Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Chapter 20: The City Without Light Walkthrough

This is the walkthrough for the twentieth chapter of the Church of Seiros route in Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FETH, FE3H). Read on to find out the best way to use your time in the Monastery, how to win in battle, and which dialogue options to choose!

Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Chapter 19: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads Chapter 21: Following a Dream

Chapter 20 - The City Without Light

Those Who Slither in the Dark

Upon the discovery that a threat still exists, the party marches on to the city without light.


Date Events
7/1 Caspar's Birthday
7/5 Fistfuls of Fish
7/12 Flayn's Birthday
Saint Cethleann Day
Head Chef Challenge
Rare Monster Sighting
7/19 Fish of Mystery
7/26 Sweet-Tooth Week
Rare Monster Sighting
7/31 Chapter Mission: Stand Strong at Shambhala

Free Time

Side Quests

Only the repeatable quest Supply Run is avaialable during free time.

Chapter Objectives

Take the quest from Seteth then spend the rest of your activity points during free exploration. The battle will be tough ahead so it is suggested that the player participate in battles and purchase new equipment.

Optional Supports

Bernadetta How about we exile him?
Shamir Please, stay with us a little longer.
Sylvain Even so...

Chapter 20 Misson: Stand Strong at Shambhala

A quest with several golems you can avoid. Your units will also be separated at the start so making sure everyone is prepared is a must for this battle. For more information about the battle, see the link below.
Chapter 20: Stand Strong at Shambhala

Chapter 20 - After the Battle

There are no support boosts available after the battle. Steel yourself and prepare for the next chapter.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Related Links

Story Walkthrough.png
Part 2 - Silver Snow Walkthrough
Part 2 - Silver Snow
Chapter 13: Reunion at Dawn Chapter 14: A King Without a Kingdom Chapter 15: Valley of Torment
Chapter 16: The Rose-Colored River Chapter 17: The Impregnable Fortress Chapter 18: The Chaos of War
Chapter 19: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads Chapter 20: The City Without Light Chapter 21: Following a Dream


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