Mario & Luigi: Brothership

Twistee Island Walkthrough Guide

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Twistee Island is an Island located at Lushgreen Sea in Mario & Luigi: Brothership. See a map of Twistee Island, its location in Concordia, and how to unlock it.

Twistee Island Map and Location

Twistee Island Map

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List of All Islands and Islets

Twistee Island Location

Twistee Island can be found near the upper currents of the Lushgreen Sea.

Concordia Map

Twistee Island Grampy Turnip Location

Head West from the Starting Point

Map Image Overworld Image

After completing Twistee Island, head north from the starting point. From there, head west towards the Connectar Flowers and pull the turnip on the top of the ledge in the middle of the area.

All 18 Grampy Turnip Locations

Twistee Island Item Locations

So-So Hammer

So-So Hammer Location

There is a question mark block that contains a So-So Hammer located at the middlemost area of Twistee Island. You need a Hammer to destroy the two boulders blocking the way.

Twistee Island Walkthrough

Twistee Island First Visit

# Step by Step Objectives
1 MLB Twistee Island Launch
Regardless of which of Willma's children you decide to find first, you can find Maykit on Twistee Island.

Set sail to Twistee Island and use the Big Cannon on the right side of Shipshape Island to launch yourselves directly to the island.
2 MLB Twisten Sprout
Upon landing at Twistee Island, head north to trigger a cutscene featuring Maykit by the Lighthouse. You'll have to restore the Twisten Sprout to reach both Maykit and the Lighthouse.
3 MLB Emmit Dyode
From there, proceed east to the Island Plaza, where you'll encounter a group of distressed Concordian Dancers.

Emmit, one of the dancers, will ask for your help in finding MaxGlam Wax for Dyode. This wax will help the dancers in their performance and reviving the Twisten Sprout.
4 MLB Twistee Island Battles
Start your search for the MaxGlam Wax by heading northeast from the plaza. You can talk to the Green Concordian wearing shades along the way to learn more about the island and its points of interest.

Be prepared for battles along the way, as the forest will be teeming with enemies like Soreboars and Bumbleshoots.
Continue north until you reach a stone archway, where you'll see a Purple Concordian stuck above high ground, needing your help.
From the archway, head north and then east. Jump up the ledges on the right, where you'll find a Save Block. Be sure to save your progress before continuing!
7 MLB Moving Yellow Platform
Cross the bridge and jump onto the moving yellow platform when it comes close. Carefully leap from one moving platform to the next until you reach the high ground on the other side.
8 MLB Talk to Spiralia
Climb the blue-yellow ledge by pressing A, then use B to have Luigi catapult both of you above. Once you're up, jump down south and talk to Spiralia, the Purple Concordian.

She will ask for your help in carrying her back to her shop, which is located southeast of your current position.
With Spiralia in your hands, head to the stone archway near the Save Block and continue south. When traversing ledges, pass Spiralia to Luigi by pressing X, then let Mario jump up using A. Once Mario is up, pass Spiralia back to him so Luigi can jump over as well.

Mind the pink bugs along the way, as you'll be forced to begin the escort again if they touch Spiralia.
Turn right and drop her off safely in front of her shop. As a reward for helping her, Spiralia will give you the MaxGlam Wax.
11 MLB Green Pipe.png
Jump up the Green Pipe Block next to Spiralia's Shop to create a Green Pipe connecting back to the Island Plaza. Use the Green Pipe to fast-travel to the plaza.
12 MLB Return to Emmit Dyode
Return to Emmit and give him the MaxGlam Wax for Dyode. After a dance number by the duo, they’ll invite you to join in.
Match the rhythm and press A, B, X, or Y to make Mario and Luigi perform the Brother Groove. The sequence follows this pattern: A, B, A, B, Y, X.

Successfully completing the dance routine will revive the Twisten Sprout, creating a path to Maykit and the Lighthouse.
14 MLB Twistee Island Lighthouse
With the Twisten Sprout restored, head west and climb its leafy vines to the top. After a brief conversation with Maykit, jump up to the Lighthouse and press A to link Twistee Island back to Shipshape Island.
15 MLB Maykit Hammers
After a lengthy cutscene, you will be returned to Shipshape Island. If you found Maykit first, she'll build the hammers for you. These hammers will allow you to press buttons on walls, use hammers in combat, and smash open crates.

Otherwise, you've already found both of Willma's children and you move on to the next part of your adventure!

Relinking Twistee Island

# Step by Step Objectives
With Twistee Island separated from Shipshape Island, you'll need to return to the island to link it back.

Set sail to the southern part of Gulchrock Sea to find Twistee Island drifitng in a current. Once Shipshape Island is near, use the Big Cannon to launch yourselves directly to the island.
Upon your return, a Green Concordian will call for your help fending off Glohm Soreboars, initiating a battle.

Be cautious when battling Glohm Enemies, as their attacks can inflict the Glohm status ailment. Use an Ampberry to cure yourself from the ailment or take a 50% chance with a Refreshing Herb.
▶ How to Cure Status Ailments
After defeating the Glohm Soreboars, a lengthy cutscene will play, revealing that the island residents are under attack by Glohm Enemies and the Twisten Sprout has shrunk once again!
Head east to the Island Plaza, where you'll engage in another battle with Glohm Soreboars. Defeat the enemies to proceed.
Use the Green Pipe in the plaza to fast-travel to Spiralia's Shop. You'll then find Spiralia being pestered by Glohm Enemies, triggering a battle against them.
After helping Spiralia, use the Green Pipe next to her shop to return to the Island Plaza. Head to the stage, where Emmit and Dyode are surrounded by Glohm Soreboars. Defeat them in battle to save the dancers!
Emmit and Dyode will ask you to perform a dance routine once again. As before, match the rhythm and press A, B, X, or Y to make Mario and Luigi perform the Brother Groove.

The sequence follows this pattern: A, B, A, B, Y, X, A, B, A, B, Y, X, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, X.
Completing the dance routine will revive the Twisten Sprout once again. Head west and climb its leafy vines to the top.
Jump up to the Lighthouse and press A to relink Twistee Island back to Shipshape Island.

After a lengthy cutscene, you will be returned to Shipshape Island and move on to the next part of your adventure!

Story Walkthrough

Twistee Island Points of Interest

Concordia Hammer-Rally Minigame

Concordia Hammer-Rally Minigame

You can find the Hammer-Rally minigame in the middle of the plaza area of Twistee Island. Note that you need to unlock the Hammer during the main story to play this minigame.

How to Get 100 Hit Streak

Twistee Island Puzzles

How to Make the Flowers Bloom

Pull the Connectar Plug of the Island

Pull the Connectar Plug of the Island
When you first visit the island, you may come across paths that are inaccessible.

To solve this, you need to pull the connectar plug of the island. This causes flowers to bloom and allow you to cross them to reach the inaccessible areas.

Enemies in Twistee Island

All Enemies Found in Twistee Island

Enemy Enemy Tips
Soreboar Soreboar Interrupt Soreboar's second dash by stomping on its head during the first dash attack.
Big Soreboar Big Soreboar Interrupt Big Soreboar's second dash by stomping on its head during the first dash attack.
Bumbleshoot Bumbleshoot Bumbleshoot has two similar attacks that can throw off your jump timing. If it attacks quickly with a fake sweep, it will follow up with a forward spinning dash. When it hovers slowly above your head, it's preparing for a full sweep attack.
Bumbleshoot Bumbleshoot Bumbleshoot has two similar attacks that can throw off your jump timing. If it attacks quickly with a fake sweep, it will follow up with a forward spinning dash. When it hovers slowly above your head, it's preparing for a full sweep attack.
Glohm Bumbleshoot Glohm Bumbleshoot Glohm Bumbleshoot can counter your single attacks with its sweep attack.
Big Glohm Soreboar Big Glohm Soreboar Interrupt Big Glohm Soreboar's second dash by stomping on its head during the first dash attack.
Glohm Soreboar Glohm Soreboar The Glohmed version of Soreboar will put up a guard shield on itself, which makes it impervious to attacks. Be sure to strip it away with multiple attacks in order to damage it.

List of All Enemies

Twistee Island Shops

Item Shop

Map Image Overworld Image

The item shop is located at the plaza, south of Twistee Island.

Items Sold

Item Price
MushroomMushroom 10
1-Up Mushroom1-Up Mushroom 50
Refreshing HerbRefreshing Herb 20
Syrup JarSyrup Jar 20
NutNut 30
Boo BiscuitBoo Biscuit 5

Gear Shop

Map Image Overworld Image

The gear shop is located at the plaza, south of Twistee Island.

Gear Sold

Gear Price
Discount BootsDiscount Boots
So-So BootsSo-So Boots
Discount HammerDiscount Hammer
So-So HammerSo-So Hammer
Dirt-Cheap WearDirt-Cheap Wear
So-So WearSo-So Wear

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1 Anonymous2 months

There's a hidden block in the alcove to the right of the area with the block with the item in it. ... Sadly don't remember what was in it. Again, sorry about accidentally commenting this on Rumbla island when I meant to have this comment here.


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