Saints Row (2022)

How to Get Skorpio (Desert Devil): Locations and Customization Guide

The Skorpio (Desert Devil) is a type of Car found in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5). Read on to learn more about this Land Vehicle's location, stats, abilities, equipment, customization options, and more!

Skorpio (Desert Devil) Overview

General Info

Skorpio Icon
Vehicle Type Land
Class Car


Max Speed

Signature Abilities

Ability Desciption and How to Unlock
Air Boost Now you're flying with nitrous!
Perform 3 360 Spins.

Skorpio (Desert Devil) Locations

Map Image
Location Summary
One can be stolen by a parking lot up in Rojas Desert North as part of JimRob's Ventures.

This vehicle is also addressed as the Desert Devil in JimRob's Venture, but will only be regarded as Skorpio in your garage.

JimRob's Garage Criminal Venture Locations and Missions Guide

Skorpio Customization Options


Preset 1

Preset 2

Body Mods

Antenna 1

Antenna 2

Antenna 3

Body Kit 1

Body Kit 2

Body Kit 3

Body Kit 4

Rear Bumper 1

Rear Bumper 2

Exhaust 1

Exhaust 2

Exhaust 3

Fender 1

Fender 2

Fender 3

Hood 1

Hood 2

Hood 3

Hood 4

Hood 5

Hood 6

Spoiler 1

Spoiler 2

Spoiler 3

Topper 1

Topper 2


Equipment Effect
$ 7500
Nitrous oxide temporarily boosts the power of your engine.
Off-Road Kit
$ 7500
An off-road kit improves your vehicle's handling.
Towing Cable
$ 7500
A towing cable can drag other vehicles around town.

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2 Marcoover 2 years

Ive been driving around for almost 2 hours real time and i havent seen an idol skorpion. I even stole the one on the mountain to see if that triggers more skorpion cars to spawn but no luck. Also, for the police car i had to carjack it like 10 times before it gave it to me.

1 Anonymousover 2 years

I've noticed that for the challenge to work you have to actually pull an idol out of a non hostile car, just stealing it when it's empty doesn't complete the challenge


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