Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

Vaudevillan Associated Skills and How to Get

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A guide to the Vaudevillan Talent, as well as learnable skills and Monsters that can acquire the trait. Read on to learn Talent Evolutions made from Vaudevillan, as well as how to obtain the Talent through eggs and other methods.

Vaudevillan Associated Skills and How to Get


Talent Classification


Talent Type

Talent Name

Skill Effects

Skill / Trait SP Effect
War Cry 3 An ear-popping shout that stuns all enemies for 1 turn.
Flame Breath 10 Inflicts medium fire-elemental breath damage on all enemies.
Miracle Slash 20 Inflicts slashing damage on a single enemy. Approximately half the amount of damage inflicted is restored to the user as HP. Can heal up to a maximum of 200 HP.
Sword Dance 30 A dance that damages enemies at random, 3 to 7 times in total.
Lightning 50 Inflicts medium electrical damage on all enemies. The higher the user's level, the greater the damage that will be inflicted.
Tongue Bashing 70 Savagely slathers a single enemy with slimy saliva, stunning it and reducing its defence attribute to 1.
Pearly Gates 85 Inflicts extreme light-elemental spell damage on all enemies. Highly effecetive against monsters in the undead family.
Ultra Whoosh Ward 100 Greatly increases resistance to wind-elemental attacks.
Kerplunk Dance 120 A dance that heals or resurrects all allies, including reserves, but at the cost of the user's life. The user cannot be resurrected in the same battle.

Vaudevillan Evolved Talents

No Skills Can Be Created

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Related Guides

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