Mario & Luigi: Brothership

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started

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Brothership Beginner

Here are some tips and tricks to know when starting Mario & Luigi: Brothership. Learn tips on field exploration, combat basics, and game progression in this beginner's guide!

Gameplay Tips

Gameplay Tips

Sail to New Seas and Currents

routes on Lushgreen Sea

The islands of Concordia had their links severed from the Uni-Tree and are now drifting further away in a vast sea. Board the Shipshape Island, a part ship, part island vessel, and sail along currents where these islands could have gone!

Discover and Explore New Islands

Rumba Island discovered

Keep an eye on new islands and islets and launch yourselves using the Shipshape's cannon. There, you will meet the island's locals, help solve their problems, and find a way to reconnect them to the Uni-Tree.

Link Back to Shipshape Island

Concordia with all the islands linked

Clear the main objectives of a drifting island to link it to the Shipshape Island. As they reconnect to the Uni-Tree, new side quests and areas will be unlocked!

Field Exploration Tips

Field Exploration Tips

Focus on Connecting on the First Visit

twirling to the top of the pillar

Whenever you find a new drifting island, it is best to focus on completing the main objectives first until it is reconnected to the Uni-Tree. Some areas won't be accessible on your first visit until you get the required item or ability elsewhere.

Revisit Islands After First Clear to Explore More Freely

platform unreachable with a regular jump

Most of the time, you won't be able to 100% an island right away on your first visit as some of its areas will be progress-locked, either by the story or a specific Bros. Move. Come back after making some progress for a smooth sailing journey!

Use Bros. Moves to Reach Previously Unavailable Areas

UFO Bros. Move

The Bros. Moves you unlock are the key to getting through certain obstacles while exploring!

Need to get to a distant platform but no beds to make a bridge out of? Use a Bros. Move that will let you fly like a UFO over the gap instead! Lava and giant ice spheres everywhere? Unleash your ice and fire powers with a Bros. Move and take turns clearing a path!

Of course, if you haven't unlocked the Bros. Move needed to reach an unexplored area, you can come back later once you do.

Do Side Quests While Sailing to New Currents

Accept every side quest you encounter and try to do them gradually while heading to new areas. It will save you a few trips this way and will almost, if not completely, be done by the time you return to the quest giver!

Combat Tips

Combat Tips

Get a First Strike if Able

enemy First Strike

Initiating a battle by attacking the enemy triggers a First Strike, which immediately damages all enemies at the beginning of the battle.

This can end a fight faster depending on the damage dealt as your enemies won't be starting with a full health. It can even knock out enemies instantly if you're strong enough!

Enemies Can First Strike Too!

If got caught off guard or mess up your timing in doing a First Strike and the enemy makes contact, they can steal this opportunity and trigger it themselves! This may cause the encounter to start with you on the defensive, so be alert!

Depending on the difference of the Speed stats, your enemies might take the first turns instead of you. Raise your Speed stat to ensure that you attack first regardless of who triggers the First Strike!

Timing and Patience is Key

perfectly timed dodges

When fighting enemies, the timing of each button press is everything. Attacks require precise timing to deal normal damage and allow follow-up attacks, as missing the window reduces their damage and ends the attack prematurely.

The same goes when defending against enemy attacks! Damage can be completely negated by memorizing attack patterns and knowing when to respond with a dodge or a counterattack.

Remember that each attack and ability has different "rhythms" and might require multiple uses to master so they can deal full damage!

Some Attacks Can Be Ineffective

Spiky enemies cannot be stomped on and Flying enemies cannot be hit with your hammer. Make sure to select type of attack that will guarantee a hit on your enemy.

Know When to Use Single and Multi-Target Moves

Multi-target Bros. Attack

Attacks and abilities can deal damage spread to multiple targets or focus all their force to a single enemy. Make every turn count by knowing which type of move to use.

Use Single Target for Stronger Enemies

Single target moves are best if you want to take out a single enemy ASAP, such as enemies that can inflict annoying status effects or enemies with dangerous attacks. They are also recommended to use against bosses!

Use Multi-Target Against Mobs

Multi-target moves usually deal less damage than single target moves, but they can clear mobs faster. These can also be used to whittle down the enemies' health, if more than one target is present, before finishing them off with a single target move.

Use Bros. Attacks for Stronger Moves

Mario during a Bros. Attack

Bros. Attacks are special moves where both Mario & Luigi dish out huge damage to the enemies! You'll be pressing both brothers' buttons with precise timing to deal continuous damage or charge up a devastating attack.

Use Battle Plugs That Suit Your Playstyle

Battle Plug activated

Equip the Battle Plugs that you obtain and try to match it with your playstyle and opponent! Each Battle Plug effect is triggered by specific conditions—like landing an attack with "Excellent" rating or attacking a flying enemy—and can give an upper hand with the right setup.

These can be switched on-the-fly even in the middle of combat, so be ready to adapt as the tides of battle shift.

All Tips and Tricks Guides

All Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Guides
How to Get Lucky How to Dodge and Counter
How to Change Difficulty How to Find Islands
How to Fish Stats Explained
Game Over: What Happens When You Die? How to Heal and Restore Health
How to Restore BP Fast Travel Guide
How to Cure Status Ailments How to Do Attack Combos
How to Do A First Strike How to Save

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