Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Kilanda Sulfur - How to Get and Uses

Kilanda Sulfur is a non-Material Item that can be found in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition (FFCC). Learn about where you can get it and what you can use it for in this guide.

Kilanda Sulfur - Basic Information

Buy Price Sell Price
50% discont on ferry rides

Can be Traded With Tristan (Ferryman)

Giving the item to Tristan will net you a permanent discount when travelling to Kilanda. This is extremely helpful if you want to grind in that dungeon on singleplayer as you will need to exit the area then ride the ferry again to return. This is not an issue when playing multiplayer as you have the option to try the dungeon again after clearing it.

How to Get Kilanda Sulfur

Obtained in the Inner Parts of the Dungeon

Kilana Sulfur.jpg
The Kilanda Sulfur is found on the chest no.3 on the 2nd area of the dungeon (refer to the map image above). The chest is not 100% guaranteed to contain the item so you may need to return to the dungeon to obtain it. The item is also much more common during the 3rd cycle of the dungeon.

Ferryman's Request


Two items are requested by Tristan. One is the Kilanda Sulfur and the other is the Cactus Flower. Both items will give the player a discount whent travelling to the area that hosts the said item. For more info about the sidequest, see the guide below.

Ferryman's Request Sidequest Walkthrough

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