Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)

Pop Diva Associated Skills and How to Get

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A guide to the Pop Diva Talent, as well as learnable skills and Monsters that can acquire the trait. Read on to learn Talent Evolutions made from Pop Diva, as well as how to obtain the Talent through eggs and other methods.

Pop Diva Associated Skills and How to Get


Talent Classification


Talent Type

Talent Name

Skill Effects

Skill / Trait SP Effect
Sultry Dance 3 A bewitching dance that stuns all enemies for 1 turn.
Dazzleflash 10 Unleashes a blinding light that lowers the accuracy of enemy attacks for 2 to 5 turns.
Tap Dance 20 A dance that absorbs some MP from a single enemy.
Max. MP +24 30 Raises max. MP by 24.
Sword Dance 50 A dance that damages enemies at random, 3 to 7 times in total.
Mirror Moves 70 A secret technique that copies an enemy's dance moves step-for-step, effectively reflecting their dance back at them. Protects all allies once only.
Hustle Dance 85 A dance that heals allies at random, 2 to 6 tiems in total. The higher the user's level, the greater the healing amount.
Starfall 100 Inflicts medium light-elemental damage on all enemies. The higher the user's level, the greater the damage that will be inflicted.
Butterfly Bop 120 A dance that summons countless butterflies from the aether to attack all enemies. The higher the user's agility, the greter the damage that will be inflicted.

Pop Diva Evolved Talents

No Skills Can Be Created

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