Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Scrolls Guide | All Scroll Locations

For anything you craft, you'll need a Scroll first. This guide has a list of all Scrolls together with all the Dungeons and Towns they can be found in. Find out where to look and which Cycle to check to find all Scrolls.

Where to Find Scrolls

Obtained in Dungeons

Scrolls can be obtained by opening Treasure Chests, defeating Monsters, and rarely, from Bosses.

Treasure Chests Some Treasure Chests in Dungeons will reward players with Scrolls.
Monsters Regular enemies found throughout Dungeons will sometimes drop Scrolls. They are often held by stronger Monsters.
Boss Bosses normally drop Artifacts, but rarely will drop high-level Scrolls. The items dropped by the Boss depend on the Bonus Points collected by the players, as well as the Cycle number of the Dungeon (each time a Myrrh tree is fruitful again, a new Cycle begins in that Dungeon).

Bought in Towns

Merchants in Towns throughout the game will sell Scrolls and Materials. If your Home Job is a Merchant or an Alchemist, your parents can provide you with Scrolls as well.

Weapon Scroll Locations

Scroll Creates Dungeon / Town
Aurora Weapon Moonlit Desert (Boss)
Beginnings Weapon Falling Leaves Path (Boss)
Celestial Weapon Longinus
Kilanda (Boss)
Dark Weapon Ragnarok
Rebena Te Ra (Boss)
Dawn Weapon Miasma Pit (Boss)
Moonlit Desert (Boss)
Empty Weapon Toadstool Forest (Boss)
Garden Weapon Foggy Swamp (Boss)
Foggy Swamp (Boss)
Gelid Weapon Misty Mount Kilanda (Boss)
Greatest Weapon Ultima Hammer
Ultima Lance
Ultima Maul
Ultima Sword
Tipa (Alchemist Lv12)
Hero's Weapon Dragoon's Spear
Lynari Desert (Boss)
Legendary Weapon Excalibur
Mystic Hammer
Queen's Heel
Conall Curach (Cycle 3)
Kilanda (Cycle 3 Boss)
Lynari Desert (Cycle 3)
Moschet Manor (Boss)
River Belle Path (Boss)
The Mine of Cathuriges (Boss)
Tida (Boss)
Lunar Weapon Dreamcatcher
Conall Curach (Boss)
Master's Weapon Butterfly Head
Dragon Lance
Mythril Hammer
Rune Blade
Conall Curach (All)
Daemon's Court (All)
Goblin Wall (All)
Kilanda (All)
Lynari Desert (Cycle 1 & 2)
Selepation Cave (All)
The Mine of Cathuriges (Cycle 2 & 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tida (All)
Tipa (Alchemist Lv8)
Mighty Weapon Bastard Sword
Sonic Hammer
Steel Cudgel
Conall Curach (All)
Daemon's Court (Cycle 3)
Goblin Wall (2 & 3)
Kilanda (Cycle 3)
Lynari Desert (All)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 3)
Tida (Cycle 3)
Noble Weapon Oblivion Village (Boss)
Novice's Weapon Iron Sword
Solid Racket
Wave Hammer
River Belle Path (Cycle 1 & 2)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 1 & 2)
Paradise Weapon Foggy Swamp (Boss)
Sealed Weapon Moonlit Desert (Boss)
Smoldering Weapon Misty Mount Kilanda (Boss)
Storm Weapon Misty Mount Kilanda (Boss)
Twilight Weapon Miasma Pit (Boss)
Valiant Weapon Elemental Cudgel
Feather Saber
Goblin Hammer
Titan Lance
Conall Curach (All)
Daemon's Court (Cycle 3)
Goblin Wall (3)
Kilanda (Cycle 2 & 3)
Lynari Desert (All)
River Belle Path (Cycle 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 2 & 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tida (Cycle 3)
Victorious Weapon Defender
Prism Bludgeon
Prism Hammer
Conall Curach (All)
Daemon's Court (Cycle 2 & 3)
Goblin Wall (2 & 3)
Kilanda (Cycle 3)
Lynari Desert (All)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 3)
Tida (Cycle 2 & 3)
Warrior's Weapon Dual Shooter
Rune Hammer
Sonic Lance
Steel Blade
Daemon's Court (Cycle 1)
Goblin Wall (1 & 2)
Kilanda (Cycle 1)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 1 & 2)
Tida (Cycle 1 & 2)
Tipa (Alchemist Lv2)
Marr's Pass
The Fields of Fum

List of Weapon Scrolls

Armor Scroll Locations

Scroll Creates Dungeon / Town
Beginnings Armor Falling Leaves Path (Boss)
Bronze Armor Bronze Plate
River Belle Path (Cycle 1 & 2)
The Mine of Cathuriges (Cycle 2)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 1 & 2 )
Copycat Moogle The Dinner Party (Boss)
Cursed Robe Afternoon Fort (Boss)
Diamond Armor Diamond Plate
Conall Curach (Cycle 3 & Boss)
Kilanda (Cycle 3)
Lynari Desert (Cycle 3 & Boss)
Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 3)
Selepation Cave (Boss)
The Mushroom Forest (Boss)
Veo Lu Sluice (Boss)
Tipa (Alchemist Lv10)
Earth Armor Gaia Plate
Selepation Cave (Boss)
Empty Armor Toadstool Forest (Boss)
Eternal Armor Eternal Mail
Conall Curach (Cycle 1 & 2)
Lynari Desert (Cycle 1 & 2)
Flame Armor Flame Mail
Kilanda (Cycle 2 & 3)
The Mine of Cathuriges (Cycle 3)
Tida (Cycle 3)
Tipa (Alchemist Lv3)
Frost Armor Frost Mail
The Mine of Cathuriges (Cycle 3)
Veo Lu Sluice (All)
Gold Armor Gold Mail
Conall Curach (Cycle 2 & 3)
Lynari Desert (Cycle 2 & 3)
Holy Armor Saintly Mail
Conall Curach (Cycle 2 & 3)
Goblin Wall (3)
Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 2 & 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 3)
Tida (Cycle 3)
Iron Armor Iron Plate
Goblin Wall (1 & 2)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 1 & 2)
Tida (Cycle 1 & 2)
Tipa (Alchemist Lv1)
Marr's Pass
The Fields of Fum
Lightning Armor Storm Mail
The Mine of Cathuriges (Cycle 3)
Mythril Armor Mythril Plate
Conall Curach (Cycle 1 & 2)
Goblin Wall (All)
Lynari Desert (Cycle 1 & 2)
River Belle Path (Cycle 3)
Selepation Cave (All)
The Mine of Cathuriges (Cycle 2 & 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tida (All)
Tipa (Alchemist Lv5)
Marr's Pass
The Fields of Fum
Noble Armor Oblivion Village (Boss)
Palladium Armor Pale Cave (Boss)
Pure Armor Blessed Mail
Conall Curach (Cycle 2 & 3)
Goblin Wall (3)
Lynari Desert (Cycle 2 & 3)
Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 2 & 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 3)
Tida (Cycle 3)
Radiant Armor Crystal Mail
Lynari Desert (Cycle 3)
Silver Guard Frozen Sluice (Boss)
Time Armor Time Mail
Goblin Wall (2 & 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tida (Cycle 2 & 3)

List of Armor Scrolls

Shield Scroll Locations

Location coming soon!

List of Shield Scrolls

Glove Scroll Locations

Scroll Creates Dungeon / Town
Bronze Gloves Bronze Gauntlets
River Belle Path (Cycle 1 & 2)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 1 & 2 )
Diamond Gloves Diamond Armlets
Conall Curach (Cycle 3)
Daemon's Court (Boss)
Flame Gloves Flame Armlets
Goblin Wall (3)
Kilanda (All)
Frost Gloves Frost Armlets
Tida (Cycle 2 & 3)
Veo Lu Sluice (All)
Gold Gloves Gold Armlets
Conall Curach (Cycle 2 & 3)
Goblin Wall (3)
Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 1 & 2)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 3)
Tida (Cycle 2)
Iron Gloves Iron Gauntlets
Goblin Wall (1)
River Belle Path (Cycle 2 & 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 1)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2)
Tida (Cycle 1)
Marr's Pass
The Fields of Fum
Lightning Gloves Storm Armlets
Conall Curach (Cycle 1 & 2)
Goblin Wall (2 & 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 2 & 3)
Lustrous Gloves
Mythril Gloves Mythril Gauntlets
Conall Curach (Cycle 1)
Goblin Wall (All)
River Belle Path (Cycle 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 1 & 2)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tida (Cycle 1 & 2)
Marr's Pass
The Fields of Fum

List of Glove Scrolls

Helm Scroll Locations

Scroll Creates Dungeon / Town
Bronze Sallet Bronze Helm
River Belle Path (Cycle 1 & 2)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 1 & 2)
Diamond Sallet Diamond Helm
Conall Curach (Cycle 3)
Veo Lu Sluice (Boss)
Eternal Sallet Eternal Helm
Conall Curach (Cycle 2 & 3)
Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 1 & 2)
Tida (Cycle 3)
Flame Sallet Flame Helm
Kilanda (All)
Frost Sallet Frost Helm
Tida (Cycle 2 & 3)
Veo Lu Sluice (All)
Iron Sallet Iron Helm
Goblin Wall (1)
River Belle Path (Cycle 2 & 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 1)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2)
Tida (Cycle 1)
Marr's Pass
The Fields of Fum
Lightning Sallet Storm Helm
Conall Curach (Cycle 1 & 2)
Goblin Wall (2 & 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 2 & 3)
Lustrous Helm Misty Mount Kilanda (Boss)
Mythril Sallet Mythril Helm
Conall Curach (Cycle 1)
Goblin Wall (1 & 2)
River Belle Path (Cycle 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 1 & 2)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tida (Cycle 1 & 2)
Marr's Pass
The Fields of Fum
Time Sallet Time Helm
Conall Curach (Cycle 2 & 3)
Goblin Wall (3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 3)

List of Helm Scrolls

Belt Scroll Locations

Scroll Creates Dungeon / Town
Bronze Belt Bronze Belt
River Belle Path (Cycle 1)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 1 & 2)
Diamond Belt Diamond Belt
Conall Curach (Cycle 3)
Goblin Wall (Boss)
Flame Belt Flame Sash
Kilanda (All)
Frost Belt Frost Sash
Tida (Cycle 2 & 3)
Veo Lu Sluice (All)
Iron Belt Iron Belt
Goblin Wall (1)
River Belle Path (Cycle 2 & 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 1)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2)
Tida (Cycle 1)
Marr's Pass
The Fields of Fum
Lightning Belt Storm Sash
Conall Curach (Cycle 1 & 2)
Goblin Wall (2 & 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 2 & 3)
Lustrous Belt Foggy Swamp (Boss)
Mythril Belt Mythril Belt
Conall Curach (Cycle 1)
Goblin Wall (1 & 2)
River Belle Path (Cycle 3)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 1 & 2)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tida (Cycle 1 & 2)
Marr's Pass
The Fields of Fum
Pure Belt Blessed Sash
Conall Curach (Cycle 2 & 3)
Goblin Wall (3)
Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 1 & 2)
Selepation Cave (Cycle 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 3)
Wind Belt Winged Belt
Conall Curach (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tida (Cycle 3)

List of Belt Scrolls

Accessory Scroll Locations

Scroll Creates Dungeon / Town
Angel Kit Angel's Earring
Foggy Swamp (Monster)
Tida (Cycle 3)
Blue Yarn Blue Misanga
Rebena Te Ra (All)
Book of Wisdom Moonlit Desert (Gigantuar)
Brigandology Thief's Emblem
Tida (Boss)
Clockwork Accurate Watch
Lynari Desert (All)
Tipa (Alchemist Lv4)
Daemon Kit Devil's Earring
Foggy Swamp (Monster)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 3 )
Designer Glasses Twisted Scope
Daemon's Court (Cycle 3)
Lynari Desert (Cycle 3)
Moonlit Desert (Gigantuar)
Designer Goggles Eagle Goggles
Lynari Desert (Cycle 3)
Moonlit Desert (Gigantuar)
Eyewear Techniques Twisted Spectacles
Daemon's Court (Cycle 1 & 2)
Faerie Kit Pixie's Earring
Tida (All)
Fashion Kit Jade Bracer
Moonlit Desert (Gigantuar)
Moschet Manor (All)
Fiend Kit Daemon's Earring
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 2 & 3)
Flame Craft Badge of the Flame
Kilanda (Cycle 1 & 2)
Lynari Desert (All)
River Belle Path (Cycle 2 & 3)
The Mine of Cathuriges (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tida (Cycle 2 & 3)
Forbidden Tome Elemental's Soul
Rebena Te Ra (Boss)
Frost Craft Badge of the Frost
Lynari Desert (All)
River Belle Path (Cycle 2 & 3)
The Mine of Cathuriges (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tipa (Alchemist Lv6)
Goggle Techniques Power Goggles
Lynari Desert (All)
Gold Craft Gold Necklace
Lynari Desert (All)
Healing Kit Headband of Healing
Kilanda (Cycle 3)
Lady's Accessories Flower Bracer
Moschet Manor (All)
Lightning Craft Badge of the Thunderbolt
Lynari Desert (All)
River Belle Path (Cycle 2 & 3)
Tipa (Alchemist Lv7)
New Clockwork Unfaltering Watch
Lynari Desert (All)
Ring of Invincibility Force Ring
Tipa (Alchemist Lv11)
Ring of Light Crystal Ring
Selepation Cave (All)
Tipa (Alchemist Lv9)
Secrets of Speed Talisman of Speed
Moonlit Desert (Gigantuar)
The Mine of Cathuriges (Cycle 3)
Secrets of Wisdom Talisman of Wisdom
Goblin Wall (3)
Moonlit Desert (Gigantuar)
Soul of the Dragon Dragon's Heart
Conall Curach (Cycle 2 & 3)
Foggy Swamp (Monster)
Soul of the Lion Lion's Heart
Conall Curach (All)
Tome of Magic Wizard's Soul
Rebena Te Ra (All)
Tome of Sorcery Bishop's Soul
Rebena Te Ra (Cycle 3)
Tome of Speed Charm of Speed
The Mine of Cathuriges (Cycle 2 & 3)
The Mushroom Forest (Cycle 3)
Tome of Wisdom Charm of Wisdom
Goblin Wall (All)
White Yarn White Misanga
Rebena Te Ra (All)
Zeal Kit Headband of Zeal
Foggy Swamp (Monster)
Kilanda (Cycle 2 & 3)

List of Accessory Scrolls

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