Star Wars Outlaws

Akiva Interactive Map

Star Wars Outlaws - Akiva Interactive Map
This is Akiva's interactive map you can use in Star Wars Outlaws. See a map of Akiva, a list of treasure and intel locations, and other points of interest in this guide!

Akiva Interactive Map

The Interactive Map both shows the location of key points on the map, and doubles as a collectible checker.

  1. Click an icon on the right side to show all the pins of a specific type, or click the magnifying glass button to search for a specific pin by name.
  2. Click a pin on the map to see its name and description, and a relevant picture or video if available.
  3. From here, click Mark as Acquired to indicate that you've gotten a collectible already. This will change its icon on the map to show that it has been collected, and add 1 to that pin type's Counter.
  4. To undo this, click on the same pin and click Restore to unclaimed.
  5. To check how many pins you have marked so far, check the Counter in the bottom left, and click the icon that looks like a checklist to see counters for all pin types.
  6. If the collected pins start to get in the way, you can hide them all by clicking the green Show Pins button on the left side.
Icon How to Use
Name Button.png Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button.png Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins which you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button.png Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button.png Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a searchbar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button.png Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button.png All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter.png Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters.png View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.
Diablo 4 - Zoom In Zoom Out Icons.png Zoom In / Zoom Out
This icon is found on the top left side of the map. You can press these buttons, or use your scroll wheel while hovering, to Zoom In and Out of the interactive map.

Map Legend

Landmark Landmark Fast Travel Fast Travel Landing Zone Landing Zone
Syndicate Quests
Syndicate QuestSyndicate Quest Hutt Cartel Opportunity Hutt Cartel Quest Crimson Dawn Opportunity Crimson Dawn Quest
Pyke OpportunityPyke Syndicate Quest Ashiga Clan OpportunityAshiga Clan Quest Contract Broker Contract Broker
Sabacc QuestSabacc Location - -
Speeder Mechanic Speeder Mechanic Ship Mechanic Ship Mechanic
Merchant Vendor Scavenger Scavenger Tailor Tailor
Armorer Armorer Smuggler Smuggler Shuma Rogue MerchantShuma (Rogue Merchant)
SurvivalistSurvivalist TraderTrader
▶︎All Treasure Locations
Landmark Landmark Imperial CompoundCompounds Outpost Outposts
Nix Treasure Nix Treasure Hostile Camp Hostile Camps Cave Caves
Vault Vaults Galactic Street Food Galactic Street Food HideoutHideouts
Kessel Sabacc Syndicate Table Syndicate Tables Artifacts Artifacts Treasure Icon Smuggler Caches
Intel. Intel Expert Intel Expert Intel
Key Part Intel Key Part Intel Corrupt Imperial Officer Corrupt Imperial Officer
Money Farming Activities
Kessel Sabacc Syndicate Table Syndicate Table Fathier Racing Fathier Racing

Akiva Treasure Locations

All Akiva Treasures

Jump to a location!
Myrra Valley Karaba Foothills Mount Selasa
Hunter's Canopy Stormhollow The Great Basin

Myrra Valley

Found? Treasure Details
Location Name: Kowakian Den
How to Get: Keep on following Nix to reach the treasure.
Reward: Old Money
Location Name: Mozampa Farm
How to Get: The crate is found next to a big tree with Stormtroopers.
Reward: Saphire Camtono Trophy
Location Name: Pottery Shop
How to Get: The crate is found at the top of a structure, the player will have to use their Ion Blaster to lower down the ladder.
Reward: Scout II Trinket
Location Name: Rebel Hideout
How to Get: This area is accessible in The Legacy main quest. The crate is found behind a locked room in the second floor of Rebel Hideout, the player will have to use their Data Spike to unlock the door.
Reward: Iron Rebel Mask Trophy
Location Name: Salea’s Hand
How to Get: The crate is found on a small camp, the entrance to this camp can be found by heading left from the traveling merchant.
Reward: Jug Trinket
Location Name: Smuggler Cache 32
How to Get: The cache is found next to a wall with two boulders nearby.
Reward: Materials and Valuables
Location Name: Smuggler Cache 34
How to Get: The cache is on a platform, the player will have to use their rope to climb up here.
Reward: Materials and Valuables
Location Name: Wido’s Stash
How to Get: The crate is found in a junkyard.
Reward: Canister Trinket

Karaba Foothills

Found? Treasure Details
Location Name: Cache
How to Get: The cache will be beneath a boulder with a tree on top.
Reward: Bottles of Akivian Herb
Location Name: Crash Site
How to Get: The crate is on a platform next to a destructible rock, the player will have to use their rope to climb up here.
Reward: Wildland Finish
Location Name: Haunted Lair
How to Get: Follow Nix to reach the end of the path.
Reward: Smelly Bone
Location Name: Rogue’s Roost
How to Get: The crate is hidden behind a destructible rock, player will have to use their blaster to destroy the rock.
Reward: Kowak Ranger Paint Job
Location Name: Silent Grove
How to Get: The crate is found in a camp next to the campfire.
Reward: Blue Convor Paint Job
Location Name: Smuggler Cache 51
How to Get: The cache is buried next to a boulder west of Sashin.
Reward: Materials and Valuables
Location Name: Smuggler Cache 87
How to Get: The cache is buried next to some ruins near the Delma Water Tower.
Reward: Materials and Valuables

Mount Selasa

Found? Treasure Details
Location Name: Ahia-Ko Temple
How to Get: This crate is found on some ruins guarded by lizard enemies.
Reward: Carmine Coating
Location Name: Blackstone’s Retreat
How to Get: This crate is found inside a locked room, player will have to use their Data Spike to unlock the door.
Reward: Jarwal Bloom
Location Name: Goma’s Outlook
How to Get: This crate is found behind a destructible wall near a crashed ship, the player will have to use their blaster to destroy the wall.
Reward: Blaster Recirculator
Location Name: Imperial Outpost 79
How to Get: The crate is found inside a locked Outpost, player will have to use Nix to open the shutter outside and shoot with their Ion blaster to unlock the door.
Reward: IT-0 Interrogation Unit
Location Name: Research Station 57 Treasure 1
How to Get: This crate is found near the entrance on the west side.
Reward: MSE Droid Trophy
Location Name: Research Station 57 Treasure 2
How to Get: This crate is found in one of the labs with a plant specimen in the middle of the room.
Reward: Credits
Location Name: Research Station 57 Treasure 3
How to Get: This crate is found outside in the courtyard. It is also tagged as the Courtyard Cargo intel.
Reward: Ion Cell
Location Name: Research Station 57 Treasure 4
How to Get: This crate is found inside the vault in the middle of the compound’s courtyard.
Reward: Onyx Coating
Location Name: Smuggler Cache 02
How to Get: The cache is buried treasure on a platform, player will have to climb up and swing using the rope in order to get here.
Reward: Materials and Valuables
Location Name: Sodora Falls
How to Get: Follow Nix to the end of the path to acquire the treasure.
Reward: Talk Box

Hunter's Canopy

Found? Treasure Details


Found? Treasure Details
Location Name: Lanza’s Stash
How to Get: This crate is near the area where the player encounters a beast master, you will need to climb up rocks to get here.
Reward: Credits
Location Name: Pyke Crystal Mine Treasure 1
How to Get: The crate is behind a laser barrier protected by many guards, the player will have to get a keycard from one of the guards.
Reward: Akiva Thief Vest
Location Name: Pyke Crystal Mine Treasure 2
How to Get: The crate is on the right side where the mine carts are parked.
Reward: Seroryte Ore
Location Name: Pyke Crystal Mine Treasure 3
How to Get: The crate is behind a gate in the ruins of Pyke Crystal Mine, the player will need a Fusioncutter to get the treasure.
Reward: H-M Engine Power Core
Location Name: Pyke Guard Post
How to Get: The crate will be in the corner of a room inside the guard post.
Reward: Credits
Location Name: Pyke Signal Station
How to Get: The crate will be by a door and computer terminal inside the station.
Reward: Midnight Paint Job
Location Name: Pyke Staging Site
How to Get: This crate is in a tent on the ruins near the river.
Reward: Amber Stripe Finish
Location Name: Pyke Supply Site
How to Get: The crate will be inside a tent guarded by Pykes.
Reward: Direct-Energy Circuit
Location Name: Smuggler Cache 36
How to Get: This crate is in top of a boulder in Tree Tunnel.
Reward: Materials and Valuables
Location Name: Smuggler Cache 72
How to Get: This crate is on a small island-like area, the player will have to climb up rocks to get here.
Reward: Materials and Valuables
Location Name: Temple Ruins
How to Get: This crate is on top of ruins, the player can just follow Nix to get to the treasure.
Reward: Fruit Wrapper
Location Name: Tree Tunnel
How to Get: This crate is on a platform, the player will need to use their ion blaster and Nix to lower down the ladder.
Reward: Red Scarf

The Great Basin

Found? Treasure Details
Location Name: Entangled Island
How to Get: This crate is on top of a platform, the player will have to use their rope to climb up here.
Reward: Violet Brezak Paint Job
Location Name: Excavation Site 12 Treasure 1
How to Get: The crate is located inside a tent northwest of the site.
Reward: Blaster Recirculator
Location Name: Excavation Site 12 Treasure 2
How to Get: The crate is located inside a tent with cameras outside.
Reward: NL-02 Charge Emitter
Location Name: Excavation Site 12 Treasure 3
How to Get: The crate is located behind a laser barrier, the player will have to shoot a power cell to deactivate the barrier.
Reward: Cyclone Relic
Location Name: Excavation Site 12 Treasure 4
How to Get: After taking the turbolift down, head straight to your right and you will see the treasure
Reward: Ion Cell
Location Name: IG-24’s Stash
How to Get: This crate is in a small camp on a platform, the player will have to use their rope to climb up here.
Reward: Cloudscape Finish
Location Name: Kinro’s Blessing
How to Get: The crate is inside a locked room, the player will have to use their Data Spike to unlock the door
Reward: Clear Detail Finish
Location Name: Rover’s Lair
How to Get: The crate is in a room where you have to enter a vent, the player will have to use their Ion Blaster to open the vent.
Reward: Flux Compressor
Location Name: Smuggler Cache 38
How to Get: The crate is located in a small island, the player will have to climb to the top, break the wall with the blaster, and then use the rope to lower yourself down to reach the treasure.
Reward: Materials and Valuables
Location Name: Smuggler Cache 70
How to Get: The player will have to use their rope to swing into a platform, and then drop down to another platform to get to the treasure
Reward: Materials and Valuables
Location Name: The Bolthead
How to Get: The crate is located inside a locked vent, the player will have to shoot 3 power cells to unlock the vent.
Reward: Trans-Accelerator
Location Name: Xola’s Stash
How to Get: This crate can be found in the small cave.
Reward: Kamino Paint Job

All Treasure Locations

Akiva Intel Locations

All Akiva Intel

Intel Details
Star Wars Outlaws - MaynoraMaynora This intel is part of the Underworld Mail Service. The bala-bala mechanic in Sashin provided coordinates to the drop-off point.
Star Wars Outlaws - KazuKazu This intel is part of the Underworld Mail Service. The bala-bala mechanic in Sashin provided coordinates to the drop-off point.
Star Wars Outlaws - TrippTripp This intel is part of the Underworld Mail Service. The bala-bala mechanic in Sashin provided coordinates to the drop-off point.

Intel is gathered by speaking to NPCs and interacting with datapads you find in the overworld.

All Intel Locations and How to Unlock

Akiva Vendors Locations

All Akiva Vendors

Vendor and Faction Map Location Overworld Appearance
Akiva Adventurer
(No Faction)
Akiva Hutt Cartel Adventurer
(Hutt Cartel)
Akiva Pyke Syndicate Adventurer
(Pyke Syndicate)
Hutt Cartel Merchant
(Hutt Cartel)
Namda Eaakee
(No Faction)
Pyke Lookout
(Pyke Syndicate)

Merchants offer a range of services from materials, components, and even intel. Some merchants are allied with Syndicates, meaning having a good reputation with them lead to better deals and even exclusive items.

List of All Vendors

Akiva Points of Interest

All Akiva Fast Travel Points

Most fast travel points are unlocked once you are in proximity to the area. Some fast travel points will be located inside Syndicate territories which require having a good reputation to use.

Fast Travel Points
Mount Selasa Myrra Sasshin

All Fast Travel Points

Notable Locations


Myrra is the main spaceport of Akiva. This is where you first land on the planet. Be sure to roam around the area before venturing into the jungles of Akiva.

Myrra Interactive Map


Sashin is a small settlement hidden in the jungles. It holds another landing zone, and it is where Shuma usually sets up shop.
Sashin Interactive Map

Star Wars Outlaws Related Guides

Star Wars Outlaws Planets

List of All Planets and Locations

All Planets and City Maps

Open World Planets
Toshara Tatooine
Kijimi Akiva
Other Planets
Canto Bight / Cantonica
City and POI Maps
Mirogana Jaunta's Hope
Mos Eisley Bestine
Myrra Sashin
Space Stations
Renpalli Station Achra Station
Orbit Maps
Toshara Orbit Tatooine Orbit
Kijimi Orbit Akiva Orbit


1 Brolin26 days

missing a couple fast travel points on the map. one in the Pyke Crystal Mine and one in Hutt Poaching Outpost


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