Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

How to Open Doors and Chests

This is a guide to opening doors and chests in Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H). Read on to learn how to use keys as well as abilities to open doors and chests that show up in battle.

Locked Doors and Chests

Doors Block Entry for Enemies and Allies Alike

Doors can be beneficial or harmful to your party. Having the ability to open doors is a good way to control the state of the battle in some areas.

Chests Contain Items or Weapons

Chests are commonly found in battlefields. They are locked by default and contain items that will prove beneficial for your army. Make sure to always open treasure chests to make your characters stronger!

How to Open Doors and Chests

Use Keys

Keys are items used to open locks in the game. They are pretty cheap, so you can buy them in the market place and equip them to your units before starting the battle.

Purchase Keys in the Market

Keys can be purchased in the market place before starting a battle. Since they are so cheap, they can be purchased in huge quantities.

Use Abilities

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Class Abilities like Locktouch is an easier and cheaper way to open doors and chests. Locktouch can be equipped by reclassing your units to a Thief or an Assassin. Similarly, Ashe's Lockpick ability provides the same effect as Locktouch, so if you have Ashe in your party, Doors and Chests will be really easy to open.

Use Convoy

Carrying a key in your inventory and giving it out to units that are near chests using Convoy is a good method to opening doors and chests. Just make sure that Byleth is near your party members to be able to do this!

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