Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2)

How to Get Kite Shield: Stats and Effects

Kite Shield is an item that can be found in the Shield section of your inventory in Octopath Traveler 2. Read on to learn how to get the Kite Shield, its stats, bonus attributes, and effects.

Kite Shield Overview and Stats

Stats and Effects

Kite Shield Kite Shield
Physical Defense +20
Elemental Defense +18
Additional Stats -

How to Get Kite Shield

Purchase from Shops

Known Locations ・Ryu, Hinoeuma

Kite Shield can be purchased from shops across Solistia. The Kite Shield is usually sold for 2300 Leaves. Check out the Armorers, Provisioners, or General Stores in the locations listed above. Keep in mind that if the item is sold in Black Markets, you'll have to visit it at night.

Check out our money-farming guide to learn how to earn Leaves fast so that you can buy powerful weapons and increase your damage in battle!

Money Farming Guide

Obtained in Chests

All Chest Locations
Kite Shield
On top of the entrance to the Abandoned Waterway.

New Delsta Flats

Certain Treasure Chests have been discovered to contain Kite Shield. Some of the chests we've found that contain Kite Shield are listed above.

Let us know in the comments if there are additional chests you've found that have Kite Shield.

Perform Specific Path Actions

Path Actions ・Steal from Soldier in Flamechurch, Crestlands.
・ Mug Soldier in Flamechurch, Crestlands.
・ Steal from Factory Worker in Clockbank, Brightlands.

Keep an eye out for the key interactions listed above that will let you get Kite Shield.
Path Actions Guide:
All Path Actions Explained

Octopath Traveler 2 Related Guides

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All Equipment Types

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List of All Shield

List of Equipment
Adamantine Buckler Adamantine Buckler Aegis Shield Aegis Shield Bronze Shield Bronze Shield Buckler Buckler
Crested Greatshield Crested Greatshield Cursed Shield Cursed Shield Diamond Shield Diamond Shield Feather Shield Feather Shield
Forbidden Shield Forbidden Shield Giant Shield Giant Shield Gray Shield Gray Shield Guard Guard's Shield
Heavy Greatshield Heavy Greatshield Iron Shield Iron Shield Kite Shield Kite Shield Leather Buckler Leather Buckler
Master Master's Shield Plate Buckler Plate Buckler Platinum Shield Platinum Shield Protector Protector's Shield
Quartz Shield Quartz Shield Rabbit Shield Rabbit Shield Round Shield Round Shield Shell Buckler Shell Buckler
Shield of Serenity Shield of Serenity Shield of Strength Shield of Strength Silver Shield Silver Shield Small Shield Small Shield
Spiked Shield Spiked Shield Sturdy Shield Sturdy Shield Sun Shield Sun Shield Swift Shield Swift Shield
Weathered Treasure Shield Weathered Treasure Shield Wise King Wise King's Shield Wooden Shield Wooden Shield


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