Super Mario RPG

Geno Blast Timing and Effects

Geno Blast is a Special Move used by Geno in Super Mario RPG Remake. Read on to learn about the effects of Geno Blast, its level unlock, FP cost, and how to time Geno Blast well!

Geno Blast Overview

Basic Information

Geno Blast
FP Cost Move Type
12 Neutral
Move Power Target
50 All foes
Deals damage to all enemies.
How to Time & Timed Bonus
Hold A until there are 3 stars.
Timed Bonus: Increased damage.
In-Game Description
Beam hits all foes! Energize!

User and Level Unlocked

Character Level Unlocked

Geno Blast Timing and Timed Bonus

Hold A Until There are 3 Stars

Perfecting the timing of Geno Blast requires the player to hold the A button until there are 3 stars to increase the damage dealt by the Special Move.

Special Moves Similar to Geno Blast

Special Move Lv. Unlock Effects
Geno Beam Base Deals damage to one enemy.
Timed Bonus: Increased damage.
Geno Blast 14 Deals damage to all enemies.
Timed Bonus: Increased damage.
Geno Flash 17 Deals damage to all enemies.
Timed Bonus: Increased damage.

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All Special Moves

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All Geno's Special Moves
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