Chapter 16 Should You Take the Stairs or the Elevator?
What Does Giving 10,000 Gil to Hart Do?
Chapter 18 How to Choose Who Fights Sephiroth

All Dialogue Choices


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