Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

What Does Strength Do?

This is a guide about the Strength stat in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles:Remastered Edition (FFCC). Read on to see all information about the Strength stat including it's effect, how to increase it, and moves that benefits from the stat.

Strength Stat Effects

Increases Attack Damage

Normal Attack
Strength ÷ 5-Monster Def

As the name implies, the magic stat is a necessary stat for increasing your spell's damage. Each spell has it's own magic power which can be checked below.

List of All Strength Spells

Increases Focus Attack Damage

Focus Attacks

Focus Attack
(Power of Special Moves + Strength) ÷ 5 − Monster Def

The formula for Focus Attack Damage is highly similar to the formula for Spell damage. For a list of all Focus Attacks in the game, see the link below.

List of Focus Attacks and Magic Strikes

How to Increase Strength Stat

Consume Items

There are items that increase stats temporarily. This is true for the Strength stat as well. Below are the list of items that increases the magic stat.

Increased with Weapon

All Weapons have a modifier that increases your character's strength. The formula is a simple addition which takes your character's strength then adds the weapon's strength value to get your total strength stat.
List of All Weapons and Weapon Types


Collecting Artifacts that boosts the Strength stat is essential for characters like the Selkies and Lilties who has a natural affinity for attacking enemies.

List of All Artifacts | Artifact Effects

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