Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Damage Calculation Explained

This is a guide to the damage calculation formula in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition (FFCC). Read on to know how each moves' damage is calculated on dungeons and the stats involved for each move.

Damage Calculation Formula

Damage Formula for Each Type of Moves

Normal Attack
Strength ÷ 5-Monster Def
Magic Attack
(Magic power + player's magic stat) ÷ 5 − Monster Def
Spell Fusion
(Magic Power + magic stat of first spell caster ) ÷ 5 − Def of monster
Focus Attack
(Power of Special Moves + Strength) ÷ 5 − Monster Def
Magic Strike
Special Move Damage × Number of Players Using Magic (Max ×3)

Taking Damage

The same type of calculation works the same way for monsters and bosses that are attacking you. All enemies have their own set of stats which is used for their attacks and your character's defense stat is taken into consideration before the final damage is taken by your character.

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